Chapter 24

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Allô all! Funny story that I thought I'd share now that the plot is a little over half way. So originally, I wanted this to be a short story of about 5 to 10 chapters... lol. yup. nope. Then, once I reached chapter 9, I expected the story to be about 15 chapters... Then I though maybe 20? Now, I'm estimating about 6 to 10 chapters to go for this story.

enjoy :)


At Ekon's hut, August spotted from behind the large male's frame, two – or three, depending on how one chose to count – surprises awaiting them.

On one side of the entrance laid a doe, apparently freshly caught. The owed game, no doubt delivered by one of the four from the previous day's encounter. Though, they obviously hadn't had the sense to clean and prepare the meat. Lazy buggers.

On the other side, stood two beastmen. One who August recognised as Yule, Alva's brother.

Under the light of day, August could finally see that the male had white-gray hair and pale emerald eyes. Stark differences from his sister's curly light brown hair and large black eyes.

The second beastman, August had never seen before. He was stocky when compared to Ekon and Yule, with a larger bone structure. Not to mention that his muscles were enormous, almost intimidatingly so. However, his black soulful eyes conveyed a tender inside to his tough outer shell.

Upon noticing Ekon and August's approach, the two had straightened their stance, squared their shoulders, and raised their chins. Much like young soldiers would at the approach of a high-ranking, evaluating officer. Clearly, they strived to impress and pass inspection.

August could see Ekon bristle at the sight of the two beastmen, his hackles pre-emptively rising to an unspoken challenge. Clearly, he didn't want either to impress the black-haired male behind him.

Before Ekon could banish the males from his territory, Yule spoke up, "August, I hope you are well this morning." He began politely, before continuing, "I hope you remember me from yesterday evening?" Conveniently ignoring the seething lion beastman.

The pale-haired male paused while August gave a slight incline of his head, acknowledging that he did in fact remember Yule.

A bright smile split across Yule's face at being remembered. "I know it might have been awkward with how my sister and her mates introduced us last night, but I would like to get to know you better in hopes of becoming a potential mate." He explained without a touch of shame or embarrassment.

August was barely able to hear the last part over Ekon's possessive growling.

Flustered, August floundered in search of a reply. Apparently, it was common to be very honest about one's intentions in the beast continent. And August was woefully unprepared for having a large man – beastman – explicitly expressing his interest of flirting with him.

Before he could speak, however, the dark haired beastman spoke. "You have not met me yet. However, I have heard of you, August." His voice was deep and gruff but not from underuse. It sounded more like each syllable reverberated within his large chest before being spoken into words. "My name is Dakota, and I am a grizzly bear beastman and a city guard. I'm also here today to express my interest in being a potential mate to you."

No wonder the male was so stocky, he was a bear.

Cutting in, "He doesn't need any other mate." Ekon growled out. "Plus, the witch doctor, Swayer, has expressed that my mate may be unable to claim any other mates due to his physiology." He puffed his chest at the use of a 'complex' word before finishing in a snarky tone, "You're both, clearly, wasting your time."

Unphased by Ekon's offhanded aggression, Yule replied, "Luckily for you, that's for each of us to decide." His voice clear and untainted by emotion.

Finally regaining his ability to speak, "Um, Ekon's right..." August paused, his silver eyes wide as all three pairs of eyes refocussed on him. "I don't want another mate. I'm still trying to learn my way around here and –"

"Maybe if you had more than one mate, you might have been able to get them to 'shoo' us off." Dakota interrupted, "However, you only have one. Plus, to top it off, you've already been in danger where a mated male had to step in and save you."

Dakota paused as he pointedly stared down a growling Ekon, both males glaring daggers at each other.

"I have a deal with Alva's family." Ekon snarled darkly, his humanoid lips pealing back similar to how a lion's might, revealing not so humanoid fangs. "They'll care for August while I hunt."

This time it was Yule's turn to speak up, "Yeah, but you have to give them prey in exchange." His voice was sympathetic and gentle, clearly unperturbed by Ekon's display of aggression. He continued, "It's not uncommon for two small families to work together to keep their mates safe and share resources. However, your deal with Alva's family is not sustainable for you alone."

"I'll manage." Ekon grunted.

"Plus, she and her mates have already expressed wanting to help August find more mates. I'm the proof of this. They'll take the time while you're away to introduce him to potential mates." Yule pushed, his voice earnest.

Not wanting to hear more of the topic, Ekon grabbed August's wrist and began pulling him past the other two males and into the confines of his hut.

Stepping out into Ekon's path, Dakota rebuked, "What good to him are you if you're exhausted and worn-out? It's only a matter of time until you get yourself killed that way." Bravely taking another step into Ekon's space he opened his mouth as if to continue. However, instead he took a step back and off to the side, allowing the positively fuming Ekon to continue pulling August into the dimness of the hut.

Before entering the hut, August dug his heals into the rocky earth. "Ekon! Wait!" Steeling himself against the accusatory scowl Ekon turned his way, he continued, "Yule and Dakota are right. You'll get a burnout if it's just you taking care of me." His voice dropped a notch, "As much as I hate to admit it, I can't take care of myself here. At least not right now." In a much quieter voice, he whispered, "I need you."

Ignoring the surge of shame that filled him at his admission, he turned his attention towards the hopeful males. He cautioned, "This doesn't mean that I'm giving either of you a chance. It just means that your help would be useful."

Both males didn't seem to have heard him, if their dreamy eyes were anything to go by. He rehashed and enunciated in case it wasn't clear the first time, "I don't want to lead you on. I don't want another mate – or two. The only mate I have and will ever have is Ekon, but we could use some help."

August was doubtful that the males had heeded his warning when both eagerly nodded like bobble heads. At least he'd warned them in bold.


Thank you for reading :)

Stars and feedback are always appreciated 

(though I'm slow on fixing typos... big thank you to those who are pointing them out. I appreciate it.)

Jan. 18, 2022

Edit Uploaded June 14, 2023

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