A Date

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Lila Laurite was hungry.

She had managed to fall back to sleep, for the treacherous weather had calmed itself down and came to a halt. For the second time that morning, she pulled herself out of her bed and once again, she checked her phone.

20+ text messages from her best friend Addy, which were presumably relationship advice and clothing ideas, a missed phone call from her younger brother Tristan, and a follow request from her ex, Elijah Tentlewood.

How splendid.

'Good fucking morning to you too, Addy,' she replied, rather blandly. Swiping across the screen, she decided to call back her brother, because what 19 year old boy would want to call their elder sister at five minutes past eight in the morning?

'Tristan, bud, I love you and everything but what was so important that you had to call me at eight o'clock in the morning, when I have a date in literally 3 hours.' she immediately spoke after Tristan picked up the phone.

'Hi Sis, yeah sorry about that I just wondered if you had seen the news?'

Lila was confused. 'What news Tristan? I'm not really one for gluing themselves to a television every morning.'

'Right, okay. Addy just said that she wondered if you knew that's all.'

It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.

Lila quickly forgot about the topic of the news that they were on about. 'Addy? Addy is there with you? Tristan, I was alright with you dating and all that but you're literally sleeping with my best friend. That's like, really dodgy.'

'It's not like we've had sex in a while or anything. chill Lils, its fi-'


'In a WHILE? Tristan you better n-'

Tristan's finger headed towards the red phone icon.

'You better not hang up- SHIT!' Lila said to herself. That boy is going to be the fucking death of her.

She threw down her phone once again, and decided to wake her ass up by getting in the shower and getting ready for the day. She pulled out a knee length, silky red dress and threw it down on her bed, slamming the wardrobe door behind her. A pair of black boots stood out to her from the opposite side of her bedroom, knee length and rather sexy.

'This John Walker better make an effort.' She murmured to herself, heading to the bathroom.


The city of New York was bustling. It was the rush hour; people hoarded the street sidewalks and the roads were full of raging cars, beeping their horns and slamming on their breaks. Red lights and stop signs at the end of each road. Shop queues were piling up outside their respected doorways, and musicians pleading for peoples money in the stairwells.

Lila pushed through the crowds of shoppers, with her black jacket hung on her forearm and her handbag clutched in her hand. The time was nearing towards midday, and her reservation at 'Le Bernardin'- a high end seafood restaurant situated in central Manhattan.

Lila was adamant to go to a cheaper restaurant, as she was broke as shit. But, her date cut her off and said that it would be fine.

Addy said it was a red flag.

Addy was probably right. But Lila being Lila, said that he was just creating a good impression.

It was one minute till midday, and she didn't really want her new date to think she bailed on him. That would be a great first impression. So, she abruptly took of her boots and sprinted to the restaurant 60 yards ahead of her.


The restaurant was quiet, waitresses and waiters were situated at every table, supplying their designated customers with beverages and food. Chandeliers hung brightly from the ceiling, making hairs stick up on her arms. Bright lights and shiny objects made Lila's body feel a tingle, like a chemical reaction happening right there in her skin. Lila didn't know why this occurred, but she never questioned it.

She spotted a blonde hair, blue eyed man sat down at a table, looking out of the window fiddling with his pocket. Making her way to the table, a waitress offered her a glass of champagne, which she reluctantly took.

'Hello,' she spoke. 'Are you Mr. John Walker? My names Lila Laurite, and I believe I'm your date.'

John Walker looked up at Lila and half smiled.

'Take a seat, Lila.' He spoke, whilst looking out of the window.

Lila straightened out her dress and sat down. She placed her bag on the floor and her phone on the table. She waited for John to start the conversation.

'Lila Laurite, aged 24, lives in West Manhattan Apartments. Sister of Tristan Laurite, best friend of Addy Crosshaft.' He paused. 'It's nice to finally meet you.'

Lila took in all this information at once and didn't have time to process it.

She stuttered, anxiously. 'Y-yes, it's nice to finally meet you too, John. It's been a long time coming. I'm glad we could make the time to finally go on a date.'

'Yes Lila. Now, I was thinking of taking you somewhere else today. I forgot to tell you since it only came to me whilst I was waiting for you. How do you feel about getting in my car and me talking you to my theatre, where my associates can tell you about me?' John questioned.

Lila was reluctant to answer that question; she thought about what Addy told her the day before, but decided to follow him.

'Of course, John. It would be lovely to get to know you more. A Tinder profile doesn't really say much about one's personality,' she joked. 'I'm just going to head to the bathroom for a second, I'll meet you outside?'

John Walker did a single nod. He stood up, pulled his jacket over his shoulders and turned on the heels of his feet and walked through the doors. Lila grabbed her phone and texted Addy.

Lila Laurite: Change of plan. John taking me in his car to theatre. Love you lots. Text soon.

Lila threw her phone into her handbag and strutted out of the toilets.

Little did Lila Laurite know, Adelaide Crosshaft was about to rush out of her house and save Lila Laurites life.
authors note:-
oh shit lila laurite is one oblivious cow isn't she??? let's hope addy pulls a tony stark.
the avengers will be introduced in the upcoming chapters, and our favourite super soldier will make an appearance ;)
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love you my sexy sausages :))))

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