Forbidden Love

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Lila Laurite was walking around the Avengers Tower at midnight. The lights from the New York City cityscape glazed through the windows, reflecting on her face like she was the main character in a movie. She couldn't sleep, so she ended up kicking open her door and loitered down in the kitchen. She sat on a bar stool, helping herself to a bar of chocolate and a whole bottle of Coca-Cola.

She liked these moments, where she could be left to herself to ponder in her thoughts. The only noises she could hear was the pattering of the rain on the windows, and the rustling of the wrapping on her chocolate.

But, there was another muffled sound down the corridor which seemed to have confused Lila, since it was midnight and nobody was ever awake when she came on her night time wonders.

'Let's hope Tony's cameras don't work anymore.' Muttered a quiet, feminine voice.

A manly voice chuckled. 'I turned them all off.'

'So it's like you planned this?'

'No comment.'

Lila got up from the stool and walked over to the doorway. She poked her head through the doorway, spotting a male and a female silhouette hugging one another outside one of the apartment doors.

'From tonight, we speak nothing of this, Steve, if you tell Bucky or Sam I'm going to whoop your ass.'

Lila was aghasted.

'Natasha, don't worry. I won't tell a soul.'

The man, who we know now as Mr Steve Rogers, lifted Natasha off of her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and leaned in for a kiss. Lila's mouth widened, and she contemplated filming it to show Wanda. Wanda would have probably figured out by the morning by using her magical abilities, yet Natasha cannot keep a secret to save her life.

'Alright.' Lila spoke, 'You can stop kissing now.'

Both Steve and Natasha inaudibly screamed. Lila chuckled, leaning against the wall.


'Lila!' Natasha quickly jumped out of Steve's arms and distanced herself away from him. 'It's not what it looks like!'

Lila grinned. 'I mean, you two were eating each other's faces, but okay.'

Steve went as red as a tomato. 'Lila, this is a whole misunderstanding. Natasha was having a... nightmare, and I went to check on her.'

'What, and then you snogged her?'

Nat sighed. 'Fuck off Lila. Don't tell anyone. Like I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone about you and Bucky's moment.'

'Uh, Nat? Steve!'

'Chill. He already knows.' Natasha consoled.

Lila looked at her bewildered.

Steve laughed. 'Bucky told me. He's my best friend, what did you expect?'

'Oh for the love of god please tell me he didn't tell Sam!' She groaned.

Steve slowly nodded, and Lila punched the wall. 'Fuck that guy. Sam is never going to let go of this!'

Both Steve and Nat snickered, causing Lila to become exacerbated.

'You're meant to be supporting me, not doing the fucking opposite!'

'Go to sleep, Laurite. You'll never know, you might wake up and a certain one-armed brunette boy is laid next to you.' Steve teased.

'Shut it, Rogers. I'm not the one having a forbidden love.'

Lila flipped him off.


Unfortunately, to her dismay, Lila did not wake up next to a one-armed brunette boy.

She instead woke up on the floor.

'What the shit?'

She held onto the bed and pulled herself up and looked at herself in the mirror. Her sage green jumper hung loosely off of her shoulders, and her shorts could only just be seen. Her hair was all wavy, plus the addition of smudged makeup around her lips and eyes, for she had forgotten to take it off the night before.

A smell of bacon was drifting up the stairwell and in through the cracks of her door. She couldn't decide if she was hungry enough to eat, considering that she ate a whole chocolate bar a couple hours before. There was an upside for her to head down those stairs, one; she can tell Wanda about her encounter with Steve and Nat, and two... the obvious.

'Ah, young Miss Laurite, care to join us for some Earth breakfast?' Uttered Thor, lifting up his glass of orange juice.

'I'm not that hungry, Thor, but thank you for the offer.' She showed him a warm smile, and he grinned and nodded.

On the couch behind Lila sat both Steve and Natasha, smirking and laughing with one another. Lila wiggled her eyebrows at them both, and Natasha scowled.

'What was that about?' Muttered Wanda.

Lila turned back around and rested her head in her hands. 'I'll tell you later. You'll know soon enough.'
Wanda nodded, and went back to talking with Vision.

Lila felt like the odd one out. Everyone had either a close friend or a significant other here, and she was just sat in a corner reading a book. Don't get me wrong, she has Natasha, but Natasha also has Steve, Clint, Addy...

Speaking of which, Addy would still be in California with her family and Tristan. Addy hadn't messaged Lila, nor had Tristan, so she guessed that they were either too busy, or just cannot be bothered.

'You hear about Steve and Nat?' A familiar, tedious voice spoke, pulling up a stool and sitting opposite her.

'I was a fucking witness, Barnes. Let me guess, Steve told you?'

Bucky lasciviously chortled. 'Ding ding ding. There isn't anything that that man doesn't tell me.'

'And that you don't tell him.' Lila muttered.


'Oh nothing, just the fact that you told Steve that I seduced you, oh wait, and you also told Sam! Fuck you!' She taunted, and he smirked.

'Fuck me? Go for it.'

Lila stared at him expressionlessly, and then lifted her leg up and kicked him in the stomach. He grabbed a firm hold on her foot, not letting her go.

'Fuck off! Let me go!'

Bucky sneered. 'Not until I do this.' He grabbed Lila's other foot, and pulled both of them. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her on to his lap.

'Barnes, I swear to you-'

At this point, everybody in the room had noticed the moment taking place, Bucky was holding Lila firmly in place in his lap, and she was wriggling to try and get out of his grasp. Tony was filming them, much to Pepper's dismay, making her grab the phone out of his hands and throw it across the room.

'Bucky.' She breathed in his ear, 'If you don't put me down I will not hesitate to never speak nor allure you again.'

He grinned, slowly loosening his grasp on her.

'I still hate you, Laurite.'

'We will see about that.'
authors note:
this chap was kinda boring
my brain isn't working, covid is getting to me
is bleeding lips a symptom idfk
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