Upgrades people, upgrades

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Octavio had been back in Octopia for about a day. Although most of it was being briefed and reviewing every aspect he could. Then after that he took a nap.

Cody had been hanging out with Marina and Pearl. Aiden had come to check in on them occasionally, mostly to keep Dr. Gros happy, she was still convinced that they had something to do with Naida's disappearance. Pretty much no one else was buying it, but things were still tense. Pearl groaned "anything?" She asked, Marina shook her head "nothing. Obviously she didn't up and vanish. But whoever did this had to have been planning this for a long time." Cody nodded "Hey...I don't want to point fingers or anything, but what were Dr. Gros' views on all of Naida's work?" He asked "mh, not exactly approving or disapproving I think. Although Marcus mentioned something about the day before her coronation that Dr. Gros said something to her, and that he would handle it." Marina said "you don't think she's behind all this, do ya'?" Pearl asked "I...I don't know..." Marina responded "she's always had her disagreements, she's always wanted...order, peace." Cody put a hand on her shoulder "I'm not sure this is either of those things." He said, Marina only nodded.

Aiden then entered the room "back from searching?" Marina asked, Aiden nodded "still nothing." He said, Cody sighed. This was killing him, and not just because he was somewhat of a suspect. From what little time he knew her, he really liked Naida. Just her smile, her eagerness, she was hard to dislike. "His maj-...DJ Octavio has requested that we come to his room when we all have a minute." Marina shut her laptop "well, we have a minute." Pearl jumped up from her spot "any idea what he wants?" She asked "he just said he wants to give us a few things." Aiden replied "huh, hope it's not a wave of ink to the face." Cody said "no, I doubt it's that." Aiden said

When they got to Octavio's room, Cody opened the door with little thought. Octavio had some synth wave music on, while trying to get the upper part of his kimono on, showing a large octopus tattoo on his back:

He made a small disgruntled noise and screamed when he saw the group of people in his room "haven't you people ever heard of knocking!?" He shouted "s-sorry!" Cody said "sorry, Octavio

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He made a small disgruntled noise and screamed when he saw the group of people in his room "haven't you people ever heard of knocking!?" He shouted "s-sorry!" Cody said "sorry, Octavio." Marina bowed her head a bit. Octavio turned around fully to face them all "well don't just stand there. C'mon in, people have seen me shirtless before." He then walked over to the largish portrait of him and Naida as a child. He looked like he was trying to remain serious, but the energetic Naida was reaching for his tentacles with a large smile on her face.

Octavio looked sullen now, he hand his hand resting on the frame, with a sigh he slid the painting, a track moving it to the right to reveal a small metal ladder, and door around his height. It had a keypad and what looked to be an eye scanner. Octavio climbed up the ladder before looking back at the group and made a "turn around" motion with this finger. The group did, and after typing in the code he said "alright, your good" then got his eye scanned. With a beep, the door swung open to reveal a weapons stash "what is this?" Cody asked after climbing up the ladder "only the best weapons in all of Octopia." Octavio replied, Pearl looked at the end of the vault. A Dynamo roller was hung up above a small table with a picture of Octavio, Cap'n Cuttlefish, and an Octoling woman Pearl didn't recognize "hey, DJ, didn't think you used a Dynamo." She said "hm? Oh, that's...not mine..." He looked at the ground in what looked to be shame "sir?" Aiden asked

Octavio let out another sigh "that roller belonged to my ex-girlfriend. She was one of my best commanders.", It looked like a lightbulb had gone off above Aiden's head "Commander Okuto Ika." He said "oh, I've read about her." Marina said "she died during the Great Turf War." Octavio nodded "yes, and it was my fault. But, I'd rather not get into it right now." He sighed and pulled an octoshot esk weapon off of a shelf. "This is an Octoshot Bemos. It sends out a laser to weaken opponents before you shoot. This is my vault. Where some of the most powerful and experimental weapons are held." He then handed it to Cody "take care of that. Marina, your specialty is brellas, yeah?" Octavio asked, Marina nodded "Pearlie likes duelies too." She replied "neat" Octavio then pulled out a large brella with a largish nozzle on the front "I think this one shoots bombs in front of you, brellas have never really been my thing, and Agatha just kinda gave it to me off handedly." Marina took it and looked at it in wonder "this is pretty cool." Pearl made her way to the front "what about me!?" She shouted excitedly "mh, duelies, huh? Let me see..." Octavio searched around for some "aha!" He then found a pair of them "these I think...work just like the Bemos. Should be helpful." Pearl took them "I can't wait to test these babies out." She said "and Aiden," Octavio lugged a large splattling off of some pegs, it looked similar to a ballpoint splattling, but had a large side compartment "this has extremely long rage, extremely fast charge, and you hold your charge while in ink. Heck, if I wasn't so used to my Octobrush, I'd probably use this." Octavio laughed at Aiden took it "wow, thank you, sir." Octavio nodded "another old friend of mine came up with it when we were your age. Him and Agatha would've loved each other. To bad he went with Cuttlefish during The Great Turf War." Marina raised an eyebrow "Asmosis Shellendorf?" She asked "yep, that's him. He left behind some of his designs because he got out of here so quickly. So I just passed 'em onto Ag, and she got it all put together." He said

"You want us to use these to help find Naida, right?" Cody asked "yep! That's exactly what I want you all to do!" Octavio responded he ushered them out of the vault, then closed it up and slid the portrait back into place "I do have a couple ideas on where to start. But I overheard them from Ember, and to be honest that woman's rage is legendary." Aiden looked at him "sir, I have the distinct feeling you want me dead." Octavio chuckled "aw, no. She won't get mad at you if she knows I ordered you." Aiden sighed "if I wind up dead I'm gonna haunt the hell out of you." Octavio only responded with finger guns "so where do ya' wanna send us?" Pearl asked "Beaker's depo, stage 13 and the boss stage." Octavio replied "woohoo!" Pearl shouted "let's go find some stuff!" She then ran out of the room "Pearl, wait!" Marina called after her, and then followed "sir." Aiden said before leaving, Cody went to go join him but was stopped by Octavio "listen here, squiddo." He said "just, I understand if you have something against me, but please don't let that influence how you see Naida, 'k?" He put a hand on Cody's shoulder "it won't, Octavio. Your already doing better then when we first met." He gave a smile before leaving too.

Ok, that's it for now. Sorry for the wait. This month has been busy for me. Stay fresh!🦑

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