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Scene I

[Fade in]


Sitting at his desk, Edgar Valden heaved a sigh, a blank piece of paper sitting in front of him. His favorite blue-inked pen sat on top of it.

After what Mr. Luchino had said to him about Y/n, Edgar couldn't stop thinking about her. Bored out of his skull and maybe, just a little, regretful of what he said and how he snapped at her, he found himself writing a 'sorry' letter to the poor girl.

Combing his hand through his hair, which was usually tied up in a ponytail but was now loose, Edgar picked up his pen in his left hand, gripped it tight, and then lowered it down onto the paper.

A few short seconds passed and the once blank sheet of paper was now filled. Staring down at it with narrowed eyes, Edgar slammed his head down onto his desk. Throwing his pen across the room, he fumbled around inside the desk for his lines. If he had any free time, it had to be spent reciting lines, even if it went against Mr. Luchino's wishes.

His hands touching empty space, Edgar quickly realized he had left the sheet of paper containing his lines on his kitchen table. Whenever his parents weren't home and he was on his own for meals, he would go over the script while eating.

Sluggishly and tiredly Edgar dragged his feet to the kitchen, which just so happened to be in the basement. After retrieving his script, he walked back up the stairs and over to pet his cat which was purring for him to come over.

"You always want attention, don't you?" Edgar smiled while staring out of the living room window, trees swaying peacefully in the cool spring wind.

Just then, Edgar spotted a familiar figure outside. A little too familiar.

Crap, Edgar's blood went cold.

Taking a nice stroll on his street was none other than Y/n L/n!

Too shocked to move, the brunette just stood there in disbelief, hand resting on his cat who could probably tell something was up.


Luck was most certainly not on Edgar's side today.

Y/n's head turned towards Edgar's house. What a bad day to not close the blinds.

Like a deer in headlights, Y/n stared at the familiar brunette with wide eyes.

Their little staring contest went on for no more than a few seconds before Y/n sped up her pace and continued on her walk as if nothing had just happened. She then snuck a glance at the house once again, taking a mental note of the address.

Face growing hot, Edgar bolted up two flights of stairs to his room before crashing onto his bed and pulling a pillow over his head.

At this point, tears were threatening to start flowing over Edgar's cheeks. He was so overwhelmed about everything happening lately, with him being a jerk to Y/n in general to whatever happened just seconds ago.

Why did this happen? Why couldn't I just be a good friend and wave? Edgar thought, Wait. Does she even see me as a friend?

[Fade out]

Scene II

[Fade in]

The next day before school, Edgar had stuffed the letter to Y/n in his bag. He almost left it sitting on his desk along with his lines which he had almost crumpled up after the fiasco with the female, but somehow resisted the urge.

The Oletus Theater - Edgar Valden x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now