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Bucky Barnes was making out with Lila Laurite.

Their lips were crashing together, moans and groans filled the room. The kiss was full of passion and lust, making them feel like only the two of them existed. Bucky's hands trailed up and down Lila's back, pulling and stretching the material of her shirt. Lila's lips fell down to his neck, making his eyes roll to the back of his head and he held her even closer.

Lila pulled Bucky's shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it to the floor. They both fell onto the bed on top of each other, making them both laugh into each other's mouths. The sheets were thrown across the bedroom, pillows were harshly grabbed for stabilisation.

It was the best night of Bucky's life.

That's until he woke up with a prominent sweat on his forehead. He sat up quickly, tangled in his bedsheets.

'What the fuck?' He said to himself, rubbing his eyes. He touched his lips and then his neck, and then proceeded to check if he was still wearing a shirt. He was, to his delight, still wearing his grey tight fit shirt.

Making his way over to the kitchen, he chugged a bottle of water and switched on the television. The TV wasn't taking his mind off of anything though, the dream he had still whizzed around in his head.


Wanda Maximoff was stultified. Natasha was in deep conversation with Steve and Lila, Sam was throwing plastic balls at Tony, Clint was... well being Clint. But Barnes was staring into space; his eyes never drifting off of Lila, but when she turned his full focus went to the window.

Wanda was pulled into Bucky's brain, seeing his fears, pain and distraught- she decided not to look into the deep stuff and figure out why he was so out of it. The thoughts became clearer and the dreams became brighter.

'What the shit?' She shouted out loud, unintentionally. She was staring at Bucky, whom was staring back at her. His eyes narrowed and his head cocked, but then sat up straight and shook his head when he figured out what had just happened.

'Wanda, babe, you okay?' Asked Natasha, making her way over to Wanda to comfort her. Wanda nodded and laughed.

'Yeah. All's good.' She smiled, and Nat went back to her conversation with Steve and Lila. Wanda gestured for Bucky to follow her, which at first he was incompliant about but soon figured that if he didn't explain himself, Wanda is going to tell Vision, who's going to tell Tony, who's going to tell Steve, then Steve is eventually going to tell Nat, and Nat will tell Lila.

'What the hell, Barnes?' Wanda questioned.

'I don't fucking know! It's a dream, it's not real, Wanda. I would have to be black out drunk if I were to do... that!'

'Dreams are a cherished aspiration, ambition, or an ideal desired reality, Barnes. I'm not thick in the head, you're blinded by your hatred. You are in a heap of denial, and you don't even realise it.'

'Fuck off Wanda, I hate the girl. She waltzes in here like she's been around since day 1, and then she's best friends with everyone? Is she even able to kill a fly?'

'Our Lila Laurite is an exact replica of myself, she just never realised nor knows how to use her... magical tendencies.'

Bucky sighed, for he had no comeback. He wasn't in denial, he hated her. Has had just hoped that nobody had heard his and Wanda's conversation, for if Lila were to have heard it, she would hate him back.

And that wasn't in Bucky's to do list.


It was games night in the Avengers Tower, and the board game chosen was the traditional board of Monopoly.

'I fucking hate Monopoly!' Yelled Sam, chugging his bottle of Alcohol. 'Wanda always wins!'

'I wonder why.' said Lila. 'It's not like she can read minds or anything.'

Bucky looked away.

'Pick someone to be in your team shitheads.' Steve ordered, and Sam ran to his side.

'Sorry Buck.'

Steve and Sam, Wanda and Vision, Maria and Natasha, and then finally Thor and Clint.

Bucky was in his own world, and Lila was pouring out drinks in the kitchen. Both of them had refused to play, Lila because she's highly competitive and she can't promise she won't flip the board, and Bucky because... he's Bucky.

'Buck, Lila, you playing?'

'No.' They said in sync, like it was planned, causing them to glare at one another. Bucky's blue eyes flared, and Lila raised her eyebrows and smirked.

Tony interrupted. 'Guys? You can stop eye-fucking now.'

Bucky flipped Tony off and Lila threw a fork at him, skimming his head.

'Did I just witness attempted murder?'

Lila rolled her eyes. 'Everyone in this room is a murderer in some way or another. I don't see the problem here.'

'Some more than others.' She carried on, looking at Bucky.

'That's uncalled for, Laurite.' Bucky spoke firmly, eying her up.

She walked towards him until she was directly opposite hun, her breath repelling off of his face.

'You're uncalled for, Barnes.' She licked her lips. 'Maybe that's why you're such a pain in my asshole'

Everyone was watching the tension build, Sam laughing into a pillow and Wanda was smirking. Thor was filming the moment on a phone, but then Nat slapped him and he dropped it to the floor.

The clunk of the mobile hitting the floor is what pulled both Lila and Bucky out of their trance. Lila's breath hitched and Bucky's chest was rapidly rising and falling.

Their eyes locked, Lila's frown soon enough turned into a sinister smile, and Bucky's glare turned into a smirk. It was like there was nobody in the world tonight, that they were the sun and the other Avengers were the planets in its orbit.

It was the very beginning Lila and Bucky's story; and we were just side characters in its plot.
authors note:
i feel shit
but I have to isolate by myself like a loner in my bedroom for 10 days so expect a spam in chapters since I've got nothing better to do with myself
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