I helped my best friwnd bury the body

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Hey if ur reading this then that means your reading my first book hopefully i'll write more!!$$$$$$$

Hope you like this next chapter it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside:)

Chapter 2 you and me!

9 years later.

" beep! Beep! Beep!" I rolled over hitting the reset button on the alarm clock. Uhg, 6 a.m. I looked over to see Alice sleeping like an angel. Out of the two of us Alice was always prettier. But lucky for me I was curvier. I grabbed a pillow and whacked her upside the head.

" What?!?" she mumbled into her pillow.

" Time to get up." I said with a sigh .

" Okay." She said giving up on sleep. She sat up and on one side of her head her hair was everywhere.

" Oh that's sexy!" I said my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Wah?" she said confused. I reached over and grabbed a hand mirror. She took it frome me and her face went from confusion to shck, to a glare. " Oh yeah well look at you!" she exclaimed thrusting the morror at me.

My cowlike which I normally smoothed out and trippled in size! " You look like a freakin' peacock!" I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. Alice joined in and before we knew it we were giggling hesterically holding each other. I leaned forward and we fell on our butts with a loud thud. This seemed to only increase the laughter. After we calmed down she looked at me " come on we better get ready for school or we'll have to sit in study hall for first period!"

Alice was always a stickler for the rules and if it wasn't for me she would be the perfect citizen. So instead we had been arrested once for driving a four-wheeler down the highway without helmets and we were underage. Our parents weren't too pleased and for 6 months we had to do comunity service. Still I did it with Alice so I really didn't care!

We walked into my bathroom to get ready. I took a shower first then she did. We washed our faces, I straightened my hair, and she curled her's. We both had lond hair. Mine was blonde and her's was dark brown. I put on light blue eye shadow while she put on light purple. We both wear black eyeliner and clear lip gloss. Since half of her closet was in my room and half of mine was in her's we lost track of who's was who's so we just shared it all. I wore dark blue skinny jeans and she wore a white mini-skirt. I had on a pink half sleeve shirt and she had on a yellow t-shirt. We fished through a giant pile of shoes and when we found a shoe we liked we searched for the pair. I ended up wearing hightops, and she wore a pair of really cute flats that I remembered us shopping for agreeing not to be picky about who wore them becuase we both fell in love with them.

She had a shoulder bad and I had a matching one except oposite colors. We slide down the railing on my spiral staircase that lead down to the lounge room. My stepdad, who I decided that I would tolerate concidering that mother loved him so much, was reading his iphone, probably checking the news. I didn't care he could do whatever he wanted. I went over to where my mother was making pancakes " mmm, smells good!" I joked. " Are you actually going to eat something?" she asked already knowing the answer. I shook my head no she knew I would only get a glass of orange juice. I grabbed our breakfast and we went out to get in my car.

It was a white convertable beetle. My absolute dream car! We got in and I put up the roof because I was pretty sure We didn't want wind blow hair today.

"Alright" said Alice " Let's agree that high school is no different than junior high. That we will still be us even though we might not both get on the volleyball team, even though there will be boys and we agreed we would finally start dating. Deal?" she said with a serious look on her face.

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