Anger and reunions

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A loud melodic tune began to blare in the Octarian Capital. Two superstars of the Octarians, famed sisters Tako and Yaki Hoshiko were much like the Squid Sisters of Inkopolis.

"Oh my Cod, Tako! This just in! News straight from his majesty himself!" Yaki shouted, she looked over the paper handed to her by her producer, and gulped "it's not good news, Yaki." The shy sister handed the paper over to her more extroverted other half. The gold haired Octarian's eyes widened after reading it "Princess Naida's been octonapped!" She cried Tako put a hand on her sister's shoulder to calm her down, Yaki nodded and continued "King Octavio has asked that everyone be on the lookout for an Inkling with purple tentacles, and black glasses. He's a part of the Squidbeak Splatoon, also known as Agent 4. If you see the Inkling Callie, also call it in, because she's escaped custody and could be on the loose still." Yaki handed the paper back to Tako, the blue haired Octarian cleared her throat "The Great Zap Fish is still in our possession. Power is expected to stay on, have hope, our soldiers are searching relentlessly for her highness, Callie, and the rest of the Squidbeak Splatoon." The two then posed and shouted "Sport your colors!" And then the broadcast ended.

While in Octopia Palace

Octavio threw a remote at the large TV with an angry shout. His council sat at the large table, all with degrees of "here we go again". Agatha Melle, the weapons expert, Doctor Melissa Gros, head engineer and scientist for the Octarians, Marcus Ida, head historian, Ember Mason, Commander of the military, and Kai Mason, head of domestic affairs. The Octarian King paced angrily "she lied to me! She lied to us! And I scared her away! Cuttlefish is probably having the time of his life picking her brain!" Octavio sighed heavily before sitting down at the head of the table and rubbing his temples "what are we looking at?" Ember only shook her head "nothing, sir."

Octavio slumped over more, now using his hand to hold his forehead "uh, sir?, both of you might need time to think. I didn't grow up with her for nothing, and given the events that just happened, you both could use some time apart." Marcus said "we also need to be working on securing The Great Zap Fish, with Callie and Naida gone, should the worst come to pass. The Inklings will know how we protect our assets." Dr. Gros then tapped her cheek with her finger "although Ms. Ida certainly hasn't been making her presence known." Marcus stood up "leave my sister out of this!" He pointed at her accusingly, the Doctor put her hands up in mock surrender "enough, both of you." Kai hissed, then reached for his wife's hand. Ember gave a slight smile in return "I don't care who does. Just find my daughter." Octavio's tone became sharper and sharper with each word "meeting adjurned." Octavio stood up and turned away from his council, he pulled back the curtain, and looked out the window longingly. As the council filed out slowly, Dr. Gros looked back for a moment and watching Octavio sigh. She then turned and left.
Tentakeel Outpost

"Morning, Naida!" Callie said as Naida got off the futon she was given for the night "morning, Callie" she yawned after she finished her sentence "how are you so energetic in the morning?" She asked, Callie shrugged "always have been, I guess." Marie nodded "she definitely always has been. Back when we were little she'd be hounding me at 6am, half the time the sun wasn't even up yet." Naida shook her head in disgust "but the mornings are the best!" Callie said in protest "the sunrise, birds chirping, oh, and the smell of a yummy breakfast!" She said, Marie simply rolled her eyes, Naida laughed nervously, she was still getting used to her new surroundings. Sure, she'd travel a fair bit alongside Octavio and the rest of her family, but she'd definitely never been in Inkling territory, that was for sure. She remembered the occasional trips on her father's train when alternate power sources decided to work. Steam power was one of the more favorable alternatives, hydroelectricity also had it's uses.

The sound of the train would always get her excited as a child, nonetheless the atmosphere, the Octolites who would slip her candy when Octavio or someone else of that kind wasn't looking, being sprawled out on the one of the exotic and lush carpets with her toys, or reading while tucked into her Father's side as he played his Shamisen or Koto. She didn't always remember the destinations of they're train rides, just that she had fun while aboard and wherever they stopped. Every once and awhile her friends would be allowed to join her on Octavio's trips. Those were always the best, being able to have they're own adventures in a new environment and with constantly changing sights proved to be very entertaining for the young octolings. Aiden, Marcus, Mar-

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