Act V

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Act V
Scene I

[Fade in]

"Y/n! What have I told you about getting enough sleep? You're sleep deprived and it's obvious!" a clearly angry Tracy slightly yelled at her friend.

"No, no... I'm fine. I swear, really..."

"Then explain yourself! You're so tired all of the time, hell, you have eye bags! Not to mention you're humming that song twenty-four seven!"

"I'm a busy girl, Trace... I have no time to sleep when I have to memorize so many lines!" Y/n refuted, her voice softer than usual, another sign of how tired she was.

"You're hopeless! And, you know, if you don't get sleep at all, on opening night you'll pass out on stage and ruin the school's reputation! You would probably appear all over news headlines!" the blonde argued before storming off.

Y/n sighed, making her way over to her first class of the day, science.

The bell rang shortly after Y/n ran in, panting, because Tracy had made her little "lecture" too long and had held Y/n back from going to science despite the first bell ringing.

During class, a soft hum could be heard amongst the whispers as Mr. Luchino was teaching his lesson.

"Y/n, I understand you are very busy with the upcoming play, but please no humming, it could be distracting to the people actually trying to learn something. And everyone else who's whispering, I'm not deaf and that applies to you too. Now, as I was saying..."

Y/n turned her head to look at the paper on her desk as she covered her eyes with her hair in shame, hating to be called out like that. She was just trying hard to etch the song into her brain, since she couldn't afford to ruin the show's opening scene. That was what set the mood, and she had to make it perfect.

The lyrics echoed in her head. Candles are lit, candles are burnt...

She would have to study hard in her own time for the upcoming test because she could not pay attention in class at all!

But wait, her "own time" is already taken up by the play!

No, she thought, this is just preparing me for whatever's ahead! It's like a test..? I have to manage my time wisely!

[Fade out]

Act V
Scene II

[Fade in]

Y/n and Edgar had agreed to meet at the local park to rehearse, meeting up a few hours after school ended that day.

The soft crinkling of paper could be heard as Y/n took a seat on one of the swings, flipping through the pages of her script, fingers hovering over the highlighted areas.

Her head lifted, as the sound of footsteps approaching could be heard, leaves fallen from trees crunching underneath the unknown person's feet.

"Hey," the person said, lifting his head to reveal blue eyes and light brown hair.

"You finally made it, I was worrying you had abandoned me."

"Nah. It's hard to practice by yourself, I wouldn't leave you like that, waiting for me just to never come. It also benefits me, so this isn't something I would pass up," he replied, "I'm a man of my word, however. You won't see me break a promise."

Y/n smiled, "Come take a seat. Let's get to it."

Edgar took a seat in the swing next to her, one which hung lower than the one next to him which Y/n sat on, glancing at what was in the girl's hands.
"Damn. I completely forgot my script..."

"It's fine, don't sweat it. We can share mine, unless you already memorized all of your lines."

"I'm familiar with the Chapter I lines, but I'd probably mess up a word or two. I'd rather just use your script than mess up my lines and potentially embarrass myself."

"Very well. Start us off, Servant," Y/n slightly smiled and placed the stack of stapled papers on Edgar's lap.

Why does my heart feel like it will explode out of my chest? It's a new sensation... It's probably just that you've never done something like this before! Or you're trying so hard to not mess up! Yeah, you're concentrated! Stop trying to concentrate so hard, Y/n! You'll suffer a heart attack!

[Fade out]


hello, sorry if you read this chapter earlier because i accidentally published it when it was unfinished lmao... i have absolutely no inspiration right now hence the short, badly written chapter. i might publish another chapter later today because i am currently on a 15 hour car ride, but the chances are slim so no promises. also merry late christmas if u celebrate it and also happy holidays! thanks for reading this and sorry for the short chapter!

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