Chapter 16

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Few notes:Thank you to all those who replied to my question in chapter 15. All your input has really helped me and was greatly appreciated. There were a lot of very persuasive points brought up and they've all helped me think quite a bit.

I've decided to keep Ekon and August as an exclusive couple. As a disclaimer, due to the setting, there will be points where it will seem like it'll be come a threesome. It will not. Sorry to all of those who were hoping for a threesome.

Sorry for the super long foreword, not a fan of doing that...


August glowered as he followed Ekon around the city teeming with activity while the male sorted things out. The lion man had refused to cover his mating mark and instead went around flaunting it for the world to see. August doubted his face could glow any redder, he was practically a walking stoplight. Either passersby would stare at him or at Ekon's arm, then at him. Then, as if it wasn't already bad enough, some would even try to approach them asking how Ekon had received the mark, if August had a fever, if August would accept another mate, etc. It just went on and on and on.

Though, he had to admit that he was currently quite thankful to Aquil for having stepped up to go see the city guards. They needed a description of Alpin, the fox beastman who'd attacked him. A portrait of the male would be drawn so that the male could be watched out for if ever he returned. Aquil volunteering gave the pair one less thing on their 'to do list,' meaning that August would sooner be able to go burry himself in a hole to wallow in shame.

Ekon, the walking peacock, on the other hand was having the time of his life. Not only was he able to show off his 'lovely' mate, but he even got to relish in the envy of his beastman peers at having received his mate's mating mark. However, his gloating was short lived as he finally remembered, thanks to August, what had likely put August in danger in the first place. Oh, the irony!

Finally, after lunch, it was time for their last stop, the witch doctor. The crowds had thinned down enough for August to calm somewhat. As they made their way through the market, thankfully to leave, he observed his surroundings more in depth. Males had skins or weaved straw covering the ground over which they placed whatever it was that they were trying to trade. Those interested would approach the 'seller' and ask what it was that they wanted in return. If they had what the 'seller' wanted and were willing to trade, then they would negotiate. It was a simple system, August noted as he observed a particularly heated conversation with mild interest.

He also noted how few females were present. Those that he did spot were surrounded by a swarm of large men who seemed more like bodyguards/servants. However, he assumed some were in actual fact the female's mates if the numerous mating marks on her body were anything to go by. Though he did wonder if the small number of 'beastwomen' was simply because they didn't care for the market. The thought didn't make much sense given the stereotype regarding women and their love for shopping. There wouldn't be a stereotype for no reason, right?


Ekon entered a mud hut first, closely followed by August whose hand was being held by said lion man. The hut was cramped for height with crude pottery jars lining the walls. The inside smelled like earth and a mixture of hubs and spices. Much like the spice draw in a kitchen, just more intense.

August had to hold back a sneeze as the scents assaulted his nose. Ekon on the other hand didn't hold his back. The loud noise drew the attention of a middle-aged male that had been crouched in a corner using a grinder. His rounded ears twitched as he stood up and turned to greet them.

"Hello, what may I do for you today?" The beastman started, "Ekon! My boy, you're back!" The male soon exclaimed once he realized who had entered. He had wiry graying brown hair and wise green eyes. His face lit up in a large welcoming grin, as his smile formed crow's feet next to his eyes.

Releasing August's hand, Ekon stepped forward and grasped forearms with the new male in greetings. "Swayer, it's been too long."

"Now, now, you... I assume you're not coming here to ask me to patch you up again? You seem just fine." Swayer observed as he looked at Ekon quizzically.

Stepping the side, Ekon gently pulled August forward. If he didn't know any better, August would have assumed the lion beastman was being bashful in front of the older male. "This is my mate, August." The male introduced in a tone much quieter than before.

Gasping, "I didn't even notice your scent over all those of the herbs in here! Silly me..." the male exclaimed. "I'm Swayer, a beaver beastman." He introduced, excitement clear in his voice, as he approached the human.

August offered a shy smile, unsure of what else to offer the conversation.

Looking back over towards Ekon, "You found yourself a fine female, my boy. Your father would be proud." Pride shone through in his gaze.

"Not. A. Female." August mumbled with a huff as he crossed his arms. Why did people keep assuming his gender?!?

Swayer cocked his head to the side in confusion before bursting out in laugher, "She even has a wonder sense of humor!" He patted Ekon on the shoulder as he wiped a tear that had formed in his eye.

"It's not a joke." August said, louder this time as he became irritated.

Still smiling, "August, dear, you can't fool this witch doctor. My trade revolves around my sniffer." The male pointed to his nose, still sporting a large smile, obviously not grasping that August was in fact being serious.

Finally, Ekon spoke up, "We believe that he may in fact be a male." He paused until he was sure the beaver beastman had calmed and was fully focused on him, "When I mated him, he gave me a mating mark, as I gave him one." The lion man proceeded to show his mark to the older man.

August surprisingly didn't feel near as much shame. Maybe he was growing accustomed? Or maybe because Ekon was showing it to someone who was along the lines of a doctor? That or he simply tried not to think about it as his shame was presented to others like a trophy. Yep, definitely the later.

Swayer said nothing, though his eyebrows did crease in the center and his lips puckered into a thin line. It was a good few minutes before he finally opened his mouth, "I see, not joking then... Only males leave a mating mark." He paused as he seemed to return to his thoughts before continuing, "However, the mating mark is always in the form of the beast, not the beastman, which is odd in your case..."

Ekon itched for the older beastman to continue on the topic, he really wanted to finally find out what creature his cute, little mate was. He was sure he'd be able to accept him even if he were of feral decent. Though he doubted that be the case.

August was equally interested in hearing more. Most things in his new surrounding were a mystery to him, and he'd been curious why he kept being mistaken as a female.

The witch doctor sighed heavily before turning to August and asking, "Can the females of your species have children?"

A swift nod.

Grunt. The beaver man seemed to become more thoughtful, clearly mulling over his knowledge as he mumbled incoherently. The older male released a loud puff of mild frustration.

Turing towards Ekon, "I was suspecting that he was a fishman known as a seahorse, however if he were, his mark would have been that of the marine creature. Not to mention that seahorse males can only reproduce with females of the same species..." He trailed off slightly. "Clearly, our dear August is not of seahorse decent." Swayer sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "I suspect that he is of a race that is far more fertile than ours. Likely to the point that for us, where our males are highly potent to compensate for our females' lack of fertility, their males seem like females." He looked back at August, his eyes somber and serious, "I can only imagine the turmoil a female of your race would cause on the beast continent."


Thank you all for reading <3

Nov. 29, 2021

Edit uploaded June 14, 2023

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