Chapter 3

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As the food cooked, August's stomach released a series of more hungry gurgles in response to the aromas wafting his way. Each time his stomach made itself known; he shrank further into Orton out of sheer embarrassment.

When the first lot of meat was ready Morton swiftly placed it all in a pile on a cleaned leaf. He tuned to make his way over to August, sending him a goofy blunt-toothed smile. However, Arjun snatched the food from Morton's hands before ferrying the lot over to August as if nothing had happened. He kneeled in front of the youth, inhaling deeply while doing so. The shameless crocodile then proceeded to attempt to hand feed August.

Next, Clément rushed over with a wooden cup filled with water. He evaded Morton's reaching hands as the moose-man attempted to steal the delivery. Reaching August, he bent down to pass the cup to him, taking a whiff of the boy's hair in the process.

Choosing to ignore their odd behavior, August thanked the men before downing the water. Ignoring the morsel offered in Arjun's fingers, August ravenously devoured the freshly roasted meat in front of him – using his own fingers. The meat was gammy but passable.

This time, Morton snatched up the cup while telling August that he would refill and return it. As with the other males, he took a sniff of August before rushing off.

Their less then subtle actions were starting to weigh on his nerves, however, August continued to persevere in the name of food. Though he did find it odd how the large men seemed to be tripping over themselves, eager to wait on him. Even Orton kept placing slice after slice of meat in his hands while he ate.

It was also odd how none of the males were eating with him, even though it was essentially their food. Though, they may simply not be hungry of be following some strange custom.

With his brain functioning on a fuller stomach, August was free to wonder why the strange men remained naked. Knowing that in some cultures, people wore less clothing, he decided to pay it no mind. If they were comfortable, why make an issue. Plus, they were all men and possessed the same goods. Surprisingly, that included Arjun who had human-like genitalia rather than hidden genitals in a cloaca.

No, August did not look there.

At that point, Morton returned with the now refilled cup of water. Again, another small-scale battle ensued, and it was Arjun who gave the carved cup back to August. Once AGAIN taking a sniff of him.

"Do I smell bad?" August asked now that his patience had run out – and his stomach had sufficient sustenance.

"No! Why would you think that?" All males answered at once, horrified.

"Cuz you guys keep smelling the air a bunch whenever you're near me." He replied to all four, feeling rather exasperated that they'd lie to his face.

The men blushed and adverted their gazes. Eventually, Morton muttered, "We were trying to be subtle."

"Well, you weren't, so please explain why you keep sniffing me if I apparently don't stink."

This time the hushed answer came from behind him, Orton, "You smell good...."

"Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttttt..." August finished, creeped out. Last he remembered; he'd been rock climbing. No way was he smelling like roses after that, even if he'd been drenched in the sudden downpour that had caused his fall. He chose to leave the conversation at that for the time being.

A heavy silence envelope the group.

Later, when August had finished another small pile of meat, he went to stand and retrieve more for himself but was stopped. Orton had AGAIN wound an overly thick arm around his waist, keeping August rooted to his hard thighs.

Clément took the opportunity before any of the others could react to replace empty the leaf with another holding afresh pile of meat and now berries.

Feeling curious and wanting to change from the previous awkwardness, August asked between mouthfuls, "Hey Orton, why do you keep refusing to let me stand? And why do they keep wanting to feed me?" He curiously eyed another outstretched hand attempting to feed him. He had no plans of accepting the unwarranted help.

Hearing his name coming from the female's lips made Orton's shaft twitch. Chuckling, he focussed on answering, "Because females must be cared for."

August made a scrunched-up face as he focused on not chocking. "Why do you all think I'm a girl?"

"Your sent tells us that you are a female." Clément jumped into the conversation and answered from his spot across the fire.

"But I'm male?" August was starting to wonder if he had perhaps truly become a girl. Or if maybe his whole life had been a lie. These men were strange to say the least.

Subtly looking down at himself, he confirmed that he was still dressed in his climbing gear. His chest was still washboard flat and he could make out the slight bulge in his pants.

Definitely still male.

All four beastmen laughed, "You're both cute and funny. What a blessing." They smiled in bliss.

Frustrated, August grabbed Orton's hand and places it on his crotch. Both males lock eyes. Orton's ice-blue eyes bulged out from their sockets when understanding dawned on him.

Noticing the large man's clear comprehension, August nodded slowly as if he were explaining basic addition to an adult. In a way he was, just instead of math he was teaching them anatomy.

Orton shot up, knocking August from his lap in the process. "Y-y-y-you're MALE?!?"

Exasperated, August huffed, "That's what I've been telling you."

All beastmen present froze, Turing pale. One after the other, they shifted into their respective animal forms, then run away as fast as their paw could carry them with their tails tucked between their legs. It was as if they had seen a monster.

In their haste, they forgot all the food and bags they had been carrying.

August sighed and leaned back, continuing to chew on the meat in his hand while enjoying the fire's heat. "At least I have food to last for a while." Looking back up in the direction the giant beasts had gone, he added, "At least now I know why they were parading around naked..."

As for the four fleeing males, they were beyond devastated. Their female was a male! But how did a male smell like a highly fertile female!?! He even had male bits! Orson had felt them. All four continued running, their paws, hooves and claws thumping against the ground. They had to get as far as possible from the proof of their humiliating misunderstanding.

Many paces later, they passed a lion shifter who was lounging in the morning sun after a successful hunt. The males kept running, paying the other beastman no mind.

Ekon noticed their odd behavior and sniffed the air. He smelt no danger, but rather a very sweet, female. They were running from a female. Fools.

His attention picked, Ekon lumbered over in the directing he had seen the four other males come from.

Soon, he smelt the female's mouthwateringly fresh sent floating along the gentle breeze. He was getting close.

Oddly, it was only her's and the four run-away males' scents on the air. She was alone. The four males had left her completely alone. Complete. Utter. Fools.

Deciding that they did not deserve her if they were only going to abandon the poor, lovely creature, he decided that this female would be his.


So I really should work on my assignments, lab reports and study for exams... but I really don't want to... And writing this nonsense is so much more entertaining...

Thank you for reading the proof of my procrastination, hope you enjoyed.

Oct. 11, 2021

Edit Uploaded June 14, 2023

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