Chapter 13 my happily ever after... Or not

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So I've gotten pretty far into this book and those who have been reading I hope you enjoy so after you read this chapter I want you to write one comment- just one- about my book and I will reply with an open mind please comment and vote!

Chapter 13 My happily ever after... Or not.

I saw him sitting a on the park bench and I was so happy I immediately started to cry words could not describe these feelings!

"Jake!" I shout and as soon as he turns to look at me I full on sprint to get to him. He sees my face and jumps off the park bench a grin so wide it must have hurt to wear was plastered across his face. I could not will myself to move any faster but at last I was allowed to reach his side. I leapt into his arms wrapping my legs and arms tightly around him sobbing into his shirt. He held me with an iron grip stroking my hair and soothing me.

"I'm so sorry!" I choked out.

"it's alright I don't care anymore as long as we're together!" he said and I was overwhelmed with happiness! I let go of him and leaned forward to give him a peck on the cheek which quickly turned into a full on make out session. His lips were not there usual warm soft self. They were cold... And somehow lifeless and I knew I had done this to him. He was lifeless without me. But suddenly the warmth came flooding back to him and he was full of life once again. He kissed me viciously and forcefully as did I. He was everything to me and now my everything was still in my grasp. He broke away to smile at me. It was not a grin but a smile that was a relief and his eyes looked as if they would cry- as if his cool exterior would let him! I missed him so much I hadn't realized how much I loved him. That it was possible for some one- who's only known him for a few weeks- could be so undyingly in love! I hugged him again, tightly and he did the same.

Then out of no where I said " when I said I loved you I meant it... I was just scared and confused and..." but he cut me off.

" I don't care. As long as your mine now nothing you did even matters!" he said and I broke away to look into his eyes and suddenly broke out into a teary grin.

We walked back to my house where as soon as I was dropped off I ran straight to his house then the mall, then the school, and last the park in search of him. Alice did the same with Luke. It turned out that she had been secretly sending him love notes without my knowledge which was also another reason why when Jake showed up she was not too angry. She knew how much it hurt to be away from someone you loved... I walked in the front door where dad was sadly watching t.v. and mom was cooking a very depressing meal.

This was sad and I would not let that happen. "Hey!" I shout and they look at me in the Doorway and immediately there mouths drop. "What's with the long faces?" I ask with a bubbly giggle.

My mother instantly rushes to me and wraps her arms around me in death grip. When I begged her to let go my stepdad stood there looking at me with a smile. "It's good to have you back kiddo!" he said.

But that wasn't enough for me. I walked straight up to him and gave him a huge hug. "I missed you so much daddy!" OH MY GOD did I just say that!?!? I've never liked my step father no matter how hard he tried! He suddenly tensed then loosened that hug me tighter. It was an adorable moment and when it ended my mother was smiling triumphantly at us. She was so full of herself sometimes! I couldn't help but giggle! Then I turned around to look at Jake but what I saw instead was right behind Alice was racing down the street and up our driveway. I sprinted past Jake leaped right over the set of stairs and caught Alice in a death grip I considered a hug. We burst out in tears and laughter and mumbled noninteligable words to each other.

"We drid ita Ewika Wbe Drid it!" she sobbed and laughter and we probably looked like a couple of phsyco maniacs having a mental break down but I didn't care. I pulled back and realized I had ruffled her hair. So I smoothed it down and smiled at her. We wiped our faces and composed ourselves.

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