Peggy Carter

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A cathedral was packed with mourners, all of which were mourning the same one person. Although, some people were there who personally didn't meet the perished, yet made an impact on them in some way or another. A choir was pouring their hearts into a single song, every word meant something to someone in this room. Soothing yet saddening music played, as the entrance doors opened, revealing 6 men carrying a large coffin. Steve was one of six pallbearers carrying the coffin draped with the Union Jack. This broke many of the invitees hearts, but were honoured to be in the presence of three very impactful people of the 1900's.

Captain Steve Rogers
Margaret 'Peggy' Carter
Sergeant James 'Bucky' Barnes.

At the altar, a candle burned by a framed photograph of Peggy Carter in a military uniform. The label read "Margaret 'Peggy' Carter". Sam, Lila, Natasha and Bucky all sat in the front row of the cathedral, dressed in all black.

The priest began to speak. 'And now, I would like to invite Sharon Carter to come up and say a few words.'

Agent 13, who Sam recognised to be Steve's "neighbor" from DC, stepped up to the podium.

Steve was looking down and didn't see Sharon walk up to the altar. Sam was watching her curiously, and nudged Steve.


Steve looked up to see Sharon, who glanced at him and took a breath. Lila looked at Natasha curiously, whilst she just shook her head.

'Margaret Carter was known to most as a founder of SHIELD . . . but I just knew her as Aunt Peggy.'

Both Steve and Lila realised who it was and took a surprised breath.

'She had a photograph in her office. Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. As a kid, that was pretty cool. But it was a lot to live up to. Which is why I never told anyone we were related.'

As she said this, she directly looked at the Avengers seated in the front pew. Bucky grabbed Lila's hand softly, and squeezed it comfortingly. She smiled at him and rested her head on his shoulder.

'I asked her once how she managed to master diplomacy and espionage in a time when no one wanted to see a woman succeed at either. And she said, compromise where you can. But where you can't, don't. Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move . . . it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in they eye and say " No, you move."'


Later, Steve stood alone in the isle, still dressed in all black. Emotions were flooding his face, his cheeks tear-stained from all the crying. Natasha and Lila decided to accompany him in the large hall, standing next to him on each side. He turned to them and began to speak without any introduction.

'When I came out of the ice, I thought everyone I had known was gone. Then I found out that she was alive. I was just lucky to have her.'

'She had you back, too.' Lila spoke, passing him a tissue to wipe his eyes. He took it gratefully, nodding courteously. He turned his attention to Natasha, directly making eye contact with her through sorrowful eyes.

'Who else signed?' He asked, clearing his throat.

'Tony. Rhodey. Vision.'


Natasha chuckled. 'Says he's retired.'

Steve smiled slightly.


'TBD.' She breathed anxiously. 'I'm off to Vienna for the signing of the Accords. There's plenty of room on the jet for the two of you.'

Steve sighs and bows his head towards Lila. 'So you and Buck didn't sign it?'

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