Chapter 26

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Ekon laid awake on his side with his eyes closed. August's back plastered to the wide expanse of his chest, his head resting on Ekon's arm. His free arm held the young male close while all his senses focused on the feel of his mate's tranquil breathing.

Stiff member pressed against the round globes of August's rear, he had to restrain himself from gyrating his hips in search of friction. It would be cruel to wake his love before dawn. Although the thought of relief was temping, he much rather cuddle his beloved mate for a little longer while he waited for morning.

Thinking about the approaching start to the day had Ekon's heart palpitating in eagerness and a subconscious smile stretching his face. The witch doctors would be doing their rounds of the female's homes that day to check their health.

If August was cleared – which he would be – they would be able to mate for cubs.

At the image of August's belly swelling with their young, Ekon's balls drew tight, nearly released his seed. Mentally cursing himself for acting like an unmated male, he took a couple deep breaths and forced himself to calm – marginally.

By no means was Ekon a specialist when it came to healing, however, he knew how to observe. His mate slept well, exercised well, ate well, and stayed hydrated. Not to mention August's increasing appetite for more than just the food Ekon provided. Hence, his sureness that the checkup would go well. His staff pulsed in agreement.

He hoped to find the coveted berries that same day so come evening he'd be holding his writhing, wanting mate while he pounded into him. His balls pulled tighter in anticipation. If August were anything like the females he was familiar with, which seemed to be the case, consuming the berries would send August into a mating heat. The mating heat would not only increase August's libido, but also increase his chances of conceiving cubs.

From there, he and his mate would indulge in each other's bodies through the snowy season. Eating, sleeping, and mating. He had no need to hunt. The a'rmbools that Yule had captured would likely last the four of them until the next snow season.

Still, he had also stocked up on dried meat just in case.

He disliked relying on the help of the other two beastmen. There was no telling when they would finally give up on wooing his mate and move on. If he were to be reliant on them, it could complicate things when they left. Hence his reluctance to accept their efforts, though he could not deny that they had greatly contributed to caring for August.


A warning cough from beyond the door closely followed by a quick succession of knocks announced the arrival of the witch doctor.

Ekon eagerly scrambled for the door while August intensified his pacing. The dark-haired male had already worn down a line in the fur covering that section of the floor. He had been 'unsettled' since he'd woken.

Upon opening the hut's door, Ekon was greeted by rush of cold air and a smiling Swayer. The older male's graying brown hair was wind-tussled into a veritable bird's nest upon his head.

"Mind if I come in?" Swayer asked, his green eyes crinkling in mirth.

Opening the door wider, Ekon nodded for the witch doctor to enter and stepped out of the way. He suppressed the instinctual growl of displeasure that threatened to creep up his throat as the unmated male entered his den.

By the time Ekon turned from closing the door, Swayer was already seated with August's wrist in his hands. Ekon reminded himself that Swayer was there to check August's health, not to steal the young male away from his mate.

While concentrating on taking deep breaths, the lion beastman watched in confusion as the witch doctor pressed his fingers to the inside of August's wrists. The two spoke quietly while Swayer worked.

"So how are you settling in?"

"Not bad..." August's tentative response started, "It's been better since we've fixed the place up."

"The hut does look cozy!" Swayer replied jovially, "I can only imagine how dilapidated it must have been when you first arrived. Young, unmated males are always the same." He finished on a sigh.

At August's giggle, Swayer eagerly continued in a slightly hushed tone – that Ekon still had no issue hearing, "How're things with Ekon?"

August squeaked and Ekon watched in rapture as red creeped its way from August's cheeks down his neck and up his ears. "Wh-wh-what do you mean?!?" The male ducked his head but still peaked at Ekon through his lashes.

Noticing August's gaze, Swayer barked out a laugh and told August to ignore Ekon.

Offended that the witch doctor had the gul to tell his own mate to ignore him, Ekon did not swallow the growl that erupted from his chest.

Completely disregarding Ekon's growling, Swayer leaned in and whispered into August's ear. Ekon watched as August's lips moved in response and Swayer patted the younger male on the shoulder.

Realizing that he could not hear the two whisper over the volume of his growl, Ekon's growl died in his chest.

Just in time too, as Swayer looked back at him with a carefully neutral expression. "I'll need to touch August's belly before concluding the checkup." He paused while Ekon wrestled another growl under control. "I would suggest you either wait outside or organize yourself in such a way that I may conclude this portion of the checkup with all my limbs still attached." He finished professionally.

"Can't you just-"

"And no! Before you even ask, I cannot clear August unless if I finish the full examination." He interrupted Ekon's question.

Grumbling under his breath, Ekon turned and marched out the door. His head knew he could trust Swayer. His instincts were a whole other mater.

He firmly positioned himself outside the hut's – now closed – door while he resigned himself to waiting.


Luckily, his wait was short. The door bumping into his back letting him know the two were done.

Ekon turned to face Swayer. "So?" He prompted when the male simply smirked, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I might have some disappointing news for you..." The male started, his voice far to chipper for bad news. "But I also have some good news which might make things a bit better."

Looking back over Swayer's shoulder to see a very white-faced August staring at them, Ekon suggested, "Why don't we have this conversation in a bit more comfort?" His instincts were screaming that his mate needed comforting and he didn't like the idea of August not being part of the conversation.

"A wise choice" Swayer replied as he led the way back into the hut.


Thank you for reading!

Cheers :)

June 11, 2022

Edit Uploaded June 14, 2023

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