Sexually Active

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'What are we doing, Bucket?'

Lila Laurite managed to get a sentence out before being engulfed once more in kisses. Both Lila and Bucky were laid on the rooftop, watching the stars shine. Were they really watching the stars? Nah. They were watching each other, mostly.

Bucky placed a finger on her lips and kissed her again.

'No, Bucky, stop- answer my fucking question,' she chuckled, pushing him away.

He pouted. 'I'm kissing you. We are making out. That's what we are doing, we do it all the time.'

'That's the thing, Bonkers, we shouldn't.'

Bucky burrowed his eyebrows. 'You don't like my kissing?'

'Friends don't make out, Barnes.' Lila chuckled. She crawled onto his lap and wrapped her legs around his torso.

'What are you implying?' He smirked, stroking her hair in his hands.

She buried her head in his chest and laughed. 'I'm not implying anything. Just saying the truth.'

'Just roll with it, I guess.'

'Mhm.' She held his face in her hand and brushed her lips against his. 'Rolling with it.' When her mouth touched his, it was like a knife glancing off metal-it made something dull and dark inside him light up. The way their lips connected like jigsaw pieces, their tongues battling for dominance. Bucky pulled Lila down on top of him, smiling into the kiss.

His lips parted from hers. 'Lila... I,' He began.

She stopped him. 'Shh. I know.' She stood up and took his hand, pulling him up with her. She rested her forehead against his, smiling. 'I'll always know.'

Both Bucky and Lila made their way down the spiralling staircase to their respective rooms. He smiled, she smiled, the earth smiled, and they opened the door to a world full of peace and, well, sleep.


Mission Report- December 16th 1991.

On the night of December 16th, Howard and Maria Stark were en route to the Pentagon with the newly-completed serum when the Winter Soldier raced up behind them on a motorcycle and slashed the front tire of their vehicle with his cybernetic arm, causing it to swerve off the road and crash into a tree.

'У меня для тебя миссия. Санкционировать и извлечь. Без свидетелей.' Kept repeating in the Soldiers head.

As the Winter Soldier approached the fallen vehicle, Howard Stark crawled from the car and asked him to help Maria.

'Help... my wife... help my wife. Sergeant Barnes?' Cried a helpless Howard Stark.

He recognized the assassin as Bucky Barnes, who repeatedly punched him in the face, crushing his skull with his cybernetic arm.

After placing Stark's corpse back inside the car and strangling Maria to death, the Soldier proceeded to shoot at a nearby security camera before departing with the serum.

'Bucky...' Lila shook him. 'Bucky, wake up, you're screaming,'

He woke up with a jolt. His metal arm hit Lila across the room, slamming her against the wall. He crawled out of bed and ran over to her, pinning her arms against the wall. Lila's superhuman strength and Bucky's super soldier strength were equalised; bruises were forming underneath Lila's skin.

'Bucky, please, let me go!'

He didn't.

So, since Lila loved being dangerous, she kissed him. She had watched enough Disney movies to know that a true... kiss could awaken anyone, and even though he wasn't asleep she hoped that it would work. It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies, but it was worth a shot to try and get him out of his soldier mode.

↳ 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘴 - B.BARNES • 1 •Where stories live. Discover now