Chapter 19

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I seriously need to stop procrastinating and actually study for finals...

But please do enjoy the fruit of my aversion to studies <3


As evening began to fade to night, a small fire in the center of the room brought heat to its surroundings. The shadows cast by the room's occupants danced along the walls in time with the flame. Though any surface not shadowed was warmed by the orange glow of the fire.

Dim light from the setting sun could still be seen from behind the fur draped over the small window.

August sat in a small pile of furs opposite Alva in silence, the crackling of wood burning the only noise between them as they stared at the hypnotic light. Neither payed attention to the large tiger, Ninian, dozing off to the side. He had refused to leave the room, insisting that they needed someone to guard them even though there were three other beastmen in the hut.

Ekon had left a while ago, accompanied by Kenton (maned wolf), and Haluk (golden eagle) to go hunting. Though Basilio (Pangolin), had apparently left before then to go looking for insects. Apparently, Alva had had a craving earlier that day, which he hopped to fulfil.

The two had spoken a bit at first. Alva had pried the information August had learnt that day from him, but the flames quickly stole their attention. As such, silencing the gossip.

August found it interesting how each room Alva spent time in had a fire pit in its center. Though given the lack of central heating in this world, he assumed it was to be expected. He didn't quite remember the placement of the fire pit in Ekon's hut, or if it even had one... He'd been rather distracted as of late.

Shuffling and low murmurs from the entrance drew them from their thoughts. August's silver eyes, which currently looked like a mix of orange and gold from the fire light, met Alva's black ones over the flame. Both perked at the noise, turning to observe the tiger's reaction.

Ninian left his large head rested on his front paws, only opening one green eye lazily in silent observation. Clearly there was no danger. He huffed at his small female before allowing his eyelid to fall closed once more.

A beaming smile overtook Alva's features as she scrambled up to her feet, rushing around to pull grab August and pull him over towards the small commotion.

A small snuffed out part of him hopped that Ekon had returned, though he did his best to ignore it. He'd only known the male for something like two days and he was already getting attached. It was ridiculous and he refused to admit to it.

The pair quickly reached the hut's entrance.

To August's disappointment, though he would never admit it, it was not the hunting party returning. Instead, he could make out a lone male at the threshold of the door conversing with Jair (racoon). From what August could discern in the dim lighting, the new male had pale wavy hair that reached just under his jaw. It was likely some sort of light blond or gray-white, but it was difficult to tell with the lack of proper light.

The males' discussion was interrupted by Alva squealing, "YUUUUULLLLLEEEEEE!" and launching herself hat the male that had apparently just arrived.

Without blinking, the newcomer expertly caught the practically flying female in his arms and spun her around. Her legs swung out in a circle as she giggled.

August stood awkwardly off the side observing the interaction. He noticed that Jair also stood off in silence shaking his head. Apparently, this was a common reoccurrence between Alva and this male.

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