Act II

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Act II
Scene I

[Fade In]

"Ahem. Next, Y/n L/n..."

The h/c stood up, trembling with both excitement and fear.

"Please come up."

She followed as instructed.

"Hello, Miss L/n. You are auditioning for the part of Succubus, am I correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please recite the lines that were on the handout."

She did as told, reciting every phrase and action that was etched into her brain, and as she did endless hours of practice paid off, her performance outstanding and unique, precise and perfect.

The Vice Principal remained with a poker face, eyes squinting and scrutinizing her expressions.

At last, the girl wishing for the role of Succubus finally finished, every word perfect, yet unique with her own twist on it, hopefully appealing to Mr. Jack Ripper who had his legs crossed over one another, eyes still squinted.

"Marvelous work, Miss L/n. Thank you. The roles will be announced by next week."

"Thank you, Mr. Ripper. Have a nice day."
And with that, Y/n exited the auditorium, a weight lifted off of her shoulders knowing she had done such a great job.

"Next... Edgar Valden."

The chair Edgar sat in let out a clinking noise as he stood up and the seat folded.

"Hello, Mr. Valden. You are auditioning for the part of Mr. Inference, am I correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please recite the lines that were on the handout." Mr. Jack Ripper sure was getting exhausted and bored from saying the same thing repeatedly.

For the millionth time that day, Mr. Jack Ripper heard the exact same lines for the part of Mr. Inference. Mr. Inference was the most auditioned for, so it wasn't going to be easy to pick who got the role.

Edgar sounded so monotonous, he lacked the kind of uniqueness the role was begging for. It seemed as if Mr. Jack Ripper would have an easy time eliminating Edgar from the role, at least.

[Fade out]

Act II
Scene II

[Fade in]

"Hm... You are... Luca Balsa, correct?" the cheerful blonde known as Tracy Reznik smiled as the brunette sat down on his seat backward, resting his chin on his hands.

"You are correcto."

"So, tell me, why are you looking for a part in the Light and Sound crew?"

"Well... I wanted to contribute to the production by using some of my inventions since I do work for Alva... Heh..." Classic Luca.

"Alva?! As in... THE Alva?!?! I never thought in my entire life I would meet the person who works under Alva! He's practically my idol! He's the reason I joined the Light and Sound crew in the first place..! Thanks to him inspiring me now I'm the director of the crew..!"

"Haha, that's a reaction I haven't heard yet. Anyways... I brought an invention I made inspired by Succubus' Song..." Luca pulled out a candle connected to a complicated wire. "Is there somewhere I could plug this in..?"

"Oh- yeah! Over here! I can't wait to see it... I'm sure it's amazing!"

"Hmhm..." Luca plugged in the electric candle and pulled a controller out of his bag. He turned it on with the click of a button and it started emitting light.

"It has some other colors too... Although that wouldn't be too practical for the production I guess... That's what happens when you have too much time on your hands, haha..."

"Woah!! Nothing short of what I expected from someone who works under Alva!"

"Thanks..! I've definitely made better though... You should check out my other inventions some other time!"

"I... I'd love that! Do you think I could meet Alva through you some time..? Heh..."

"He's a busy man, but I'm sure you could at least get an autograph or something..."

"That's plenty enough! Thanks..." Tracy giggled. "You know... Usually, I would have more questions to ask regarding the Light and Sound crew, but I think you've already landed yourself a spot!"

"You're kidding! Thanks a lot! I can't wait until we start, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!"

"Definitely! Well... Thanks for coming to the interview! I'll see you soon!"

Luca unplugged his candle and packed it up, waving at the blonde goodbye before leaving.

[Fade Out]

Act II
Scene III

[Fade in]

A few days after the auditions came the callbacks, where Edgar Valden, who had a rocky start, would get a second chance in getting chosen for the role of Mr. Inference.

"Hello again, Mr. Valden. How are you today?" The Vice Principal of the Oletus Academy greeted, pulling out a stack of papers stapled together.

"I'm doing fine, sir," Edgar replied, not fooling anyone with his attitude, having not wanted to come there for a callback.

"Please recite the lines that were on the handout..." Mr. Jack Ripper stated tiredly, resembling a robot, or a parrot, which repeated the same things over and over again.

Edgar did as told, his performance coming off a bit harsh due to him being mad he had to work even harder to get the role. At least he didn't sound as monotonous as his last performance, but it wasn't exactly the tone the role was looking for.

He finally finished, all of his rage leaving his body as he stood on the stage, sweating. He wasn't going to let his emotions be the reason he didn't get the role, but his chances of being chosen were slim and were only getting slimmer due to his rage.

"Good work, Mr. Valden. I apologize for having you come out here today for a callback. Have a nice day."

"Tch." Edgar practically stomped off of the stage, refusing to even do the polite thing and at least say goodbye.

Yeah right, he's sorry, Edgar thought as he walked out of the auditorium, fuming.

[Fade out]

The Oletus Theater - Edgar Valden x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now