Act XI

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Act XI
Scene I

[Fade in]

A couple more weeks passed, and it was time for the full-cast rehearsal of the final chapter. This one was the big closer, so the theater sponsors took it into their care to make sure it was perfect.

"Places, everyone. Prince, get behind the curtain, we don't need your dead body right now! Mr. Inference, move to the center, stop favoring the left side of the audience. D.M., sit up straight! Succubus, stop standing there like a rock! You're a villain, not a boulder!!"

Pessimistic, the one you could call the "leader" of this project, was certainly taking his time to get everything right. As the most recognizable of the Will Brothers, it wasn't hard to see why.


Mr. Inference paced around the middle of the stage, "So, in the song and in reality..."

As time went on and heads of teachers nodded, finally it was time for some of Succubus' lines.

"You haven't found her, have you?" Y/n looked up to find the actor of Mr. Inference. Pessimistic, sitting in the front row of seats, mentally facepalmed.

"Cut! Succubus, you're too tense! You have to loosen up! Sound like a real villain and not a constipated... Whatever! From the top, action!"

Y/n was stunned. What am I doing wrong? I'm... tense?

"You haven't found her, have you?" Y/n switched up her tone, trying to sound eerie and mysterious. Pessimistic was not amused.

"Cut!!! Emotion, not tone!" he was obviously furious with the confused girl. "Try to, instead of changing your tone, add some emotion."

"O-Okay. Sorry."

Pessimistic let out a long, drawn out sigh.


"You haven't found her," Y/n paused for a second, "have you?"

Pessimistic rejoiced, "YES! JUST LIKE THAT! NOW, KEEP ON DOING JUST THAT! Let's try one more time, to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Action!"

"You haven't found her... have you?" Y/n tried to say those words like she did last time.

Turns out it really was just a fluke.

The teacher groaned, "No. No no no no... Less forced, Succubus. Make it sound natural."

The other actors on the stage looked dead inside. By now, they were fed up since Pessimistic and Y/n were taking so long just to get one line perfected.


"You haven't found her," she paused for suspense, Pessimistic leaning in from where he was sitting, "have you?"

"Y/n... come talk to me after this rehearsal."

The female looked surprised, worried that she had done bad. Mr. Inference continued his lines, and although Y/n tried to keep up with his energy, she failed.

After the rehearsal, she went over to Pessimistic to talk to him.

"Mr. Pessimistic, you said you wanted to talk to me?"

Pessimistic folded his hands, "Yes. Have you been okay lately?"

Y/n was shocked by that question, "Um. Yeah..."

"Your tone seems off. Can you go home tonight and try to find that perfect Succubus voice you had at the audition?"

"I'll try," Y/n looked down at her shoes, a pair of scuffed black flats. She hated that she couldn't accommodate Pessimistic's needs for a good Succubus.

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