The Bad Idea

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//tw: mention of trafficking


Lila Laurite was nervous.

John Walker had just started the engine to his Lamborghini Veneno, ready to take Lila to the 'theatre'. He switched on the radio, and put in a Queen CD. The song 'Bohemian Rhapsody' started playing, and Lila's fingers tapped along to the beat.

'How did you know all of that information about me, John? That wasn't in my Tinder profile.' Lila questioned him. She had been meaning to ask this since he revealed all of her information, but she kept holding her tongue back, since she didn't want to ruin what could be the start of a perfect relationship.

'Internal research.' He replied sophisticatedly, his eyes not moving away from the road ahead of him.

'How do you know Addy?' She responded.


'Meaning?' She asked.

'No more questions, Laurite.' He shot back quickly. Lila started fiddling with her thumbs in her lap. She considered the fact that her phone is dug right at the bottom of the bag, and she was unable to reach for it without looking suspicious.

She realised that she was just being paranoid, and everything will be okay.


Adelaide Crosshaft was shitting her pants.

She knew from the moment Lila told her about John Walker, she knew something wasn't right. The picture Lila showed her the week before seemed too familiar to her, the prominent hair and the blinding eyes could stand out from a mile away. She tried and she tried to get hold of Lila after that message she sent her, but it was no use.

Lila was going to die.

Okay, maybe not death, but Adelaide would much rather be dead than let him do what she knew would happen.

'Tris?' She called over to Tristan, gesturing for him to come over to her.

'What's up doll?' Tristan asked, sitting down on her bed.

'Who was the guy that they were looking for on the news this morning again? What did he look like?' She questioned, not showing the fact that internally, she was going to scream.

'Jonathan Anthony James Walkerton. Also known as the dude that tried to murder Captain America a couple years ago because he wanted to commit identity fraud or some shit like that.' Tristan carried on rambling about how good looking Captain America was, much to Addy's dismay, yet her brain was whirring.

'Do you have a photograph?'

'Yeah, it's this dude-' Tristan whipped out his phone and showed her a picture of a blonde hair blue eyed man. 'It says here that he is wanted for trafficking, attempted murder and obviously the whole Captain America identity situation. I don't get why the guys so obsessed, it's not like Shmaptain Shamerica is any different than any other guy to be honest with you.'

Addy froze.

'Thank you, Tristan. I better be off now, anyway. My Mom is calling me non-stop.' At that point, Addy ran out of Tristan's apartment.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. No answer.

'Come on Lila, answer me,' she muttered angrily to herself.


The alleyway was dark and deep. Lila was trying not to cry.

'The theatre is the opposite way, John.' She said, apprehensively. No matter what she said now, John was either going to yell at her or just blatantly ignore her.

'My intentions exactly.'

Lila let out a massive puff of air. She took deep breaths and counted to ten, and hoped it would be all a dream, like it always is in the movies. The girl gets kidnapped, dies, but then wakes up next to her beautiful auburn brown hair and piercing blue eyed boyfriend.

'Get out of the car.'

Lila followed his request. She wished she had listened to Addy, for she was sure that John Walker was a pervert. And a massive one, if that.

John slammed his door shut and grabbed Lila by the wrists, and he started pulling her towards a door. Lila pulled back, tried to shake him off and run away but his grip was too harsh. She clenched her fists into a ball and tried to punch him. John quickly let go.

'What the fuck?' He said, shaking the hand that was holding Lila by the wrists. His hand was burning, splotches of red; congested. 'What did you do?!'

Lila was stunned, yet highly confused.

'I didn't- I didn't do anything, John! Why on earth are you questioning me, while you're who knows more shit about me than myself, and you're the one taking me into a fucking room!' She clapped back.

A revving car engine could be heard from the top end of the alleyway, which made both John and Lila stop and look towards it. It was a white Mercedes, driving towards them with such speed you would think they were trying to hit you. But, Lila knew who was in that car, so she looked back at John, uppercutted his chin and sprinted to the car. He fell to the ground with a groan, and passed out.


'What the fuck are you doing here?!' warily questioning the driver.

'I'm your getaway car, Lila.' Addy said, speeding forward. Lila looked at John on the ground as they passed his body laid on the floor, and then looked at her hands. She didn't know what happened out there, but there is someone out there who does.

'Does Tristan know?'

'No. But he does know that your little date is a wanted criminal. You should really watch the news more, Lila.'

Lila nodded and laid back in her seat, watching the whole world go by around her.
authors note:-
we all know that john walker is an ass, but by writing this has made me hate that fucker even more lmao
anyways... we are gonna be introduced by a few known characters next chapter which is v v sexy
did you spot any references in this one??
anyway vol.2
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love you sexy sausages

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