Chapter 21

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The two sat in silence. The smaller still seated on the larger, just that now the human had freed his arms from his fur wrap.

Dazed, August chewed on freshly roasted meat, that had the most basic flavor. If boot leather were to be considered flavor, that is. Luckily, he was he was too far buried in his concerns to notice the barely passable meal. All he could focus on at that exact point in time was trying to understand why he seemed to be developing a - whatever it was - towards Ekon. Not to mention finally taking a moment to absorb all that had happened.

It was hard to freak out, especially as in all honesty he should be dead. He'd been falling from nearly the top of a cliff. If anything, he was lucky – and thankful – to be alive. Plus, shifter men seemed pretty cool – too bad he couldn't shift too... They each seemed to have unique characteristics that they used to their advantage. They also seemed adamant on keeping him safe, which was a plus. Especially given how unfamiliar his new surroundings were. Though he still would have preferred being able to care for himself. None the less, he was still grateful, but he could go without the pushy males wanting to 'mate.' Not to mention to whole 'getting pregnant' thing.

Ekon, on the other hand, happily waited for August to finish what was in his hands before passing him more food. He never knew how pleasant it was to feed a mate. Now he understood why beastmen living in families always seemed to fight over which male got to feed their female. Not to mention that watching his August chew on the meat he had prepared for him was incredibly satisfying to his urges to care for his mate. No wonder males always seemed to trip over themselves in attempts to please their female more than their competitors.

He was quite happy that he had no competition. Though keeping August safe alone was already proving to be a struggle and it had only been a few days. The involuntary happy rumble in his chest that had developed quickly switched to a grumpy growl. Another male might be needed in order to help him keep his August safe. He'd need to talk to August about the subject.

Sighing, he opened his mouth to start on the topic. However, just as he was about to speak, he remembered August's words while back at Alva's.

If August wanted only him, why should he raise the topic now? He could always wait a bit, continue enjoying having his mate all to himself. Why ruin the perfect moment they currently had going by bring up an unpleasant topic?

Instead, he returned his attention to his precious mate who seemed to be done eating and was simply staring off into the flame.

The lion man smiled down tenderly at his mate. He was beginning to rather like the docile male. Not just because of the mating bond that was forming between them, but genuinely liking the smaller being. August was for the most part easy going from what Ekon had noticed. He appreciated how he seemed to adapt to change in stride, even if he would balk and refuse certain things. August wasn't unreasonable and definitely not demanding. Though, Ekon noted with a pinch of trepidation, August could be quite intimidating if he wanted to. Not physically, but verbally. Though it confused him how he found even that to be endearing.

Thinking about his lovely little mate caused Ekon's blood to flow south. Soon his junior was saluting August's rear.

However, much to Ekon's dismay, August either did not notice or payed no attention.

With a huff, Ekon leaned forward and nipped at a creamy ear while he slid a hand along August's side. Up and down again. Fleeting, but enough to rouse a shiver from the smaller being.

August's nipples pebbled into small twin peaks beneath the furs. The roughness of his current makeshift clothes rubbing against the buds was in no way helpful. If anything, it further served Ekon in his pursuit of distracting the human.

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