World's Greatest Grandma

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'Tristan, fucking dump her ass!'

Lila was sitting on the edge of her bed, in a random apartment in downtown NYC, talking to her brother Tristan on the phone and emptying out her bags. She hadn't spoke to him in a while, and she not realised that since her conversation with Addy all those weeks ago she had distanced herself away from him also.

'Lila, I know you would never forgive her but when you love someone it is really hard to let them go!'

'Yes, but if you love someone or something so much you need to prepare to set it free, also.' The phone line went silent. Both of them were taking into consideration what she had just said, and Lila sighed at her own words.

'What do you know about love anyway, Lila? You're luck with men isn't always cracked up to be.'

She scoffed down the phone, pulling out random items from the bottom of her handbag. 'You really do live under a rock, huh.'

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Surprised your loud mouth girlfriend hasn't told you. Guess what, I'm not a virgin! Whoopee!'

Tristan gasped. 'I don't give a shit about your sex life or anything, but what?'

She flung tangled headphones over the room and bundled unused condoms in her side draw. 'She never told you?'

'She told me you had a fling going on, but she hasn't talked to you since, you know, that.'

She sighed. 'You'll need to meet my boyfriend one day, Tris.'

'Hold the phone, is this the same guy that chased you down an alleyway and was the leading star in Rogers: The Musical?'

'Oh fuck no, theatre kids scare me. You probably know him.'

'Is it Captain America?!' He screamed.

'Jesus, god no, Nat would murder me! He's... certainly something. Better. Hotter? Anyway. How's things in the human world?'

He shrugged. 'Shit. How's things in... that world?'

'Well, things are taking a bit of a turn,' she sighed. 'You heard about the Sokovia incident and the accords, I presume.'

'Yeah. Didn't want to bring it up just in case it was a touchy subject. How are you holding up?' he asked.

'Fairly well. Haven't died yet. I don't know how much I can disclose but soon enough it will make its way into every news channel in existence.'

'Sorry, Lila. Addy's calling me. Keep in touch?'

'Yeah. See you, Tris.'

She threw her phone down on her bed and sighed. Walking over to her window, she noticed Sam and Bucky sitting on a bench outside. She smiled to herself, content to the idea that he hasn't let his Winter Soldier accident define who he is. He was her Bucky, and she wouldn't change him for the world.



It was night time at Avengers' HQ. Vision and Wanda were the only ones home, so when an explosion in the distance lighted up the room for a moment, Vision and Wanda both jumped and looked out of the window.

'What is it?' Wanda asked, clutching on to his side.

Vision robotically inhaled deeply. 'Stay here, please.'

Vision left Wanda stood alone in the HQ. She turned around a few times, confused and conflicted, but suddenly compelled a knife across the room. It stopped, dead in front of Clint Barton's large head.

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