Chapter 17

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Surprise chapter cuz I suck at doing what I should actually be doing lol


Ekon sighed, "So he isn't a sea horse, what is he?" He had clearly been hoping to get some answered from Swayer, however the elder was proving to be equally as lost.

Watching the other two males, August bit the inside of his cheek. He wasn't sure if explaining things to them would be a good idea, however they seemed sincere in their care for him.

With one more breath to calm his nerves, August exhaled slowly before starting in a quiet almost inaudible voice. "I'm a human..."

Both other males turned to look at him intrigued as they urged him to continue.

"Humans... Well, humans look like us," He motioned to everyone in the room, "just maybe not as... uh... large? As beastpeople, I mean. We uh, also don't tend to have animal ears," He motioned to the lack thereof on the top of his head," or tails for that matter... At least most of the time, we don't have tails. I uh guess you could say that I'm considered tall for a male where I'm from."

Out of shear excitement of finally finding out what his mate was, Ekon interrupted, "Wow! Hoomans sound like a small race!"

Wanting the black-haired youth to continue, Swayer reached out and held Ekon's arm to help remind the male to allow his mate to talk. However, August had already clammed up.

Attempting to prompt August to continue, Swayer asked, "Can both males and females of your species conceive?" Seeing August's silver eyes dart around the space in clear unease of the topic, he explained further while doing his best to keep a friendly, nearly parental smile plastered to his lips. He was definitely doing his best not let his curiosity get the best of him, "I'd just like to see if I was correct in my hypothesis."

Not wanting to dive further into the topic of males getting pregnant, August quickly mumbled, "Only females at birth" Before his cheeks lit a flaming red.

Of the three, only Ekon seemed happy. One of the questions that had been gnawing on his mind had been answered. Although, he still wanted to confirm one thing one more time before he could sweep August back to his hut.

"So August can get pregnant with cubs even though males of his species can't usually conceive?" His eyes bore into the middle-aged beaver man, imploring him to answer quickly.

"I suspect. It seems that as long as the male mating the hooman male is of a beast tribe, the hooman male can conceive. Though, I am unsure if the same could be said about males from other tribes..." Swayer paused briefly as a throught seemed to filter into his mind. "Though, because they only have their one form, from what I gather, you might have more success in mating him after giving him the guobei berry and while being in your beast form." Pleased with his explanation, the beaver man nodded contentedly.

"nononOnONONONONONO!" August's voice quickly crescendo into a shout before he whirled around to point accusingly at Ekon, "There is NO way that you're taking your lion dick ANYWARE NEAR my ass after your already monstrous beastman dick tore up my asshole!" His voice broke as he spoke making him sound crazed.

Wanting to appease his mate, Ekon attempted to gather the smaller male into his bulky arms. "I'm happy that I'm large enough to please you," He stated as a coy blush rose up his cheeks, "But you don't have to worry, my lion form will surely be able to bring you pleasure." He smiled down at his mate, who was currently tucked away flush against his chest.

Taking August's silence as consent and agreement to his statement, Ekon continued happy to have calmed his mate, "Plus, wouldn't it be nice to have our own litter of cubs running around?" His golden eyes had a faraway look as the beastman dreamed of his future with his mate.

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