Act X

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Act X
Scene I

[Fade in]


Edgar looked up to find a female looking down at him, frowning.

"Ah! S-Sorry. I was just focused on the script..."

Y/n sighed in relief, "I thought you had passed out!"

Edgar internally smiled, while he didn't smile visibly, the fact that this girl cared for him was relieving. "No. Not yet."

Y/n gave a laugh. She was happy to see Edgar was starting to warm up to her.

"Well, then. Let's not waste any time, okay?" Y/n said as Edgar jumped back to reality, away from the fuzzy feeling inside of his head.

"Yeah, let's."

Hours passed by like seconds as the two rehearsed the final chapter of the play. It was hard to believe that opening night was in almost a month, and that they would be up on stage in what would feel like a week. Although they wouldn't admit it, both actors knew that the other was the best partner for them.

"The end!" Y/n fell back, hanging over the edge of the swing she was sitting on.

Edgar nodded, tossing his script in the air before hopping off of the swing next to Y/n's to retrieve it.

"Hey, Edgar. Mind if I ask you a question?" Y/n strayed away from her usual, cheery tone, to a more serious one that didn't come out as often.

"Go ahead," Edgar was caught off guard by her change of voice but didn't think much of it.

"Do you enjoy working with me? Like, honestly. I don't want a half-hearted answer. I want the truth. Do you really like acting with me?"

Edgar frowned, "Of course I do. What kind of question is that?"

"Listen, I know people change, but... you used to seem like you were tired of me. Like you didn't want anything to do with me. Are you just covering that up for my sake?" Y/n stared down at her knuckles, which were turning white since she was clutching her hands together tightly.

"No? What makes you think that? I really do enjoy your presence," Edgar assured her, "I know I used to be a jerk. And I'm really sorry for that. But I have changed, and I value you a hell of a lot more than I did a few months ago."

Y/n was about to open her mouth to respond to him, but Edgar beat her.

"Before, I just thought you were some annoying girl who I could care less about. But now that I've gotten to know you, you're a lot more than that. And I appreciate you. I don't have many friends, so you opening up to me and talking to me really changed that. And I've met Tracy through you, too. I don't think you realize, but you're a lot more important to me than you think."

Y/n was overjoyed. She wanted to just shout out, "I'm in love with you, Edgar!" but she just couldn't. She didn't want to take the risk that he didn't reciprocate her feelings, that he didn't feel the same way... It would have to wait until at least opening night.

"I'm glad. To be honest, I thought you were just being nicer to get it over with, and you would ghost me after the play ended."

"Oh God, no! I'm sorry if you felt that way! I really do value you!"

The way he was skipping over the words "love" and "like" made Y/n want to rip out her hair. It made her sound like just a friend, that he saw her like nothing more. It infuriated her.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad we cleared this up," Y/n managed out. Her throat was closing up, and she could feel the stinging in her eyes.

"I'll be heading home now," Edgar said, "Want to walk with me?"

Y/n couldn't hold it in, "No, thanks. I'll stay here a little longer to practice more."

Edgar looked surprised, considering Y/n was usually the one to initiate this kind of stuff. "Really? I can help you, if you want."

"No! It's fine! Don't worry about me, you can go home!"

Something was definitely wrong, even Edgar could tell. He wanted to give her space, however he couldn't help but think it was something he said.

"Alright, then. See you tomorrow."

"Y-Yeah! By-Bye!"

As the silhouette of the male got smaller, and she could no longer see his ponytail bouncing up and down ever so slightly, Y/n lowered her head and nested it in her legs.

And cried.

[Fade out]

Act X
Scene II

[Fade in]

"Alright, you guys. Before we get to work and practice the final chapter, we're going to head over to Art 3 for a quick meeting with the rest of the crew. Let's get into a line now, single file," Pessimistic explained to the cast.

Everyone did as told. Vera hopped in line before Y/n, whispering to her.

"Do you think we're in trouble or something?" Vera snickered, turning to face Y/n who was conversing with Edgar before she arrived.

Y/n snorted, "It's probably a 'motivational speech' from Mr. Ripper."

They talked back and forth on the way to the art classroom, while Edgar trailed behind them, not wishing to know what they were talking about.

Y/n waved to an enthusiastic Tracy as they came in, Mr. Jack ushering them to seats. Once everyone was settled in, he walked to the front of the classroom and started rambling.

"Thank you for coming in here today. Firstly, I just want to tell you all how well this play is coming on. The actors - and actresses - are doing so well, the Light and Sound crew are working so hard to make this amazing - and to the Stage Crew, Hair and Makeup, and the rest of the cast, for dedicating your time to help make this play exquisite. To the Will Brothers, as well, for guiding everyone. We have one mere month left until opening night, so let's do our best to make this play amazing!"

After exiting the room, once again Vera hopped over to where Y/n was, this time not talking to Edgar, and they once again started giggling.

"I didn't actually think he would put on some sentimental speech!" Y/n chortled, Vera following along with the action.

[Fade out]


IM BACK sorry for just leaving for a while i was trying to figure out where the rest of the story was goinggg... now that i know hopefully the next chapter will be out soon! hope you enjoyed!!

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