Dainty but Dangerous

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'I'm not going to your fucking Halloween party dressed as you, Stark!'

It had been two weeks since Bucky had spoken to Lila, and she had just found out that whoopee, Tony Stark had planned to throw one of his over the top unnecessary get-together. Truth is, Lila hated parties. She hated socialising and meeting new people. And she especially did not want to see a certain Bucky Barnes.

Well, she did, but she didn't.

'Why don't you want to go as me, young Laurite? I am quite frankly one of the most popular Avengers, so who wouldn't want to go as me?'

Lila shook her head. 'I'm just glad I don't have a weird ass superhero name. Who the fuck calls themselves 'Iron Man'? You could've picked something less unimaginative.'

'Yes, about that,' interrupted Bruce. 'We have decided to come up with a name for you, Lila. If you're going to be an Avenger some day you need an alias.'

Lila sighed and Natasha chuckled. 'Lils, if you're staying at the Avengers Tower, you're going to need to have a name of some kind.'

Tony nodded in agreement. 'Welcome, Dark Angel.'

'Dark Angel? That makes me sound like a villain!' Lila retaliated.

Tony blatantly ignored her. 'Thor, you're being Dark Angel for Halloween.'

'That's identity fraud.'

'Shut the fuck up, Litmus Paper.'

Lila fell back into the seat and sighed. She couldn't help but feel like a badass for having a super cool superhero name, but she didn't want to give Tony the pleasure.

'Cap, you're going to be Thor. Clit, you're Bruce, Maximoff is Barnes, Romanoff is Rogers and Metal Man, you're Romanoff.'

Bucky shot a glare at Tony. 'I'm not going.'

'Lighten up a bit Barnes; at least your girlfriends going. If Rogers is too busy fucking with Romanoff, you'll have company.'

Lila looked towards her feet and Bucky sighed.

'She's not my fucking girlfriend.'

Bucky got up from his seat and stormed out of the room. 'I'll see you all at the party.'

Tony shifted his focus to Lila, who was glaring at him.

'Oh? Not on good terms anymore?'

Lila shook her head.


'Natasha, how long does it take for someone to piss?' Lila shouted, waving at a man walking past her who looked like he was judging her Iron Man costume.

'Nothing to see here man, just piss buddies.'

Lights were glaring, music was blasting and people were dancing. Tony stood there painted in all red with a cape, talking to Vision who was wearing a ginger wig and a red headpiece.

'Vision, Wanda... nice to see you.' Said Lila.

'Hello handsome, can I have your autograph?'

Lila rolled her eyes and turned to Natasha, who was carrying an American flag.

'This is humiliating.' Sighed Natasha.

'Tell me about it.' Lila agreed.

Meanwhile, Bucky and Steve were striking up a conversation with Thor, who had died his hair brown and put a full face of makeup on to make himself look like Lila.

'Dude, you look awesome!' Complimented Steve. 'You look more like Lila than Lila herself.'

Thor bowed his head. 'Why thank you, Captain. Barnes, you look dashing!'

Bucky laughed and nodded. 'I know I do. I think the hair suits me.'

Thor ruffled Bucky's 'hair' and went to go make conversation with Sam.

Once Thor was out of sight, Bucky turned to Steve.
'Do you think this is a good idea?'

'What, the party or being dressed up as one another?' Questioned Steve.

'The party. It draws a lot of attention, and I don't want, you know, to come and get us all killed.'

'Bucky,' Steve whispered, 'Stop worrying about HYDRA and relax a little. As far as we are aware they are somewhere in Russia, Nick and Maria are taking care of it. It'll all be fine.'

Bucky nodded in agreement. He would never not be worried about HYDRA making a surprise appearance, but he always made an effort not to think much of it. He just expects that one day he's going to be taken away, or his worse fear, Lila will be.


'You need to talk to him, Lila. What even happened with you guys anyway?' Asked Natasha, sipping her wine. She had somehow lost her patriotism for America, and the flag had made its way into Steve's hands. She used the excuse of 'not even being American', but Steve wouldn't take it.

'Shit was said, I guess. It's my fault really, I feel shit for it, but he said something about never wanting to see my face again or whatnot. I don't want to annoy him even further, y'know?' She shrugged in reply.

Natasha sighed, and spoke a little too loudly.
'Angry sex always works.'

Lila gasped, slapping Natasha gently on her arm. 'Natasha! How loud do you have to fucking be?'

'It works with me and Ste-'

'Nobody wants to know about your sex life, Romanoff and Laurite.' A booming voice came from the speaker, Tony Stark was speaking through a microphone drunk out of his mind. Lila grabbed the microphone and chucked it across the room, skimming Bucky's head.

'Are you out of your mind, Stark? Are you asking for a punch?!' Lila pinned Tony to the wall, glaring into his eyes.

'Whilst I appreciate the kinkiness, I don't think Barnes is going to hold up so well.' Tony gestured to Bucky, who had ripped off his red-head wig and seemingly trying to crush it with his fist.

'What if I don't give a fuck about him?' She slapped Tony round the face. 'You need to learn when to shut your overly massive mouth, Stark.'

Everyone in the room stood there stunned, for nobody had ever thought that Tony Stark would've been slapped in the face by one of his own guests.

'That was really hot.' Breathed Sam, making Bucky slap him too.

Natasha had ran over to Lila and pulled her away from Tony. It was obvious that Lila had overreacted, but for some reason her anger had got the best of her. She held Tony against the wall with such a grasp that a bruise was forming underneath his skin. Her arm was pressed against his neck, causing him to quite extensively, choke. Sam, Steve and Bucky all rushed over to Tony's aid, but it was no use. Lila was stronger than all of them put together, and she ended up blasting Sam in the stomach with an almighty kick.

'Lila, stop, you're hurting him!' Yelled Natasha, struggling to pull her off of him.

'Natasha, go-' Lila froze. She let Tony go and looked down towards her hands, sharing a worried glance at Natasha. Tony fell to the floor with a clunk, unconscious and struggling to breathe.

It's the future that they had all were frightened for.

Lila's abilities were getting stronger, and she didn't know how to conceal them.
authors note: erm

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