At ease, everyone

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Bright and early, just like Naida said. Everyone was mostly groggy. It would take a few hours to get back to Octopia Palace, hence, why they were leaving so early.

Naida sighed, she was nervous as heck. This was an absolute disaster. Would she be a good queen? Well, at the moment, anything seemed better than her Father. "Don't worry, sweetie. Everyone loves you." Octavio tried to calm her nerves, it would be the last time they would see each other for awhile. It scared the both of them, Octavio was also only playing nice because he didn't want to make things worse for Naida. "Still, Dad. There's so many things that can go wrong." She replied "don't treat it like failure is inevitable. That's how things do go wrong. You've just gotta pick up the pieces and keep going." Octavio said "yeah, how'd that go?" Pearl asked as she walked by "you can't comment." Octavio hissed "not right now, old man." Naida pinched the bridge of her nose then sighed "alright, time to go." She picked up her backpack, Pearl nodded, "bye, Dad." Naida said quietly "bye, sweetheart." Octavio said, looking solemn "be safe you guys. We'll hold down the fort." Callie said with a smile "yeah, keep us updated, 'kay?" Marie asked "can do." Cody gave a thumbs up "after you, your majesty." Marina said while looking at Naida, she groaned "don't go there just yet, alright?" She then superjumped down to Cephalon HQ, followed by the others.


After reaching the core of the base, they were met by Ember "there you are, Naida! Thank Cod your ok!" She hugged her "I was so worried..." Naida returned the hug "I'm alright, Auntie. Dad is too, he's just cranky." Ember looked at her quizzically "why didn't he come with you?" She asked "We felt it was best for him to stay in his snow globe until everything settles down a bit." Marina interjected "Marina?" Ember asked "h-hey" she replied quietly, Ember smiled and put a hand on her shoulder "Marcus will be glad to know that your ok." The Octarian Commander then turned to the group "the council will be in the meeting hall when you all arrive, as you asked, your majesty. I myself will be there. The rest of the staff will get the rest of you situated. What your agreement is with Naida, can be my problem later. For now, let's go home." Ember soon stepped aside with a bow towards Naida "after you, your majesty." She said, Naida looked uneasy, she took a deep breath, "c'mon, guys. We've got work to do." She then stepped into the railcar, mentally preparing for the mess that awaited her.


The ride was only 4 hours. For Naida, it felt like 4 days. Her stomach was in knots and no matter how much reassurance she got, she was nervous. Just now, she had to look like she was confident, or else others would try to take advantage of her. That couldn't happen, Octavio had his own ways of dealing with those who tried to medal in his affairs. But she didn't want to be completely like him, that's what started this whole mess. Pearl had been busy looking out the many windows.

They had changed transports by now, now they were on a tramcar racing towards Octopia Palace. Cody came by and held her hand "y'know we've got your back, right?" He squeezed her hand "yeah, I know. Still nervous. Until everything settles I'm gonna be a wreck." Naida replied, Cody nodded understandingly "he's got a point. We all will have our parts to play, and so we will." Marina stated, Pearl shook her head "serious Rina." She said "I told you to stop calling me that, Pearlie." Marina replied, Pearl only gave a wide grin in response. Ember then walked in from the conductor's booth "we will be arriving shortly. You ready?" She asked, Naida took a breath and stood up "I have to be, Commander." She picked up her bag with what little things and knick knacks she'd gotten from her time in Inkoplois. Cody got his suitcase from under his seat, Pearl hopping up and stretching, Marina got her and Pearl's things from the side of the seat. The car soon came to a stop and the door opened. There, were some more Octoleets, as well as Aiden, they all bowed.

Naida's heart jumped up into her throat, "At ease, everyone." Stern, but kind, just like she'd heard Ember so many times, everyone rose "permission to speak, your Majesty?" Aiden asked "of course, Aiden. Your my cousin." She patted his shoulder, he sniffled a bit "I was so worried..." He said looking at the ground, Naida shook her head and hugged him "it'll be ok, Aid. I'm home." Her hug was returned quickly "we can catch up later, yeah?" He asked pulling back, Naida nodded with a smile "oh, and, I ran into someone during my time with the Squidbeak Splatoon." Naida soon pulled Marina forward, who looked quite flabbergasted "h-hi..." She mumbled "Marcus and I are dating." Aiden blurted out, he flinched at his outburst "I knew it!" Marina cried "I knew it! Congrats though. I'm happy for you." She tilted her head with a smile, Aiden returned a small one.

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