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"what if I screw this up?" Naida asked "don't worry, Nai. You'll do great, you've done loads of interviews before, it's the same ol' deal. Plus, we'll be right here in case things go wrong." Marcus said "mhm, your the queen now. Things end when you want them to end." Ember replied, Naida nodded "right..." Ember put a hand on her shoulder in order to reassure her "you can do this, I believe in you." A producer came around "we're ready to roll whenever you are, your Majesty." He said nervously "go ahead and start everything, I'm ready, Mr. Ottoman." The Octarian nodded before hobbling off to get things rolling. Naida looked across the set to see Tako and Yaki talking. Yaki, upon seeing Naida, smiled and waved, getting the same in return. Three chairs and a table with a couple drinks were produced for the show, as it would be a considerably longer one compared to the usual minutes or two segments.

As the usual intro for the show began, Yaki began with "and, we've been lucky enough to host her Majesty, Queen Naida!" She then flopped onto her seat, Tako sat down gently, and Naida walked into view before taking her seat "good morning, Octopia." She said and make a peace sign with her hands "great to have you back, especially after everything. We've got plenty of questions to ask, you ready?" Yaki asked "you know it." Naida replied before taking a sip of her drink "where's DJ Octavio now?" Tako asked "my Father is still in Inkling custody. The leaders of the Squidbeak Splatoon and I agreed that it would be best until the political sphere here calmed down, and he could be taken home safely." Naida said "do you still talk to him? And what was it like with the Squidbeak Splatoon?" Naida nodded "I text him pretty often. But we keep politics out of the conversation. The Squidbeak Splatoon was...something..." She still remembered that time with Cody and the stingray, "something", indeed. "Is that a good something or a bad something?" Tako asked "to be honest, no idea." Naida responded "but they are being civil, and negotiations are ongoing." She stated Marcus gave a thumbs up from behind the camera with a big smile, plus trying to describe the enemy was a hard question "care to let us in on anything in the works?" Yaki asked again "mostly just trying to further any ways of alternative energy to the Great Zapfish. It's it's own being at this point, that chooses to stay with the Inklings. It was pretty unhappy while with us, and I don't think anyone wants to try and get the thing a third time. Naida stated, that was one thing she wasn't even gonna entertain the idea of. "To much work for so little gain, huh? Yeah, guess that's fair. Things seem to be stabilizing anyway. Power rationing seems to be passing too." Tako said "yes, the council and I are trying to make power rationing a thing of the past." The Queen took a breath "as well as the hypnoshades." She said.

Both idols gasped "really?" Tako asked, sure, there had been huge pullbacks of Octavio's policies, and everything had been on the up and up, but this? The hypnoshades had been apart of the Octarian military forever ago, long before she or Yaki was born "yes, they're use in the military is unjust, and unnecessary. We had no reason to steal the Great Zapfish when alternative energy was worked almost as well. Forcing those who didn't agree to fall in line, was also cruel, and I've always had problems with it. Now, I'm changing it." She stated sternly, then took a sip of her drink "that', your Majesty." Yaki said, clearly wanting to process what she just heard

"uh, next question" Tako sat up a bit "any idea when your coronation will be?" She asked "c-coronation? I wasn't planning to have one. Given everything, I wanted to solve all problems before I even began to entertain such an idea. I guess, maybe." Naida replied "I thought it would be cool. All the celebrations, the grandeur, could be really fun for the whole country." Yaki said, Naida pondered, then looked at Marcus, who gave a shrug. Sights lined up, take the shot, she guessed "I'll take it into consideration. Things have been at a lull as of late."

The interview soon came to an end, and Naida returned to the Palace. She then pulled out her phone to text Octavio:

OctoQueen: Daaaaaad!

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: you did great, I was watching

OctoQueen: but what if people thing I did badly?

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: I don't think you did bad, handled it pretty well, I'd say. You probably should have a coronation tho. Be good for morale

OctoQueen: I mean, we still have the hair pin

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: I never wear that thing in combat. To easy to loose

OctoQueen: but I want you to be there, your my Dad

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: that probably wouldn't go well, sweetheart

OctoQueen: :(((((

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: I know, I know. But go have some fun, plus, you can finally stick it to everywhere that your there to stay

OctoQueen: guess so, yeah. Like I was saying, I want everything to be dealt with before I really start thinking of myself

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: and that's a good thing to do. But things are being dealt with, and are running smoothly. Go think of yourself now

OctoQueen: I'll run it be the council, see what they think

XxxSpicyWasabixxX: you deserve some fun, child. Go have it

OctoQueen: yes, Dad

Naida put her phone on her bedside table, then sighed. Someone then knocked on her door "Naida?" Cody asked through it "come in." She sat up as Cody entered "thought I'd come say hi." He sat on the bed next to her "we haven't been able to hang out much ever since we came. Not that that's completely bad, you've got a lot to worry about now." He said "yeah, I know. But everyone is saying to enjoy myself for a bit. I feel bad though, I'm not done fixing things." Naida replied "overworking yourself isn't good either, y'know." Cody said "do you think your Dad will be back soon?" He asked "I dunno, he says to go ahead and have a coronation without him. But the transition of power would go even smoother if he was there. But I also don't want to make Callie and Marie mad either." Naida started messing with a loose thread on a blanket, Cody laid down next to her "I don't think it'll make them mad, maybe Callie would even want to stick around for the party. Plus it could easy tensions." He slowly reached for her hand in order to try and reassure her, Naida didn't yank her hand away, just scooted closer to him for a hug. Cody hesitated for a second, then hugged back "thank you, for everything." She said Cody smiled and rubbed her back "don't mention it, we're friends, and friends have each other's backs." Naida sighed "yeah, friends."

Another chapter, done and dusted. Happy Pride month my fellow homosexuals.

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