Chapter 23

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After Ekon had slinked his way out the door to wait outside, Swayer had led August over to some fur to sit.

"Now, child, what ails you?" The male's green eyes crinkled into crow's feet at the corners as he smiled reassuringly.

With a deep breath, August started, "Well, I feel weird. It's hard to explain and it changes depending on the situation... It kinda acts up." His explanation was nearly cryptic. In his defence, it was hard to know how to start on the topic of how he seemed to be inexplicably developing a flash crush.

Nodding in understanding, Swayer started with his typical questions. "When did this start?"

"I'm not sure."

Sighing inaudibly, he asked patiently "How about you give me some examples of when it 'acts up?'"

August fidgeted with his fingers, twisting the strands of fur he was seated on; how could he explain the situation without sounding crazy? "I think I have something like Stockholm Syndrome."

Noting that August had avoided his question, Swayer pressed, "And that is...?"

Not particularly apt at explaining, August fumbled over his words, "Like when a person falls in love with their captor or person abusing them. But my situation is different... Ekon didn't exactly kidnap me. Though he did kinda coerce me by giving me an ultimatum..."

Nodding his head, Swayer patiently waited for August to continue.

"He made me feel cornered after he found me. I don't like him, but my body and brain are weird when it comes to him. It doesn't make sense!" Listing it all out simply made August realise how stressed, embarrassed and overwhelmed he truly was.

Things were so different from what he knew. He'd been doing his best to take things in stride, to be strong, to survive and learn. Now, he was realising that he'd really only been sweeping everything under the rug. August felt like curling up into a ball and crying.

Seeing August's distress, Swayer reached out between them and patted August shoulder. He had an inkling of what was happening, "I assume this started after you and Ekon mated the first time?"

August nodded sullenly, unable to speak through the heavy constriction on his chest. He felt crushed under the weight of everything.

"It's ok August." Swayer started, "It's normal for males to quickly develop feeling for the one they mate with."

"But it's not like that where I'm from!" By that point August was a sniffling mess. "I don't want to have feeling for him! Or any other 'mate' forced on me."

Pulling August into his arms, Swayer offered comfort as he rubbed circles on the small male's back. Swaying as he spoke, "I'm not saying you should forgive him for what he did. By all means it's a conversation you and him should have. Although I understand why he probably did what he did, it's not my place to say." Listening to August's quieting sniffles, he continued, "However, know that there is nothing wrong with you."

"But I have feelings for him when I don't want to." August interrupted in a wobbly voice.

"Hush child, let me finish." Swayer patted August's back as he continued, "Developing feelings so quickly is part of the forming bond between any male and his mate. It helps them develop instincts to care for and please their mate." Attempting to lighten the mood, he added in jest, "It just goes to further prove that you're a male."

August couldn't hold back a snotty giggle. Talking had somewhat help lighten the load he felt pressing down on his shoulders. However, curiosity quickly got the best of him, "What about females?"

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