Lagos, Nigeria

697 14 0

It had been a week since any new information of the whereabouts of H.Y.D.R.A had been revealed, until today.

Everything involving the Avengers had been hectic this week, as Tony Stark had decided to buy out a new campus on the edge of town. Boxes were piled to the roof, and uncomfortable mattresses were the only thing left in everyone's rooms. Sleeping on the floor wasn't the best thing in the world, but at least there was no bed frame to creak.

The day started normally, Lila was half off of the mattress and half on the cold floor, and Bucky was already awake. They had breakfast, did all the morning crap, but then got called into an urgent meeting with Fury. Natasha, Steve, Sam and Wanda were the only ones there sat at the table, and Bucky and Lila joined them at the end of it.

'As we know, during the Battle at the Triskelion in 2014, Brock Rumlow was pinned under rubble when a helicarrier crashed into the building. He survived, but was hospitalised.' Nick began, clearing his throat. 'Several months later, it was reported that after he watched a news report regarding Alexander Pierce's death, he assaulted his nurse and successfully escaped from the hospital he was staying at.'

'Rumlow recovered items from S.H.I.E.L.D's research and development labs, setting up an arms sale in an attempt to draw HYDRA out of hiding. Upon their arrival, Rumlow opened fire on them since apparently it was a way of telling his superiors he was no longer a member of HYDRA. He later took on the alias 'Crossbones'.'

Everyone in the room nodded, except Lila. She didn't know why she was here, for she couldn't believe for one minute that if this were a mission, how on earth would she be able to take on HYDRA?

'I don't get why I'm here, Fury.' She spoke, raising her hand.

'Because it would be experience for later missions. You're strong enough to blast people backwards, and your enhanced strength will help you. After this mission, you are an Avenger.'

She nodded, sending a smile towards Bucky. Yet, he looked tense, his teeth grinded together roughly.

'Are you sure she'll be safe? I'll never forgive myself if she gets injured.' He muttered, swiping hair away from his eyes.

Nick just nodded. 'Suit up. Leaving to go to Lagos in 20.'


Upon arriving in Lagos, Wanda and Natasha went undercover at a local cafe whilst Sam positioned himself on a rooftop to overlook the city. A suspicious truck caught his eye, so he deployed his trusty pal Redwing to go and take a look. He later realised that it was a battering ram, heading towards the IFID. By then, however, the truck had driven through the entrance and Crossbones' mercenaries started firing at several security guards outside.

In the building, the Avengers took down some of the mercenaries whilst Sam used Redwing to find Crossbones before informing Steve.

'Crossbones is in the building, I repeat, Crossbones is in the building.'

Wanda used her powers to lift Steve onto the third floor. She focused on venting the gas out into the open air, whilst Bucky and Lila were taking out the remaining mercenaries left right and centre.

'Uppercut, kick in the dick, right hook! I'm getting well into this, Buck!' She shouted over to him, whilst he had a man in a chokehold. Lila looked over and sighed.

'Alexa, play 'That should be me' by Justin Bieber.'

'Not a good time, Ly.'

Steve searched the building for Crossbones only to realised that he had left. Natasha intercepted and tried to electrocute Crossbones, only to learn that he couldn't feel any pain. He retaliated and threw a grenade back at her, but she swiped up a dead mercenaries corpse to shield herself from the blast.

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