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"You think this'll work?" Cody asked "it'll have too, if I'm sent home, you'd have to come with me too. Which will make getting you back to Inkopolis even harder, if not impossible." Naida responded "so we need to do this now, Dad won't be distracted for forever." Cody nodded, as he continued to follow her "why don't we run though the plan again." He said, Naida nodded "we get though the inner workings of HQ, then once we get topside, or at least to where you fought Dad, you super jump out of here and go back to your Squidbeak Splatoon. I'll go back down and say that you quit because your Mom needed a caretaker. Then we forget we ever met." She finished

"we have to forget?" Cody asked "that wasn't originally part of the plan, Nai." Cody said "I know, I know, just, I can't help you all the time. Especially now that my Dad's getting desperate, something about how Dr. Gros needs time to upgrade and repair the octobosses. So the he's putting everything into moving and guarding the Great Zap Fish." She replied "yeah, I guess." Was Cody's response, sure, it'd only been a week since him and Naida met and threw on this whole charade. But he didn't hate her, she was pretty chill and down to earth. Plus she wasn't all that keen on the fighting that was going on, and wanted to find other solutions. Naida stopped at the edge of a wall, putting a finger to her lips. Cody froze, two octotroopers scooted by on their little carts.

After they scooted by Naida poked her head around the corner before gesturing for Cody to follow her, his hero gear was in a backpack that was slung over his shoulder, he had his hero shot, and had debated using it. But he didn't want to upset Naida, so he decided against it. His makeup had been washed off, and he'd ditched his semi-formal outfit. Now he was back in the first outfit he'd been given. The two hopped into an elevator, the silence was awkward. "I wish you the best." Cody said, Naida smiled "thanks, Cody" she punched his arm halfheartedly. The elevator opened with a ding and the two stepped out. Naida took in a breath "alright, just up those stairs and you'll be back on the main stage where you fought my Dad. Then you can super jump back to the Squidbeak Splatoon. Hang in there for me, ok?" She extended her hand, Cody shook his hand and hugged her "thank you for helping me. I hope I can see you again." He said and he let go "I'm glad I was able to help. You can pay me back by not getting splatted." She said Cody smiled and began to ascend the stairs, he wiped off the makeup covering his mask only to bump into someone and fall back down the stairs.

"Cody!" Naida shouted before rushing to his side "Naida?" A voice said, both looked up only to see Octavio standing above them "what is this, Naida?" He demanded going down the stairs "heeyyy, Dad..." Naida replied nervously "why are you helping that inkling, Naida?" Octavio asked again "I..." She trailed off "because she's not heartless and crazy." Cody got up facing towards the Octarian king "stay out of this, 4. You have no business knowing my daughter." He said "well, I do!" Cody shouted back "and the fact your not listening to common sense from your own daughter just proves how crazy you are!" Octavio's hand and tentacle balled into fists "you know nothing of what happened all those years ago, and why I'm doing this!" He began to step towards Cody "Dad, stop!" Naida stood between them "please, just stop this" Naida looked up at her father with full puppy dog eyes. Octavio only glared, hatred and anger came from him "move, Naida." He ordered "no." She replied, her aura suddenly matching Octavio's harshness "I said, get out of the way!" Octavio then grabbed Naida with his tentacle arm and practically threw her towards the nearby wall. She crashed into it with a hard thud. Naida cried out from being thrown and hitting the wall. Octavio suddenly realized what he had done "s-sweetie, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too..." Naida put a hand to her head, black ink covering her palm. A small horrified squeak came from the Octarian Princess. Cody quickly reacted by throwing down a splat bomb and picking Naida up. Octavio had to dive to not be splatted, although purple ink still splattered onto his kimono and skin. Cody ran up the stairs leading up to the sandy stage where he had fought Octavio the first time "hold on tight" he said as he super jumped with her in his arms. He honestly wasn't sure if sure if he could hold onto her while in squid form, but he managed too. "C'mon, Nai." He said as he stood on the grate leading out. "Agent 4!" And angry shout came across the stage, Octavio had returned with his octobrush in hand. As the two slipped through the grate more angry shouting could be heard.

The two hid on a high up platform by another stage kettle. Cody held Naida close, Naida had a hand clamped over her mouth trying to muffle her sobs, tears streaming down her face. Octavio then surfaced from below on top of the boss kettle "4! What have you done to my daughter!?" Cody peaked over the ledge, the Octarian King was stepping onto one of the UFO platforms that lead to a different kettle "we've gotta get out of here, it'll all be ok, alright? But just hold on." Naida nodded before letting herself be scooped up once again and super jumping towards the next kettle. With enough effort, the two finally made it back to the Tentakeel Outpost.

Marie and Callie had been sitting at the Cuttlefish Cabin for a few hours now. Searching for Agent 4 had proved to be futile and risky. To many patrols with the Octolites around, one in particular seemed to be very determined with her work of hunting down inklings. They're quiet moment with hit chocolate was soon ended by someone shouting they're names "Callie! Marie!" Agent 4 soon rounded the corner to the Outpost, holding Naida's one hand, while her other was still holding the spot bleeding on her head "you guys got bandages? Naida got thrown around a bit..." Marie only stood up, but remained frozen from the shock. "I'm on it!" Callie quickly ducked into the cabin to retrieve the first aid kit, when she reappeared Naida was sat down while Cody still held her hand, Marie half hovered over the sniffling princess. Naida began to reach for the first aid kit, but Callie swatted away her hand and smiled "don't worry, I've got ya' covered." Before starting to bandage the wound, once the injury was covered Callie began to retract her hands but Naida grabbed one of her wrists "Callie...I'm sorry, on the behalf of my father, and his court, I apologize for what happened to you. And I am sorry that I did nothing to help you." The inkling sat next to her "don't sweat it, ok? The idea to kidnap and brainwash me wasn't your idea. It was Octavio's, I don't have any ill will towards you." Naida smiled, then sniffled "thank you."

"So, what happened?" Marie asked, Cody rubbed the back of his neck "well, after I got knocked off of the stage. Naida found me, she managed to pass me off as her new attendant, and I even met some of her family. But when she tried to get me out I ran smack dap into Octavio. By then the make-up we used I wiped off, and he didn't take it well. So he shoved Naida into a wall, and she hit her head to hard, hence why she's bleeding." Naida nodded "after the initial shock wore off, Cody sent a splat bomb my Dad's way, and he picked me up and ran. We got chased for a bit, but we lost him." She hid her face in her hands "I always knew he had a temper, but he'd never hit me before." Callie put a hand on her shoulder in comfort "why don't you sleep on this for a bit. I can make pancakes in the morning." Marie seemed to grimace at that last part, Callie laughed "you can make some waffles if you want, Marie." The second agent of the Squidbeak Splatoon stuck out her tongue in retaliation

Sorry this took so long to get out, just kinda burnt out after releasing the first 3 chapters. Stay fresh!

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