A Possibility

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Bucky Barnes was isolated.

Standing in the shower, he contemplated life. The water fell from the shower head, dripping down his back. He tilted his head backwards, letting the droplets fall down his face, down his neck and to the shower floor. Every time he showered, the water made a high-pitched pattering sound on the metal of his arm.

The metal arm was in Bucky's perception, the worst part of him. It made him stand out, questioned, and especially when he had to go through a scanner at the airport, he always had to be strip searched. Every time he glanced down and saw the red star, he was burdened with the face of his past. The experiments, the slaughter, the trials.

The demon within him could be summoned by only using ten words.

He stepped back into reality, turning off the shower and stepping out to get a towel. Wrapping it around him, he stared and looked at himself in the mirror, ruffling his hair to each side.

When will the psychological pain end?


Lila and her new best friend Thor were trying not to burn down the tower. Lila flipped eggs as Thor poured tea, and Tony Stark was trying to intervene.

'Laury, that is not how you flip an egg. Odinson, great job.' He patted Thor on the back and he grinned.

'Why thank you, son of Howard. It is my expertise to fill cups up with caffeinated water. I am great at it.'

'I smell burning. Who's burnt down the tower now.' Spoke a deep voice. It was Steve, emerging from the elevator, with Natasha following behind. Nat walked over to Lila and sat on the counter.

'Morning Miss Laurite. How did your first night go?' She asked. Lila gave up on the eggs and threw them in the trash.

'Like a baby. But someone on this floor snores like fuck, and it ain't me.' Lila laughed.

Steve surrendered.

'I take sleeping pills. It's hard work being a senior citizen Avenger, it takes a toll on you.'

Lila rolled her eyes and went and sat at a stool. She had wrapped a blanket around her arms and was wearing Natasha's fluffy socks.

One new notification from Addy Crosshaft.

Lila whipped out her phone and pressed on the notification.

Addy Crosshaft: hooked up with anyone yet?

Lila Laurite: what the fuck <3

Addy Crosshaft: Twas a genuine question. Answer.

Lila Laurite: of course fucking not I only got here yesterday, and plus I've already almost burnt the tower down so that's enough for anyone to be put off of me.

Addy Crosshaft: Fair enough. Tris and I ok. Love you lots. Xo

'Crosshaft bugging you again?' Asked Natasha, ruffling Steve's hair.

Lila chuckled. 'She's just protective. She doesn't want anything bad to happen to me, that's all.' Nodding her head, Natasha understood.

'Steve Rogers, man you're looking good! You ever see a guy this handsome walking across the street he gonna get arrested! Cus he killing all the ladies! Pow pow pow pow pow pow!'

Lila was confused. That voice didn't sound like any of her new friends that she had met so far; nor it sounded familiar.

'Wilson just came out of the closet, congrats. But I always thought you had a thing for Barnes?' Asked Tony. So it was Sam Wilson, the well known Falcon. Sam Wilson is loved by everyone, his personality is warm and always cracks a joke. Him and Steve are the only ones that can make Bucky laugh, which Lila has been made aware that making the man with the metal arm laugh is a privilege.

And there's a possibility that Lila was determined to find out why.

It was like he was on cue, as the brunette boy stood leaning against the doorframe, holding a mug of coffee.

Lila walked over to him, but Natasha was shaking her head.

'Let me take that one for you, I made Tony fill the dishwasher so an extra mug won't hurt, will it?' She smiled. His eyes narrowed, but he let her take the cup. Natasha stopped shaking her head and looked questioningly at Steve. He shrugged.

Whilst everyone was enjoying the failed breakfast that Lila and Thor had made, Bucky was sat in the corner, next to Sam, watching Lila. She was trying to reach for a glass on the top shelf, but gave up when she realised that they were too high. She sat on the counter, taking in everything that was happening around her.

Bucky stood up. Sam looked at him and asked him if he was alright. He nodded and walked over to where Lila was sat. He reached up and grabbed a glass, filled it up with water and passed it to her.

'Fuck- shit! You scared me! How does one sneak up on someone so quietly!' She noticed the glass and smiled. 'Oh- thanks?'

'Welcome.' He muttered. 'It's not my fault you're like 2 foot 9.'

Ah, so the man could speak! And show... sarcasm? Hatred? Either way he spoke, and to Lila that was an achievement. She took a sip of water smiling, then realised that everyone was staring at her.


'What?' Both Lila and Bucky said at the same time.


'Laurite, let me in!' Yelled an angry Natasha Romanoff, banging on her door.

Lila let open the door. 'What?!'

'What happened with you and Barnes over there?'


Natasha was being very interrogative. 'How did he talk to you?'

'With his... voicebox?'

'He never talks to anyone, Laurite. What did he say?' She asked.

Lila shrugged. 'Said I was short.'


Lila laughed, was was Natasha expecting? Some Shakespearean story?

'Why are you so surprised?' Lila said, cocking her head.

'He only every has spoken a word to Sam and Steve. Let alone a whole ass stranger.'

In a way, this made Lila feel the slightest bit more comfortable. But there must be a reason; for why would a introverted, laid-back, not talkative super soldier choose to talk to her, of all people?
authors note:-
contemplating whether or not to make this into an enemies to lovers type beat

not that anyone reads this anyway

i don't know why I still am writing it lmfaooo


it's fun

if there is anyone here, vote comment share for infinite luck <3

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