Act VI

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Act VI
Scene I

[Fade in]

"Alrighty. Today we're rehearsing Chapter I of the play. I'm assuming you all know your lines and if you don't that's your problem," Pessimistic said, beckoning everyone to their places on stage.

Although the opening scene of the play was Succubus' Song, they cut to the first line, that being Mr. Inferences.

The Succubus, as well as the Prince, the Rainmaker, D.M., and the Monstrous Bird all walked up on stage, taking their seats on the plushy velvet chairs up on set, the coffee table, adorned with the fake candles Luca had made, in front of them.

"After the Golden Rose Theater incident," the actor of Mr. Inference, Naib Subedar, started, while taking a few paces on the stage, "D.M. invited me to a masquerade ball at the Mèlodis Estate, by way of thanks. All of the city's emerging art dealers were to be in attendance."

The passion he was putting in to this production was evident, his voice was filled with excitement while keeping together and sounding intelligent, as a real detective would. Y/n's eyes boggled as she watched from behind the fake coffee table. Would she be able to give as much emotion in her performance as Naib was? It may not have been a competition, but Naib certainly set the bar high.

"A rainstorm caused a power outage, and a night of carefree festivities..."

The scene dragged on, and although Y/n didn't have any lines in this scene, she watched the other actors as they sat by the coffee table, silently waiting for their chance to speak up.

"What a terribly boring game."

Finally, the Rainmaker, Vera, started reciting her lines with such emotion, mesmerizing Y/n and Victor Grantz, the actor of the Prince. The other actors had left the scene after Mr. Inference stopped talking.

" trace of him was found in the ruins of his residence," Vera said in her slightly high-pitched voice, altering it to be softer so it would fit the role of the Rainmaker a little more.

"I finally finished my story, and it was the turn of the boy opposite, the Prince, who fiddled with the puppet in his hands, pondered for a moment, and then looked at me as if he had finally found some inspiration."

Now it was Victor, the Prince's, turn to say his lines.

"Not far from my home, there used to be a deserted castle. On rainy nights, you could always hear owls hooting in the darkness."

Another soft voice, Y/n thought, still sitting at the table, these characters are so boring! Some diversity, please?

It was true. All of the characters in this production were terribly boring. They all had the same personalities, and they all lacked uniqueness. That's what Y/n liked about the Succubus. She was unique, and she felt as if she could carry out the role. Villainous characters may not have been her thing, if anything, she was the insignificant side character, but she could hear the role screaming out to her, "Pick me!" and "You're the perfect actor for me!"

[Fade out]

Act VI
Scene II

[Fade in]

After the practice, Y/n walked home, catching a glimpse of Edgar on the other side of the street. She crossed the road, not before looking both ways, of course, and ran up to him.

"Hey! Guess we go home the same way, huh? Wanna walk together?" Y/n smiled as she adjusted her bag.

"Oh. Umm, sure, I guess," Edgar mumbled, staring down at his shoes.

"So. Are you interested in anything other than theater? Like extracurriculars?"

"No, not really. Theater's the only thing I've ever really liked. Although I like art, like painting and stuff, too," Edgar replied, feeling kind of awkward walking home with someone he could barely call a friend.

"Thats cool! I've been doing theater my entire life, so I don't have time for anything else. I played football for one year, back in lower school. Didn't really like it, though. I'm not a sports type of person," Y/n rambled on.

Not knowing how to continue a conversation, as he wasn't really a people person, Edgar simply nodded.

After a minute or two of awkward silence, Edgar muttered, "This is my street."

"Oh! I'm the next street down. That's cool, we live pretty close to each other!"

"Uh-huh. Bye."

"See you tomorrow!"

Edgar frowned as he departed from Y/n. One of the last things he wanted right now was for her to know where he lived, unless he wanted a ring on the doorbell at an inconvenient time.

[Fade out]


heyyy guess who's backkk!! finally got back to writing on here after a month or two of hiatus and no inspiration. sorry for the short chapter, but this was all i could force out :') hope you enjoyed, although i can't guarantee another chapter will be out any time soon.

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