Chapter 5

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Having finally obtained the female's reluctant consent, Ekon plopped down next to her facing the dying embers. He passed his beefy arm over her shoulder so he could hold he while she ate. She still had a large pile of meat and berries next to her and she would need her strength for the coming night.

Noticing that after a few minutes the female had made no extra attempts to continue eating, he inquired, "Female, are you no longer hungry?"


"You were eating quite well when I first saw you. Why stop now?" He asked densely, not noticing the other's discomfort.

"Lost my appetite."

"What in the word would do that? Are you sick?" Ekon worried. He reached out with a mitten to feel her temperature.

Flabbergasted that the large man didn't seem to catch on that he was the cause of his discomfort, August swatted Ekon's reaching hand away. He may as well enlighten him – rudely. "If you're wondering why I would loose my appetite, I think it's all rather self-explanatory. Only a dunce wouldn't be able to figure it out." Noticing the ever-blank expressing on Ekon's face, August continued, "You literally pop up out of nowhere, saying that I'm a woman and that you will breed me. THEN when I express not wanting to you backed me up into a f*cking corner where I basically have no option but to accept you." He practically seethed at the end. "AND THEN, you act as if I'm fully one-hundred percent willing!" He finished on an unpleasant screech.

Unfazed by the small female's outburst, "is this your first time?" Ekon was unable to prevent a hopeful note from entering his voice.

Too taken aback by the sudden question, August nodded on instinct. He was not good at lying and his default was honesty.

"I'll be gentle." Ekon smirked. He tightened his arm around the female's shoulders and caressed her arm with his other hand. Subconsciously, his tail wound possessively around the female's waist. It pleased him greatly to know he would be her first.

August flinched slightly at the sudden intimacy but eventually felt the calming embrace calm him. He tried to struggle a loosing battle against the calming effects but quickly gave up.

"By the way, what should I call you?" Ekon asked once he felt the female fully melt in his arms.

"August" came a mumbled reply. He'd been so outraged that he'd forgotten to introduce himself when Ekon had.

"August?" Ekon repeated, testing the female's name. He liked the way it felt when he spoke it.

A small nod was accompanied by an "mhm" as August felt his eyes begin to drift shut. The climb, the fall and all the unwanted attention had zapped his energy.

"Well August, let's have fun today while we look for a comfortable cave" Ekon offered with a big toothy smile. They still had most of the day ahead of them.

As much as Ekon wanted to get started as soon as possible, his sire had always told him and his brothers to only ever mate a female at night. Even though the reason behind his sire's statement remained a mystery, Ekon assumed it wise to follow the male's advice. Afterall, he was a male who'd succeeded in continuing his clan lineage.

Seeing Ekon's smile, August wanted to tell the male to 'eat shit' but instead chose to ask, "A cave?" He looked Ekon in the eyes uncertainly.

"I assumed you would prefer to be somewhere a bit more privet for your first time." He answered smoothly.

At a loss for words, August gave a quiet "oh" before looking back to the cooling embers. He was too tired to react strongly to the revelation. Instead, he allowed his eyes to drift shut.

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