Chapter 27

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Reluctantly, August allowed himself to be tugged onto Ekon's lap. He wouldn't admit it, but the big guy made for a comfortable chair – nothing else. He refused to enjoy how his rear was cradled against Ekon's crotch and how even while flaccid Ekon's 'third leg' didn't fail to distract him. Afterall, it was only covered by a scrap of leather that couldn't pass as a loin cloth seeing at it was August wearing the makeshift clothing.

No, he did not enjoy their activities. Who would enjoy that?

Why was he even thinking about that?

His cheeks were burning and for sure glowing red. Swayer had said he had bad news. If anything, he should be concerned about the bad news. After all, the witchdoctor had just finished his health checkup... But Ekon's chiselled washboard abs against his back were calling to him.

No! Scolding himself, August did his utmost to focus on the witchdoctor.

Finally feeling some appropriate apprehension settle into his gut, August focused on the beaver beastman as the older male took his time getting comfortably seated.

After a few wiggles of his rear and a final flick of a small rounded ear, Swayer looked up first at Ekon then down at August. "So, what news should I start with?"

"The bad!" August rushed to answer while Ekon's scrunched nose pointed to his obvious struggle to choose.

"But I kind of wanted the good news..." The lion man grumbled, pouting.

With a good-natured laugh, Swayer reassured "All in good time my boy. Now, bad news..." Pausing, he looked at the pair sternly before continuing with an acusing finger already pointed at Ekon. "In no means can August consume the Goubei berry this season. Now, that does not –"

"What do you mean?!?" Ekon shot up from his cross-legged seating, cradling August in a death grip. "Is my mate sick? Have I been a bad male? Did I not take good care of him?..." Ekon's tail flicked restlessly.


"But you said..."


As Ekon prattled on a list of unending questions, August desperately struggled to suck some air into his lungs. Was that his ribcage creaking? And was that Swayer chuckling?

August couldn't breathe and it was hard to follow the swift exchange between Ekon, who was clearly over-reacting, and Swayer, who seemed to be unprofessionally fighting a fit of giggles. August's brain needed oxygen to function, after-all.

If he couldn't have that darn berry, at least he wouldn't be subject to Ekon trying to get him pregnant. The male in question already had the libido to match that of an actual lion... Why encourage him more by boosting August's?

His heart panged with an unfamiliar feeling. Or maybe it was just his lungs screaming for air.

Why did he feel disappointed? Definitely because he needed air. An oxygen deficient brain was definitely the cause.

Finally heeding his lung's tortured scream to be filled, August focussed on forcing the words out before he suffocated, "Can't.... breath." It came out sounding more like a gasped croak but had the desired effect.

Ekon released his iron grip, effectively dropping August into a heap on the floor just as Swayer chanted, "He's pregnant!"

August froze halfway from sitting up from where Ekon had dropped him.

Ekon froze, looking down at his (pregnant) mate who he had just dropped.

Swayer sat flabbergasted, stunned that Ekon had first nearly suffocated his (pregnant) mate and had then followed that up by dropping him. Spot-on chap.

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