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It had been decided that a coronation would happen. While it was mostly for formalities sake, it would also symbolize the end of Octavio's reign officially, and the beginning of Naida's. Even if she'd been in power for a couple months by that point. Getting morale up was also an added perk.

Octopia Palace had a bustling and busy feel in the air. Naida herself had practically thrown herself into her work, barely worried about what her outfit would be, or what food would be served at the party. She had just wanted to make sure that the empire wasn't suffering because of it. Her only real distractions had come from Marcus, Cody, Marina, and the tailor. Who was insistent that Naida have a true look special to her. She probably would've been crowned in a simple dress if it were up to her. But there were traditions and a semi dress code to be upheld.

"What do you think of this one, your majesty?" The tailor asked, holding up a pattern of pink with purple octopi with his tentacle, "to close to my father's" she said "not like Octavio's, got it." He then returned to his boxes while Naida looked bored as heck. Someone knocked on the door "who is it?" Naida asked "Dr. Gros, your majesty." She replied, Naida sighed "come in". The doctor entered "I was hoping to discuss some things, in private." Her gaze turned towards the tailor, who was holding a different piece, he flinched and avoided eye contact.

"If you wouldn't mind" Naida directed towards the tailor, who quickly nodded and scurried out. "What is it, Doctor? We've only got a day before everything." Dr. Gros sat down "I'm aware, but shouldn't we be...more aware of the inklings that are here. Especially given they're ties to the Splatoon." She said "are you seriously trying to bring this up now? Cody and Pearl are fine, they haven't done anything to warrant suspicion." Naida replied annoyed "Pearl is just...crazy, and Cody is Agent 4. Imagine if either of them tried reporting back, and shouldn't we also be trying to get Octavio home? Every day he is there is another day he could be used as a bargaining chip." Dr. Gros said "we have nothing they want, they've got the Zapfish back. And Dad and I agreed that he would come home whenever it was safe for him. Unless you have any actual pressing issues, then get out. I have to get kimono fitted." Naida responded, Dr. Gros shook her head, then left in a huff. The tailor returned hesitantly, and eventually a design was picked, and then made.

Coronation day

Sheldon had been trying to set up an old TV in front of Octavio's snow globe, Marie sat in a chair she'd pulled up watching the spectacle. Callie had been trying to help, in her own way. Octavio and Marie kept giving each other looks of "this is not gonna work". Octavio just wanted to support his daughter, even from a distance. "C'mon, I've done this before." Sheldon had a small instruction manual in one hand, while adjusting his glasses with his other "can't be that hard, right? Marie and I hooked this up so it could play our music whenever." Callie said "a broadcast is different, especially for an event like this." Octavio said "plus it's been so fricking long since the last one, tons of people are gonna be tuning in." Marie cringed "please never say that again." Octavio began to grumble when the TV turned on, Sheldon let out a shout and started fiddling with the channel buttons, eventually getting to the channel broadcasting Naida's coronation.

Two newscasters then appeared, two Octoling women, Octavio groaned "ugh" he said "what?" Callie asked "I've met those two, that lady is cheating on her husband." He pointed at the lady on the left "and the other one is trying to hide her embezzlement in that news station." Marie gave him a look "what?" Octavio asked "when your king you get dirt on people, just how it works." Marie just shook her head, a newscaster began they're shitck, Octavio mostly ignored whatever they were saying. He was just worried about his daughter. He'd already called her to give her one last pep talk, and she sounded nervous still. She could do it, he knew she could.


Cody, Marcus, and Aiden all stood with they're faces to the wall, Marcus even had his eyes covered "can we turn around yet?" Cody asked "not yet! We've still got to get things in place." Marina replied "who knew a kimono could be this complicated." Pearl stated "the tailor says the more complex an outfit it, the harder it can be to have a wardrobe malfunction." Kirumi responded "ok, done!" Marian announced. The boys turned around, "ya' look great, Naida!" Marcus gave a thumbs up "perfect outfit." Aiden stated "that's, uh, really pretty." Cody laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Aiden and Marcus both gave him looks "knock it off, you guys. Today is gonna be argument free." Naida stated plainly. Her kimono was black with red, orange, and yellow accent colors with red leaves to go with the autumn theme, the time of change.

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