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It was about 1 or 2am in Inkopolius, Cody, as per usual, was up studying. He'd always been a bit of a workaholic, but he'd been learning more Octarian recently. He'd always known the basics, and could guess what was being said with context. But he was trying to delve deeper into Octarian territory to help in the search for Naida, but he'd busted up his foot on his most recent run.

So he was back in Inkopolius, studying. Marcus had been kind enough to help come up with worksheets and then try and start conversations in full Octarian. Although, he was lucky Naida had already known Inkish, that most higher up Octarians already knew Inkish. He couldn't remember the exact reason, but they did.

Marie would stop by often with Callie, to just make sure he wasn't left alone with his thoughts for to long, make him some food, and also help with his lessons. Pearl and Marina weren't answering his texts, and he didn't have Octavio's number yet. They're relationship was a bit weird right now. They had a mutual respect for each other at the moment, and when they didn't hate each other they could work pretty well together. Hell, once Marina got Octavio out of his funk the two of them were going into the undercities of Octopia trying to find Naida.

Those undercities, man. The deeper the Octarian domes got, the weirder the citizens got. The last time he'd gone he was with Aiden and Octavio. There they met an Octarian who was taller than Octavio, and the former king was considered freakishly tall by most standards. Doesn't help that the guy had deep blue skin with a tentacle color of a lilac-ish purple. But this Octarian was a gentile giant, and he spoke very slowly, and regretfully said he hadn't seen Naida, or anyone matching her description anywhere, and wished them luck on they're search. Cody wasn't entirely sure if he understood that Naida was they're queen. But it didn't really matter because still no leads. Then he'd gotten his foot jacked up by twisting his ankle like an idiot, and Octavio had to carry him back. That was pretty embarrassing.

He'd been listening to music while he worked because it helped keep him awake. His sleep schedule had kinda been trash too, Naida couldn't have been gone, there was so much he needed to tell her, show her. Cod, he was even willing to try that place she said was better than Crusty Shawn's. He just wanted her back.

And then there she was, beautiful as ever. He managed to get out of his chair, but didn't grab his crutch and tripped on himself, crashing into the floor. He couldn't really make out the room to much, did he hit his head to hard? Naida only shook her head, knelt down, and helped him up. Where were all those words now?

A good "are you ok?" Or "I'm happy to see you"?

She touched his cheek, and smiled. Then got ripped away from him by blue tentacles.

Cody jerked awake. All a dream, huh? Dang, about time he should listen to Marie. Turning off his music and light, he flopped onto his bed. He'd kick himself for not pulling his crutch closer to the bed tomorrow, but that was future Cody's problem.


Color pulse is what Cody woke up too. So Cody began feeling around for his phone;

Answering with a groggy "hello?"

"Hey, Cody! It's me!" Marina said happily

"Oh, morning, Marina." He replied

"Morning? Uh, how late were you up again? It's 2pm." She said

"Ah, shoot, I don't remember how late I was up, but it was late." Cody responded

Marina sighed "well, you be happy to know who we found, but unfortunately-!"

"You found Naida!?" He shouted, shooting up from laying down "Where are you guys, I'll meet you!"

"That's the problem, unfortunately, we can't get to her right now. But Pearl, Octavio, and I have been texting her, she's doing as well as she can be. She's also found Cap'n Cuttlefish, uh, Marie and Callie's grandfather. She's also found Okuto, although she's going by 401 at the moment." Marina explained

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