I helped my best friend hide the body

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Hey so I hope I wasn't going too fast it's just the book is really long how I'm planning it so I can't really bey subtle. So innocent little Alice is really a cold blooded murderer. Kinda makes you wonder what goes on through YOUR best friend's mind...

Haha just joking! Seriously don't go freakin' ur friend out with a bunch of creepy questions!!!!! Hey I could really use some votes too! And feel free to coment cause I love suggestions!!!!!!!

Chapter 5 North Carolina!

I called a hotel and asked if we could have a room for three days. I hadn't told Alice yet, but we weren't staying long in North Carolina. We were leaving big tracks and the cops would find us in a matter of days!!!!! We were going to have to be more careful. I stopped at a gas station to fill up. As I walked inside and was going to speak to the clerk right behind him I saw a sign. With me and Alice's face on it and below it was a big MISSING sign. "Can I help you ma'am?" He asked in a funny accent.

"Yeah. I'm pump 4." I say nervously. I try to keep my attention away from the photo of me and Alice. There was a lady behind me who was busy counting her money. i kept an eye on her in case she saw the missing sign. She showed no sign of freaking out over the poster so I kept quiet.

The store clerk was adding my total sluggishly. As if he was mocking me. I became very irritated. When he finally finished which felt like forever. I gave him the exact change and practically sN over the old woman in a hurry to escape the dreaded sign. Alice was awake now and saw me coming back out of the store. I hopped in the car and drove as fast as I could without seeming out of the ordinary.

"What was that about?"She asked sleepily.

"Alice we need to leave." I say still a little freaked out from the drug store.

She looked scared and confused. "What doyou mean? We just got here!" she said.

"They had our pictures up on the drug store window. And we're all over the news! We can't keep hiding here. The F.B.I. are smarter thN that they'll figure out it was us that killed him and we'll go to jail!" I said. She was slowly realizing what I was saying.

"Then what do we do?" she asks in a small voice.

"We have to change our looks move to a whole new place. Get some fast money then move out of the country." I say close to tears. Just then I hear my phone buzzing from inside my suit case. Alice reaches back and grabbs it. As she reads it to herself. She gets choked up and the tears start coming. Suddenly she throws the phone out of the passenger window. I looked at her shocked.

"What was that for?" I asked

"there were six messages from our parents and nine from Jake and luke. Then I got one saying they were tracking our phone."

"Oh." was all I could say. I had forgotten they could track my phone. What really killed was the messages from Jake and Luke. I really liked Jake and I had forgotten about our date yesterday. I started to sobb quietly and so did Alice.

I didn't know where I was going but soon we pulled into a tiny town in the desert. There were people walking around and releti ely no cars. We stayed the night in a small hotel. The next morning we decided to get jobs. Lucky for us there were all kinds of help wanted signs. I decided to work in a small bar and Alice is helping out at a grocery store.

We stayed there not talking to anyone that we didn't need to. The town was small but very friendly and everyone knew everyone so we were the odd balls. Which didn't seem to bother any one or start gossip. Which was fine by us.

We stayed a week slowly taking some extra jobs. So we never had a moment of free time. When we left we came out with 300$. We never spent the money unless we needed to.

Then as we drove to a new town in Boise, Idaho we got new jobs. The cops weren't far behind us so the next day I made a dicision. I took Alice to a little beaty shop and had our hair done. I had mine died black and Alice had her's died red. It looked very natural and not out of place at all. I had mine curled as well and Alice cut her's a little lower than shoulder length plus she started straightening it as well. We looked like completely different but still natural and some what attractive. Then alice got a tan and I stayed out of the sun as much as possible from behind we were totally different people! Which was exactly what I wanted.

We left Idaho with about 645$ and with the extra 250 left over plus the rest of the money I stole from mom we had enoigh money to last us a long time. Ut we kept moving the cops became pretty frustrated with us from what I hear on the television and they've started to concider that we could have run away from home and the death was just coincedence ut at least they didn't think we killed the man.

One day as we were sitting at a dinner table in a small apartment that we started living in I realized I needed to say something to Alice. Anything that could hepl us figure out what was next. "Alice," I say she looked up.

"Yeah?" she asked ready to hear what I was going to say was next for us.

"If the cops catch us we need an alaby. Are we going to say that we ran away or should we tell them we were kidnapped and forced to kill that man?" she said nothing a for a long time and I began to think that she was as lost as I was.

Then to my relief she spoke up. "We should say that we ran away and if they find out it was our DNA on the body then we'll tell them that we were forced to kill him and that we didn't tell them before because he threatened to kill us and our family if we told the truth." She says simply.

I nodd my head this was a good plan. I couldn't believe how we had gotten ourselves wrapped up into this. We were only 15 for crying out loud. I had another horrible dream that night, and I'd rather not tell Alice about it.


I had heard the screaming and ran as fast as I could. When I saw into the little clearing Alice was fighting off a few cops. I rushed in to help but was stopped. About a few feet from Alice and the cops was a giant invisible field. I threw myself at it in an attempt to shatter it but was thrown back by a shock. I was crying as Alice was ripped to shreds by the cops. There eyes were glowing and there teeth were razor sharp.

I sobbed as I tried to get to her. Enduring shock after shock until I could hardly move and crumpled to the floor. I continued to try and breK the barrier. Pathetically punching it. She gasped my name before she finally died. I sat and sobbed as it all disapeared. And all that was left was a butched lifeless version of my best friend.


I woke up and looked around. Alice was still asleep and was completely intact, to my relief. I was sweating buckets and was freezing cold. I crawled out of bed and stepped out side. It was nice out and I imediatly felt better. That was untill a hand gripped around my mouth and my scream was muffled by the sound of footsteps.

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