Happy Splatoween

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Marcus and Marina ran into the room, a small octotrooper stood at the main computer panel, then squeaked with surprise and backed away once the Ida siblings were noticed.

Then there was Dr. Gros' grumpy expression present on the screen, "hello, children" she said "what have you done to Naida!" Marcus demanded "ohhh, temper, temper" the doctor cooed, almost trying to sound like Marcus' mother when he was a small child "Naida is just fine, nothing to worry about." Marcus slammed his hands down on the panel "your a liar, Gros!" He shouted, Marina gently put a hand on his shoulder with a soft smile on her face, he sighed and crossed him arms, mumbling something under his breath.

"What do you want, Dr. Gros?" Marina asked "I have a proposition for you all, and to deliver said proposition to Octavio." Dr. Gros responded, just then, Octavio and Ember then burst into the room, Octavio panting, Ember looking a little out of breath "you." Octavio said, eyes burning with hate "when I get my hands on you, I will tear you apart." He said, leaning on the panel "just you wait." Dr. Gros chuckled "I'd like to see you try, sir. You haven't even been able to find a hint of where I am." Octavio growled "I'll find you, I like a challenge." Dr. Gros waved her hand in dismissal "but back to the proposition I have" she said "what proposition?" Octavio asked "a trade if you will, you give yourself up to me, I give Naida back." Gros explained, Octavio looked down at his feet "you seriously can't be considering this." Ember said "you'd be thinking the same thing if that was Aiden, Em." Octavio replied "I have no use of him, if that's any consolation, Commander." Dr. Gros chimed in "I don't need the status he has, but-"

"Hey, doc! I'm back." Naida announced "you insolent child! Can you not read all of a sudden!?" Gros asked "relax, Doc, just got the thing you asked f- oh! Hey, Dad!" Naida moved passed the doctor with a big smile on her face "how've you been?" She asked "uh, could be better, sweetie." Octavio said, Naida became to formulate a response, but her hypnoshades flashed a quick red lined pattern, and she put a hand to her head "what..?" She looked around almost confusedly "your doing a great job at being a pain, your majesty." Gros grabbed Naida by her arm and shoulder and ushered her out, shouting order to some unseen people out of the room. She then slammed the door in frustration and rubbed her temples "you have two days to decide. Marina has no doubt been trying to triangulate where I am through this call. So just ask her where I am. Good day." The call was ended, Octavio turned to Marina "uh, would ya' mind?" He asked "yep, no problem." She started typing away "so, are we actually going to entertain the idea?" Marcus asked "no, we're not. We're just going to go get Naida back ourselves." Ember responded "yeah...what Ember said." Octavio looked back down at his feet again. He hated this...dread, he just wanted his daughter back. That's all.


So while things were really sucking at the moment, there was also a Splatfest that was about to start, so Pearl and Marina had to go do that. Cody and Marcus went for moral support, plus, Marcus had never seen a Splatfest before and was a little excited. Cody was just leaning on the wall of Ammo Knights when he noticed someone across the way. Someone was wearing a Kyonshi hat, weird. That gear wasn't supposed to be out til after Splatoween.

Then the person ducked into the alley, and so Cody followed them, wasn't to hard to follow, walked past an old subway station tunnel, to bad it had been out of service even before the square opened. He went through the slightly ajar side door into what turned out to be Off The Hook's studio. Uh-oh, Cody didn't like this. Didn't have his weapon on him, bad idea. He picked up a mop, a bit crude, but if it works, it works. Through another door, now he was looking at the square, and there was a familiar Octarian queen. He swallowed "what are you doing here, Naida?" He asked, she turned around, holding Marina's laptop "oh, y'know, just a errand or two." She replied "bad idea to follow me with just that dinky thing." She giggled and pointed at Cody's mop "put it back, Naida, please." He responded "sorry, can't do that." She said, then threw a folding chair at him. Cody blocked it with the mop but was thrown to the floor and jumped over. He could hear Naida dashing out the door and he quickly pulled himself back up and ran after her and back out into the square.

Pearl and Marina were looking at each other with panic on they're faces. "Don't worry!" Cody shouted up at them "I'll get her!" He then sank into the grate and back into Octo Valley. Only to almost get punched, he ducked but was pushed back and dragged towards the edge. Naida held him by his shirt collar "so, what're you up to tonight?" She asked, he blushed a little "are you kidding me, Naida!?" She giggled "what? I haven't seen you in a bit." Her hypnoshades flashed red again, Cody could feel her grip loosen ever slightly "N-Naida!" He said, but he was quickly pulled back onto his feet.

Naida half sat down half fell onto the slanted ground of the grate platform, holding her head, Marina's laptop slipping out from her arm "C-Cody..?" She asked "what's happening?" Cody hugged her "it's ok, I've got you. It'll all be ok." She looked at him with a sort of dazed expression, and Cody began reaching for the shades. But they flashed with color and she punched him "you ever heard of personal space?!" She yelled, scrambling to her feet, snagging the laptop and holding it close. She looked scared almost now, Naida sniffled, shook her head, and superjumped away.

Which left Cody alone. Callie and Marie had left for Octopia Palace that morning in order to help in the scouting efforts. He would just have to wait til they met up in Suction Cup Lookout then.

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