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Scene I

[Fade In]

The results of the auditions were now posted outside of the school cafeteria. Every student was ecstatic and overjoyed about the results, and it seemed as if everyone got the role they wanted.

"Hey, Edgar! Let's go check out the results! I bet you got Mr. Inference!" an
overly excited Luca grabbed his friend's shoulders and led him to the cafeteria.

"Hopefully. Don't jinx it, though."

They made their way, and they finally reached the board through the crowd. Edgar's heart pounded in his chest. He crossed his fingers and started scanning for his name.

"God damn it," Edgar lowered his head in defeat and pushed through the crowd, making a beeline for the restroom.

He may not have gotten the role he wanted, however...

"You're kidding. Succubus' Servant," Luca groaned, stepping back from the board to go look for his friend.

[Camera pans to Y/n]

"Y/n!! Y/n!! Come on! We have to check if you got the role!!"

"Really? The results are out today?"

"Yes! Come on!" Tracy pulled her friend by the arm over to the front of the cafeteria.

Y/n took a deep breath and her eyes fluttered around for the role of Succubus.

Tracy balled her hands up into fists and tried to push through everyone.

"Tracy! Right there! Succubus! I can't see through all of these people though-!"

"I can see, Y/n! I can see!"

"Come onnnn!!"




Tracy pulled her friend by the arm out of the crowd and into a isolated hallway.

"Tracy, pinch me right now. Am I dreaming?"

"No, you're not! See?" Tracy pinched Y/n's elbow.

"Don't pinch my elbow you dummy, I can't feel it," Y/n complained, pinching her cheek herself. "Holy crap, I'm not dreaming."

[Fade out]

Scene II

[Fade in]

Y/n made her way to science class, stopping a few times to recieve congratulations from various students and teachers about her role as the villain.

Class started and the science teacher, Mr. Luchino, started taking attendance.

"Edgar?" he called. "No Edgar? Has anyone seen him today?"

"I saw him in the hallway earlier, Mr. Luchino," Y/n stated as she raised her hand.

Suddenly a figure rushed into the class.

"Speak of the devil," a voice piped up.

"Good, good. Congratulations on your role in the play, by the way, Edgar," Mr. Luchino nodded in the direction of Edgar as he started unpacking his things.

"Thank you," Edgar mumbled. It was apparent he had been crying in the bathroom because his eyes were all red and puffy, but nobody brought it up.

"Alrighty, let's start reviewing our material. Pull out your notes, class," Mr. Luchino cleared his throat to abolish any conversations happening while he was teaching.

'Why has he been crying? He scored a good role...' Y/n thought, eyes glued to the boy. Edgar's head whipped around to find Y/n practically boring a hole into his skull. Y/n awkwardly looked away and grabbed her pencil to write down notes.

As everyone was packing up, Y/n left her bag and walked over to the boy now known as Succubus' Servant.

"Hey, looks like we get to work together!" Y/n exclaimed, tapping Edgar on the shoulder.

"On what?"

"The play, silly! You get to be my servant!"

"Oh, that. Mm. I guess so..."

"I dunno why you're so bummed out. You got a good role! At least you're not a background tree, although I doubt there are any for this play..!"

"I wanted Mr. Inference, but Mr. Ripper said I'm more fit for the Servant," Edgar explained, fiddling with the tie of his uniform.

"Ah. Well, at least you still get to act, right? Anyways, my friend Tracy -- you know her, right? Short blonde hair? Head of the Light and Sound crew? -- she's been speaking of your friend, at least I think he's your friend, I see you two around each other a lot, Lucas, was it? She said he's really talented when it comes to machines and stuff. If he's talented then you have some talent too, right? If both of you like theater I'm sure you both have your strengths when it comes to theater, like how you are good at acting and he's good at-" Y/n rambled on, leaving Edgar standing there awkwardly like a scarecrow.

"Luca, actually. But yeah, we met through theater in middle school..." Edgar sighed, rethinking all of his life choices and how he's telling his entire life story to some random girl.

"We should totally be friends! We can help each other practice our parts and-"

Edgar stared at the girl, dumbfounded. Was this girl really asking him to be fri- ahem, acquaintances?

'That's absurd,' he thought, thinking of a way to reject her while still keeping his cool and being polite.

"Sorry, I'm more of an independent guy," he managed out.

"Oh? That's okay. Well, I'll see you later, I guess," Y/n frowned, feeling a little hurt. She went over to grab her bag and the bell rang shortly, hanging her head low as she passed by Edgar, who was feeling a little guilty.

[Fade out]

The Oletus Theater - Edgar Valden x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now