A Childhood Friend

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Lila Laurite couldn't sleep.

She tossed and turned in her satin duvet, unable to shut her eyes and drift off into a peaceful slumber. The rain outside pattered against her window frame, and the distant rumble of the average New York City midnight hour traveled its way into her apartment. Letting out a jaded groan, she flung a pillow over her head and covered her ears.

She rolled over onto her stomach and picked up her phone from her bedside cabinet beside her. Then proceeding to drop it on her face.

'Shit.' she unenthusiastically murmured to herself, partially because she soon realised that it was 3am, and she had a date the next morning with a random fellow off of Tinder. His name was John Walker, and quite frankly, to her he was gorgeous. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a star in the hit Broadway musical 'Rogers the musical' and also a pet cat called Damon, but she honestly hoped the cat was named after Damon Salvatore.

The day before, Lila spend most of her day on the phone to her best friend Addy, talking about her new fling and how ecstatic she was to finally get to meet him and get to know him.

'Lila, I don't know what your taste in boys is trying to tell me but quite honestly, its shit.' Addy gasped, after seeing the photograph Lila sent to her a couple minutes before.

'Adelaide Rose Crosshaft, since when have you been involved and interested in my love life?' Lila threw back at her, almost feeling insulted.

'Since like, forever. If you get a boyfriend, I have to know his full name, address, social security number, email address, family members and credit card number before I give him the approval that he can date you. That's because if he were to ever stab you in the back metaphorically, I have all the information to do it physically.'

'Right... so you have to approve of my boyfriend, whom is a complete and utter stranger to you, but I can't have a say in you dating my younger brother? Addy hun, i'm not seeing the logic in your statement.' Lila smirked back.

Adelaide and Lila had been friends since the very beginning. Addy was the tall one, Lila was the short one. Addy was the blonde one, Lila was the brunette one. They were known as the Double Trouble, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, and the unseparables. Often, they would spend their playtime at school forever chasing after one another, pretending that they were unicorns soaring through the skyline or superheroes battling for the universe in a race to save reality.

Adelaide and Lila went to different schools when they turned 14. Addy was the popular blonde and Lila was the boy crazy brunette. The unicorns turned into glitz and glamour and the superheroes turned into pubescent young men. They were known as the beauty queens of only fourteen, the eye-candy, and the pageant princesses. Often, they would spend their time on modern technology, sending pictures of the latest updates on Zac Efron and messaging one another about who would look good with who and longing to grow up.

But then again, grown-ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.

Lila threw her phone across her bed and sat up. The rain was still pattering on the window frame, and still the distant rumble of the New York City midnight hour found its way into her apartment. Throwing on a oversized hoodie and a pair of white fluffy socks, she pushed open her door with a lot of effort, and found herself by her fridge.

'You would never believe that only one person, plus the occasional hook-up, hangs out here. I go through so much food when i'm on my period i feel like a bloody house,' she spoke to herself, as she pulled out a jar of nutella, and grabbed a spoon from the drawer behind her.

Crossing her legs on a stool, she sat in silence, eating the whole jar of nutella. The NYC skyline never failed to amaze her. How the skyscrapers touched the clouds,the yellow taxi's whizzed around in constant circles, the neon lights illuminating the sky above them. far off in the distance stood a tower. She for one could never work out what this tower was, what its purpose was or why it's even there in the first place.

Lila picked up a photoframe. Inside the photoframe was a picture of herself, Addy, her brother Tristan, her parents and Addys parents on a cruise ship in the Bahamas when she was around 12 years old. She loved looking at this photograph, as in the corner stood a pale, messy brown haired, brown eyed boy, holding a stuffed animal, which was seen to be a spider. The boy now must be a few years younger than her, 15,16 maybe? She did not know.

Putting down the photograph, she decided that maybe sleep would be the best option for her. She threw the empty nutella jar into the trash, chucked the spoon in the sink, and slowly sauntered back to her bedroom, hoping to get a good nights sleep and awaited for tomorrow.

But what if tomorrow never came?






yo yo yo!!!!!!!!! that took me longer than I anticipated to write but here we are!! it was v v hard to concentrate since there is in fact a big ass storm outside rn and it's louuuud.
anyways... it's not like anyone is gonna read this anyway but let's manifest.
not likely but anywho
stay tuned and stay sexy my little sausages

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