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Scene I

[Fade in]

Opening night was only two days away now, and for the cast these were the most stressful days of their acting careers yet. Rehearsal after rehearsal had passed, final touch-ups were made, and today was the first full non-stop rehearsal, the dress rehearsal.

The final bell of the day had rung and Y/n didn't hesitate to rush over to the auditorium. As she stepped in, she took a look around, imagining all of the people that would be inside in just two short days. All eyes would be on her as the curtain rose and the elegant music started playing.

Picking up her costume and changing into it as quickly as possible, Y/n exited the restroom with haste, only to bump into someone not even a second later.

Oh no...

"Oh my God, Edgar, are you okay?" she frantically said, looking at the male who she pushed down onto the floor.

"Y-yup. It didn't even hurt," Edgar smiled through the pain, not wanting to worry Y/n more than she already was.

"Phew. Sorry about that," she gave an awkward laugh, "Anyways, two more days, huh?"

He brushed himself off while picking himself off of the ground, "Yeah. The nervousness Pessimistic was talking about last rehearsal is really starting to get to me..."

"Yeah, I get you. It's been stressful this last week for sure."

"I'm gonna go change into my costume now, but, uh, I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah! You go do that," Y/n waved as Edgar went off into the men's restroom to change into his costume.

As she was walking back to the auditorium, Y/n wobbled a bit on the heels she was wearing. Even though she had been practicing with her mom's shoes, the anxiety she felt subtracted from her stability.

She sighed as she got behind the curtain, crossing her arms over one another against her chest. There she spotted Vera, who was surprisingly early considering she had shown up late to every rehearsal since several weeks ago.

They conversed for a little while before everyone was there behind the curtains. From there, Y/n got behind the first curtain since she had a solo for the opening scene. The lights dimmed down, thanks to Luca, and the curtain she was behind rose and a spotlight was illuminated on her.

The auditorium was mostly empty, although a few teachers had stayed behind to watch, and of course the Will Brothers were there too. Y/n noticed Mr. Luchino was there as well as a few other teachers she hadn't seen before. Pessimistic was whispering to his brother behind a paper, the script, and Reticent was nodding enthusiastically. Ridicule elbowed the brother he was sitting next to, shooting a glance at the two. They quickly quieted down and gave their attention to Y/n, who was looking like a deer in headlights with wide eyes and shaky legs.

The music filled up the room as she started singing, although a little bit quiet and awkward, but the people watching looked impressed and the Will Brothers looked very content with her performance. Pessimistic nodded to the slow beat of the music, cracking a slight smile while watching his student's progress.

The music in the background came to a slow, and Y/n danced until the curtain fully covered her. She walked behind the other curtain, face growing red with embarrassment. She was taking her seat in one of the plushy velvet chairs when Edgar tapped her shoulder and whispered her a "good job". She watched as he ran behind the curtain as he wasn't in this scene, her eyes following him until he disappeared.

The play went on until the last line had been said, and the curtains fell for the final time until opening night. Pessimistic gave a motivational speech, nothing less expected from him, and everyone began to disperse.

Y/n met up with Tracy at the front doors as they always did, but before she could say anything Tracy started squealing enthusiastically.

"You were so good, oh my God! You did so good!!"

"Thanks, Tracy," Y/n smiled awkwardly as the energetic blonde was practically jumping on her, "You did pretty good with the sound, too."

"Awwe, thanks! This is definitely gonna be the best play in Oletus history!"

Y/n was going to continue the conversation until she saw Edgar headed her way. As her head turned, Tracy looked over as well and gave a grin.

"Text me later~"

"Tracy!" Y/n looked panicked, but the front doors were already shut behind her.

"Hey, Y/n, nice job."

"Yeah! You too, you were really good."

"Thanks," Edgar looked at his feet, "Do you maybe... wanna come over tonight, celebrate a little?"

"Sure, yeah sure! I'd love to!" she looked a bit flustered.

"Great... Any time works for me, so just let me know."

"Okay, yeah, I will. Anyone else coming? Luca? I can invite Tracy too-"

"Nah, we already went out to celebrate, all four of us. If that's fine with you? You can invite them, I don't really care, I just..."

"Oh, no! It's fine, really. Just curious," Y/n laughed nervously.

Oh God, alone? With my crush?

[Fade out]

Scene II

[Fade in]

Y/n bounced her knees anxiously as she stood at Edgar's front doorstep. In her hands she had a bottle of soda that kept shaking along with her hands.

Okay, yeah, it's fine. He's been to your house before, so why is it so bad now?

The door opened with a creak, startling the female who looked pretty zoned out.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Edgar, hi. Uhh, I brought some soda, you know, to drink..."

"No, I thought we were gonna pour it down our noses," Edgar said sarcastically which relieved the tension a bit and made her laugh, "Thanks, though. Come in."

They went up into Edgar's room and talked for a little about the play and stuff, but that was pretty much as far as it went. The conversation was drier than the Sahara, but Y/n didn't know how to make it any better.

In her head, Y/n had this perfect plan of confessing her feelings to Edgar after opening night, but the urge to just tell him right now was really growing. The thoughts were so loud she didn't even realize her phone was ringing like hell.

"Um, Y/n, are you gonna check your phone?"

She snapped out of her trance, "Oh! It- It's probably just Tracy. I'll turn off my ringer real quick."


"Oh, wait. It's my brother. Can I take this real quick?"

"Yeah, it's fine."

Her expression shifted to horror as her brother's words sank in.

"Edgar, I'm really sorry but I have to go."

[Fade out]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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