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Scene I

[Fade in]

The lunchroom. Cafeteria, as many would call it. A place where the students of the Oletus Academy rendezvous and mingle as they gossip about the latest happenings in their lives and school.

[Camera pans to the 'popular' table]

The popular table. As the name suggests, practically everyone in the school knows who they are. You can find them lurking in the restrooms during classes, chatting away as their teachers attempt to explain material to rowdy classes. Some of the notable ones in this clique would be Fiona Gilman and Naib Subedar. Nobody knows if they're dating or not, but there could be a possibility they're hiding something. Strange.

[Camera pans to the 'jocks' table]

Ah. The jocks. Everyone knows them, but a majority of the time they go unnoticed. Weird, because they're obnoxious as all get out. They're the ones who would try to slam dunk a crumpled-up paper into the bin. The most significant ones? William Ellis and Ganji Gupta. Ganji is certainly a scary one but balances out William's unruly behavior.

[Camera pans to the 'outcasts' table]

Do I have to explain? Nobody gives a crap about them. Fine, fine. The outcasts. Nobody's willing enough to let them in their group. Maybe it's because nobody knows what's going on inside of that head of theirs. Hey, at least they have each other, right? The students in this clique are Anne - or was it Annie? Whatever. Nobody cares anyway. - Lester, Helena Adams, Melly Plinius... And who's that? The kid with the blonde hair? Glasses? Plain t-shirt? You can really tell how much people love these guys - not one bit.

[Camera pans to the 'class clowns' table]

Finally, enough about those outcasts. Now, the class clowns. They're worse than the jocks, for sure. They call out every chance they get. Commenting on the teachers' lesson, making loud and obnoxious noises at the worst possible times... you name it, they do it (Unless it has something to do with basic etiquette). As for the most memorable ones in this clique, we have... Mike Morton, Norton Campbell, who is really just there because Mike is (He's a decent student). And the worst duo of all time - Kreacher Pierson and Freddy Riley. Add Servais Le Roy - what a foreign-sounding name - and you get an even worse TRIO!

[Camera pans around the cafeteria]

Anddd then there's the rest of the tables! Just small friend groups, really. Pretty much the drama-free zone, which is surprisingly more than half of the cafeteria. Some cliques over here are... the soon-to-be dropouts, the quiet kids... and pretty much everyone else who doesn't want to be the center of attention.

Oh - Where do Y/n, Edgar, and our other lovely characters lay? The drama-free zone! Edgar and Luca have a friend group of their own, same with Y/n and Tracy. They're way too basic for their own good. But personally, I don't like those snobby, popular queen-of-the-world characters. I guess I'm just a lowlife narrator though, so why should my opinion matter?

[Fade out]

Scene II

[Fade in]

Just as the actors met up once in a while to practice, the Light and Sound crew held meetings as well.

"Luca, can you turn up the background music a little?" Tracy asked the brunette, swallowed into the world of the soundboard.

"Which one is it, again?" Luca reached over to a green slider before pulling his hand away.

"The one in the middle."

Luca adjusted the sound to Tracy's liking, before turning his head to her for her approval.

"This good?"

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