The DJ himself

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There's Cody, BTW. Realized I didn't show what he looked like lol

Cody followed behind Naida and the elite octotrooper closely. The Octotrooper said nothing as she stopped in front of a door with a simple nod to Naida "thank you, trooper. Come now, Cody. Time for you to meet my father." Naida said as she opened the door, Cody nodded and followed her in. The room wasn't exactly a war room, nor a bedroom. Just a lougeish area with a fireplace, some windows facing out towards a common area outside for Octarians, and chairs. Two of them were filled by a Octarian woman, and DJ Octavio himself.

 Two of them were filled by a Octarian woman, and DJ Octavio himself

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Octavio, who was pretty tall even out of his octopus form, looked like he was shaking in anger, while the woman looked coldly into the fire while sipping her tea

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Octavio, who was pretty tall even out of his octopus form, looked like he was shaking in anger, while the woman looked coldly into the fire while sipping her tea. Octavio's anger seemed to have disappeared when he saw Naida. Immediately standing up and going in for a hug "there's my daughter!" He shouted while pulling her into a bear hug, Naida laughed, hugging back "hello, father. How did the fight with Agent 4 go?" She asked after Octavio let her go "I lost him, and Callie. She's definitely back with Agent 2 and Cuttlefish by now. Jury's still out on Agent 4, he's either super jumped back to that blasted Squidbeak Splatoon or he's still stuck here. I'm hoping the latter, it'd be good to have some leverage for when they send someone else after the Great Zap Fish." Octavio said Naida began to ponder the info she just heard "maybe get the Elites on it? They're the best for a reason." She said Octavio chuckled "right on, Sweetheart. I'm planning on- hey, whose he?" Octavio turned his attention to Cody "uh, this is my new attendant." Naida said putting both her hands on Cody's shoulders "Anastacia, had, uh, family carp, I think, and she quit. So, I had Cody rushed out here. He's pretty chill, but since I got him out here so soon he didn't have much time to get more, uh, formal attire together." She said Octavio nodded his head in understanding "aw, you know me, sweetheart. Can barely keep track anymore. But, I'm sure Marcus vetted him just fine." Octavio patted her shoulder with his tentacle arm, the woman set down her tea and looked at Cody with slight interest "hey, Ember, be nice. Can't scare this one away too." Octavio said "please, I'd like to make sure that my niece is taken care of by the right people, Octavio" she scoffed then extended her hand to Cody "General Mason, Cody." Cody shook her hand "it's an honor" he said Ember giggled "why thank you, young man. But, I should go see how my Elites are doing. Stay safe you all." Ember then walked past them all, and left the room "one of my best Generals right there. But, I've gotta go back to squid hunting too, and Zap Fish guarding." Octavio said "yeah, we've done so much to get it back too." Naida replied "I'm just hoping that there's another way." She said, hugging herself, Octavio kneeled down and gently put both his hand and tentacle on her arms "I know sweetheart, but we both know that those squids made their move waay back in the Great Turf War. They're just upset because we're making ours now." He kissed her forehead "you'll know where I'm coming from once you get on the throne. I just hope that I take care of this before you ever have to worry about taking the throne." He them got up and left. Cody looked at Naida, who did seem legitimately upset, not just acting "y'know, I hope we figure out something too." He said "not at this rate." She replied bitterly "this problem can't be fixed by violence alone." She took Ember's seat, gesturing for Cody to take another of the chairs, as he did Naida looked out the windows, maybe hoping to see something different than what was there. "So, how did I do..?" Cody said after a long bout of silence "I'd say we had them. It just hurts a bit to be lying to them. You heard how they were. It's just a few leagues above what I'm used too, I guess." Naida brought her knees up to her chin and rested her head on them. The chairs themselves were more catered towards Octavio's height. So neither of them took up that much space. Cody found himself sitting on the edge of his seat, leaning forward a bit. While Naida looked like she was trying to hide away in the chair's large back. Both just sat for awhile lost in their thoughts, and listening to the crackling of the fire

Second chapter done. I'll take it, hope this was a pretty good intro to Octavio and Ember. Both will get some more time to develop a bit, on top of other characters I plan to introduce.

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