Act IX

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Act IX
Scene I

[Fade in]

"Good morning, Mr. Reticent!" Y/n greeted the nonverbal Will Brother as she walked into the auditorium. Mr. Reticent nodded back at her, happy someone had greeted him. High school kids these days are so disrespectful!

Flipping down a seat next to Tracy, Y/n flagged down Edgar, who was just coming in.

"Is Edgar joining us today?" Tracy asked an unusually cheerful Y/n.

"I'd like him to," Y/n replied, Edgar noticing her waving her hand around like crazy at him. He felt a bit embarrassed at the gesture. How was it possible she could do that in front of an entire class?

"Edgar! Come sit with me and Tracy! Luca can sit too, once he gets here!"

"O-oh. Okay..."

"You know, I heard from Vera, the Rainmaker for the play, that we're getting into groups and making our own plays," Tracy brought up, "She has theater before we do."

"Ooh~ We should all work together! That sounds fun!" Y/n suggested, peering at the door periodically to check for Luca.

"Mhm," Edgar agreed, hoping his friend would arrive soon since he felt so awkward with these two girls. There was nothing wrong with them, if anything, he enjoyed their presence, but it just felt a little weird hanging around these girls he barely knew. Not to mention one of them has his address.

Finally, they all spotted Luca and his chocolate-brown ponytail.

"Luca!" they all shouted in unison.

Luca almost tripped going down the ramp, but once he made it safely to the others he smiled and said, "Well, what do we have here? Am I invited?"

"Of course you are!" Tracy said eagerly. Her little crush on him was pretty evident, but Luca, being pretty oblivious, had no idea.

He chuckled and took a seat next to Edgar, "I appreciate you thinking of me."

Y/n huffed playfully, "It was my idea to invite you two in the first place!"

The group continued to converse until the bell rang, signaling class had started.

"Good morning, everyone! Since we finished our test last class, I was thinking of a fun activity to do, and me and my brothers came up with one you all will love! We're going to get into groups, groups of four, and put on plays! We'll be doing duets, so two people should be acting, and the other two are on light and sound duty. This will be a graded assignment, so come up and get your worksheets and then I'll explain the rest," Mr. Pessimistic explained.

Glancing at her friends around her, Y/n locked eyes with Tracy and nodded.

"I'll go get the worksheets for us," Luca offered, getting up out of his seat and walking to the stage where Mr. Pessimistic was.

"You guys should discuss your roles, now, and what genre you want the play to be. Make sure it's original..."

"We should do a romance!" Tracy suggested, wiggling her eyebrows at Y/n, who had a suprised expression on her face.

"I nominate Edgar and Y/n to act, since they already act together in the play!!" Luca smirked at his friend who scowled at him.

"Do we get to kiss?" Y/n joked before she realized what she had said and her face heated up.

"I disagree," Edgar refuted, ignoring Y/n's remark, "Me and Y/n already have a lot of lines to memorize, and you guys should act. We should switch it up."

The other two reluctantly agreed to act after Edgar's statement.

Grabbing a pencil, Y/n scribbled down their names and who was acting.

The Oletus Theater - Edgar Valden x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now