Act XV

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Act XV
Scene I

[Fade in]

Today was the first full rehearsal of the play. The last bell of the day had rung, and Y/n spotted Edgar on the way to the auditorium.

"Edgar! Are you ready for the rehearsal?" Y/n approached him.

Edgar adjusted his backpack before replying, "Yeah, I stayed up late last night going over the entire thing by myself. What about you?"

Y/n pouted, "You should have called me and we could have done it together! Anyways, I'm ready myself."

"You would have yelled at me if I did call you at two in the morning," Edgar chuckled.

"Yeah... You're probably right."

Y/n noticed Vera walking to the auditorium, so she called out to her.


The brunette turned around to find Y/n and Edgar. Edgar looked kind of annoyed, like he didn't want to talk to her or be near her.

"Oh, Y/n! And... Edgar..."

Edgar didn't give a greeting to her, so Y/n nudged him with her elbow.

"H-Hi, Vera."

Y/n rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, "So, Vera, are you ready for the rehearsal?"

"Yep, I've, like, got every line down."

"That's good," Y/n said as they entered the auditorium, Edgar trailing a little behind them, "Wanna sit with us?"

Vera knew Edgar was hoping she wouldn't, and although she didn't know what she did for him to be so rude towards her, she replied with, "It's fine, Emma wanted to sit with me, anyways. Plus, I wouldn't want to bother you two."

"Oh, okay. Good luck!" Y/n led Edgar to their regular seats, near the front.

As Edgar took a seat next to Y/n, the female started giving him a lecture.

"What do you have against Vera? I'm not asking you to act like her best friend, but you could at least be friendly with her!"

"Umm, nothing! I just didn't want to interrupt your conversation. I'd just feel like I'd be intruding."

Y/n crossed her legs, "Okay, fine, but even if you don't like her, she's my friend and I'm not going to stop being her friend just because you don't like her."

"I swear, I literally just didn't want to interrupt you!" Edgar argued.

"Whatever," Y/n said as Pessimistic started yet another unnecessarily long speech.

[Fade out]

Act XV
Scene II

[Fade in]

"After the Golden Rose Theater incident, D.M. invited me to a masquerade ball at the Mélodis Estate, by way of thanks. All of the city's emerging art dealers were to be in attendance," Naib Subedar, Mr. Inference, started Chapter I of the performance.

More and more of the set was completed, as opening night was coming up and the people working on the sets started coming to school on the weekends to work.

There was a fake wooden table in the middle of the stage, made out of styrofoam, velvet chairs from previous years, and candles in courtesy of Luca.

"What a terribly boring game," Naib continued on after a little while.

Meanwhile, Tracy and Luca were in the Light and Sound Crew's designated room, working out who would be doing light and who would be doing sound. Tracy, as the director of Light and Sound, was seeing who was best fit for each part.

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