Mutual Hatred

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Bucky Barnes regrets going to the Annual Met Gala.

Although he wouldn't admit it to himself, he was only going because of Lila. Without her realising, her face had lit up when Bucky had received the letter stating that he were to bring a plus one. The idea of her being able to spend more time with Bucky, by pissing him off may she add, was a gratifying thought.

Yet, he was more aggravated by the fact that he wasn't allowed to go to the Gala as himself. Due to the lack of knowledge about Bucky's whereabouts in society, Nick Fury believed it was a smart idea that he create an alias and make himself seem and look somewhat different.

Bucky stood at the bathroom door, observing her with immense attentiveness. Brunette, somewhat delicate, intelligent. She put on her make-up with acute consolidation and commendation, applying glossy red lipstick and lustrous eye-shadow. He watched her sigh into the mirror, tracing her finger below her bottom lip, clearing off the excess gloss. She adjusted her dress with precision, the golden fabric stopping high above her knee at the front, but the back lead down to her heels, draping on the floor as she walked. Every one of her curves were prominent; making every inch of her chest and waist well-defined.

Taking one final look at herself in the mirror, she noticed Bucky out of the corner of her eye.

'Like what you see, Barnes?' She assumptiated, reeling her eyes away from the mirror onto him. In her opinion, he looked revolting. The way his clothing was held tightly to his strong upper body, his thick, athletic build obtrusive through his fitted suit.


Bucky scoffed, glancing at her outfit up-and-down. 'Looks abhorrent, Laurite. I was only passing when I saw your repulsive outfit, I almost had to push you out of the bathroom and puke.'

'Well you can use the bathroom now Barnes, tidy up that awful attire of yours.' She spoke, spraying her Chanel N°5 Eau De Parfum as she exited. Bucky's nose twitched at the scent, making him sneeze.

'Aww, allergic to perfume? No wonder why you smell repugnant every time you enter a room.'

Bucky breathed out heavily, sighing. 'I can't fucking wait for this night to be over.'

Lila looked at him entrancingly before she left to go and see Wanda. 'The feeling is mutual.'


'I still don't understand why there is a ban on Witches there. Its not like i'm going to hold everyone attending hostage or something.' Wanda claimed. Lila chuckled, fixing her hair.

'Vision would be lonely. You two can have your well deserved alone time, if you know what I mean.' Lila stated, making Wanda gasp.


Lila smirked. 'At least you don't have the worry of getting pregnant. His Robo-Dick has that sorted for you. There will be no Vision spawns running around here any time soon.'

Wanda choked on her own saliva. 'Ugh, Lila, just go before you're late babe'

Lila smiled softly at her and gave her a quick hug. 'Thank you for your help Wanda.'

'Go get that dick!' Wanda shouted.

Lila rolled her eyes as she headed to the common area, where Natasha, Sam, Steve, Tony, Pepper and Bucky were all waiting, speaking in deep conversation.

'Is she going to be an Avenger?' Someone muttered.

'Hopefully soon. If we can get those well concealed powers out of her, she'll be an incredible addition to the team.' Spoke a voice which sounded a lot like Tony Stark.

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