Chapter 10

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August sat at the entrance of the cave. He was wrapped in a velvety soft fur with only his head of black locks pocking out. His silvery gray eyes reflected the sun's light, casting his eyes in a golden hew as he watched Ekon work.

He had a scrap of hide tied around the bicep of his right arm, curtesy of August. Ekon's muscles strained against the small strip of material with each flex. It looked about ready to rip.

It was still morning and Ekon had gotten to work as soon as they had finished their breakfast of roast meat. The forgotten spices from the four runaway beastmen were very appreciated by August and his human taste buds.

"Where are we going?" August asked his voice low such that it wouldn't crack while he spoke, further testament to their activities of the night prior. His body was still too sore to move. Each time he attempted to move, searing pain would shoot up his spine. Getting dressed had been an unpleasant challenge. Hence, he sat immobile while the lion man ran about packing.

"I will be taking you to the beast city in which I reside." The large man answered without turning around, his hands occupied tying the bundle containing useful furs and spices.

"Are you trying to kill me?" August groaned out, "I can barely move so walking is impossible-"

"You will ride me, like when we came to this cave." Ekon interrupted.

"You're nuts if you think I'll be able to ride you in my current condition." August retorted in a grumble. "It was uncomfortable when I wasn't in pain, and my ball still got bruised. I don't want to imagine how it'll be with this pain."

"I'll be careful this time! I promise." Ekon practically grinned from ear to ear, clearly feeling the after shine that had escaped August. "Plus, wouldn't you rather sleep in a hut instead of a cave?"

The last part wone him the argument. August simply looked away in silent confirmation.

Deciding that he had well and truly collected everything of importance, Ekon sauntered over to August while carrying the large bundle.

Dropping the luggage, Ekon smoothly shifted. He lowered himself in front of August for his displeased mate to have easier access to his back.

Grumpy with having to ride the stubborn lion in his current condition, August gingerly climbed up. Once he had made sure that his fur comforter would not fall from around his shoulders, he latched onto the lion.

Feeling his mane tugged in a way he assumed to mean that his mate was ready, Ekon picked up the bundle in his mouth before smoothly standing to his full height. He took careful steps, making sure not to jostle the female this time. Slowly he increased his pace till he was at a run, going just slow enough so that he could maintain his fluid gait.

The lion's steady rocking eventually lulled August to sleep.


Awoken by the lion's change of step, August slowly cracked his eyes open.

The day had faded, and it was now clearly nearly evening. He could see the sun beginning to set behind the treetops.

Curious as to why they were slowing, August cautiously sat up, careful of his still throbbing rear. In front of them was a sort of tall wooden makeshift wall. Almost like what an ancient fortress would have surrounding it. He assumed this was the city Ekon had mentioned.

As they approached, August was able to make out the form of two naked men standing in front of what seemed to be the gate into the enclosed area. Guards.

August was expecting them to have to stop and speak to the guards. However, to his surprise, Ekon simply exchanged nods with the two equally large beastmen. August was beginning to have the sinking feeling that he would be considered 'small' and 'dainty' everywhere in this world. It was a foreign concept to him, given that he'd always been considered tall, large and muscular.

Once they were inside the city walls, the number of trees began to diminish, replaced by homes. They followed a wide, beaten down trail. Every so often passing smaller trails that broke off of what seemed to be the main 'road,' as August had assumed. It likely led to be the city center.

Ekon didn't go far before he veered off onto a smaller trail. They went right, along a smaller path that twisted ever so slightly to the left. The city must be somewhat circular shaped, August supposed.

After a few long minutes Ekon stopped and lowered himself in front of a small dilapidated hut. It seemed to be of the one room type.

August carefully climbed off the lion, clutching his fur blanket tightly around himself. He staggered over to the hut's entrance, using the rickety structure to support himself.

Carefully, he opened the door that threatened to fall off as he peered inside. The interior was dark and cold. With the fleeting day light, he could see large dust particles floating around in the air. Not to mention that air also smelt stale and moldy.

"No way I'm sleeping in there." August said, disgusted. He still observed the unpleasant looking shelter, "At least the cave had ventilation, light, no mold, and didn't look and feel like it was about to collapse."

After shifting back, Ekon called from behind August, "Wait here, I'll clean it up a bit and then we can get settled. If you still don't like it, we can make adjustments later."

August sighed in agreement. There wasn't much he could do about his current predicament anyways. He made himself comfy by the entrance and began to contemplate his observations of the city while Ekon got busy.

They hadn't passed many people. Although, they had crossed a few large animals, which he assumed were probably people in their beast form. Most of them were some sort of large predator headed into the city, carrying animal carcasses in their mouth.

A face full of dust broke him from his thoughts.

Coughing, he sent a glare towards an apologetic Ekon. The male was in the process of cleaning the dingy looking hut.

While working, Ekon seemed to be practically strutting about. The male didn't seem all that focused on his task, instead paying more attention to his flexing right bicep. He was in the midst of proudly showing off August's O-face to himself much to August's dismay. Ekon seemed to be practically preening while looking at it.

"Do remember that if you dare show that to anyone, I WILL castrate you." August muttered while fighting the blush creeping up his cheeks.

Pausing mid flex and looking back at his flustered mate, "What's castrate?"

"It means I will cut off your balls." Smirking menacingly, August watched as the lion man's face paled and he cupped himself protectively. August wondered how he knew what balls were but not what castration was.

With tearfull 'puppy dog' eyes that really didn't fit with his exterior, Ekon asked, "What about when I'm shifting? Any covering will inadvertently tear..."

Giving the man a hard stare, August answered in a figure it out tone while crossing his arms. "No. Excuses." 


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Oct. 22, 2021

Edit uploaded June 14, 2023

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