Chapter 22

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Hey all! Sorry for being late. Things have been a bit nuts. (Along with a bit of writers block.) But it's all back and flowing again :D 

Hope everyone had nice holidays.



Muffled bird chirps, quiet snores and lazy streams of sun light filtering between fissures in the hut greeted August when he languidly opened his eyes. Noting the arms secured around his middle and the cozy warmth enveloping his back, he watched as dust danced in the soft morning glow.

Warm in the larger male's embrace, August trailed his attention around the small hut while his brain woke up. The fire that had burned in the center of the room was nothing but small chunks of charred wood, ash and rising smoke. The smoke accumulated along the narrow point of the hut's roof where the two sides met. Then, drifting out through small, triangular vent holes mirrored on the front and back walls of the hut.

The hut's door was shut – mostly – but hung slanted on its hinges of twine and wood. There was even a tie used to keep it somewhat shut, but it did little with the large cracks allowing light to pour through. He could already feel the ghost of the fierce draft they would face in winter. Why they didn't simply have a sliding door, or a curtain was beyond him. Either would likely be more efficient in keeping the cold out.

Observing how clearly he could see in the enclosed space simply from light flooding in, they had a lot of gaps to close if they didn't wish to freeze during winter. Assuming it got cold. Frankly, he had no idea how low the temperature would or would not drop in this place. Though he'd likely be finding out soon enough with how things were going.

A sharp pang from his bladder woke him to the fact that he desperately needed relief.

Subtly, trying to wiggle his way from Ekon's embrace, however he pauses at the feeling of something shifting at his entrance and a crackling sensation along his inner thighs. A foreboding feeling in his gut and a few more shuffled attempts later, and he was no closer to being free. Rather, the thing was now expanding at his entrance while Ekon tightened his grip on him, effectively pushing deeper.

Shamefully muffling a grown, August cursed under his breath. He smoothed out his movements as he did his best to shimmy his way out – or off – before the sleeping monster fully awoke. All in hopes of being free in time to free his bladder before it was too late.

Just as he felt the tip begin to slide free, Ekon rocked his hips forward with a squelch. "Good morning." Ekon's groggy voice rasped from behind August's ear.

Squeaking out a quick, high pitched, "I need to pee!" August focussed entirely on remaining flaccid while he redoubled his wiggling. Feeling somewhat disgruntled that his body seemed to be forgetting its own immediate needs.

He was answered with a grown, half growl as Ekon grumbled and slid free with a pop. It was accompanied by a gush of warm fluid rolling down his butt cheek and inner thigh.

Mortified, August scrambled for the nearest fur to wipe the humiliating mess away before haphazardly wrapping himself in another while he dashed for the door. His bladder felt like it was about to explode.

Ekon simply chuffed as he watched the smaller male hurry. He'd had other hopes of how to start their morning, but there'd be time for that later. With a big stretch he rose and went to keep an eye on August – from a distance.


Returning to the hut feeling much lighter, August paused to contemplate why he felt so eager to return to Ekon's side. He'd noticed the absurdity of the situation somewhat last night, but as he rethought the situation, maybe he was experiencing some twisted form of Stockholm Syndrome? Afterall, he'd gone through a great deal in a short time.

Shaking off the thought, he entered the hut.

The ground was still bare, unlike Alva's cozy abode, but he assumed that over time the floor would likely become a patchwork carpet of furs. He fleetingly wondered if they should expand somewhat for more space, especially if they planned to breed -

Cutting off his next strain of thought, he blurted out, "Something is wrong with me!"

In a heartbeat, Ekon was at his side purposely groping August's smaller body to feel for damage or discomfort.

Feeling the beginnings of lust, "I need to see a doctor. I think something's wrong with my head, stomach and chest." August rushed, feeling well and truly panicked at how his thoughts and feelings were changing without him realising sooner. It had happened so fast, too. Too fast even. Something was not normal.

"But I didn't find anything?" Ekon's eye's shone in confusion, illuminated by morning light filtering into the dingy hut.

"Sometimes problems are inside, not outside." Seeing the other male so distraught, August did his best to breath and calm his nerves. His chest constricted at how he'd caused the other male concern. Why was he feeling guilty?

"I've heard of those..." Ekon's voice broke barely above a whisper. "But... They usually kill..." Chewing his bottom lip, he eyed August with apprehension.

Seeing the unshed tears welling up in Ekon's eyes, August rushed to add, "It's not going to kill me." He had to hold himself back from launching into Ekon's embrace in an attempt to sooth the large teddy lion. "I just feel... weird? Off? It's hard to explain. But I'm going to be ok." He just had to figure out why he was acting he was in love and get it to stop. How was it possible to feel that way down to an almost instinctual level after only a couple days?

Searching August's anxious silver eyes for truthful, Ekon asked in a hushed voice, "Promise?"

Adding as much conviction to his voice as he could, August answered "Promise."


"You sure came back fast." Swayer said in cheerful greeting as he opened the door to his home. Noticing the look of distress on Ekon's face his smile faded, "Is everything ok child?" His voice dropped in concern as he moved aside and ushered the pair inside. "How can I help?"

Before Ekon could speak and cause further unnecessary panic, August rushed, "I've been feeling weird in my head, stomach and chest." As if the quickly spoken words that came out as more of a jumbled mess would help the older beastman write up an all solving remedy.

Golden eyes glassy, Ekon added just above a whisper, "He said it was inside..." As if afraid saying it too loud could harm August whom he held protectively in his arms. He'd refused to place August on his feet, insisting he needed carrying. Good thing August had asked to see the witch doctor after relieving himself. Especially given how Ekon had sprinted out from the hut and over to Swayer's.

"It's not going to kill me, Ekon. I promise..." Returning his attention to the confused doctor, August continued, "I just feel weird. It's hard to explain."

Crinkling his brows in question, the older male looked up at Ekon who was clearly overreacting, "Ekon, my child, why don't you wait outside while your mate August and I have a bit of a chat?"

Ekon's arms tightened around August, unwilling to let go. He quickly shook his head while he held on to his mate in dear life.

With a sigh of exasperation, Swayer raised his voice. "Put him down this instant unless if you want to crush the poor thing to death!"

Only just noticing the rapid fire tapping on his arm, Ekon released his hold, gently placing August down on his feet. Finally. Free from the lion boa constrictor, August sucked in air greedily.

"Now, Ekon. Out." The witch doctor pointed at the door as he tapped his foot in clear agitation. "It'll be easier for me to understand what's going on without you looming over him or crushing the air out of him for that matter."


Thank you for reading!

Jan. 4, 2022

Update posted June 14, 2023

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