Chapter 9

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Hey so none of you gave me any ideas so I'm just gonna go with it my way hope you like it.

Hey so you guys have also not been giving me any joke ideas and nobodies fanning of voting. Guys I 'm feeling very unloved and more people aren't reading this upsets me. I hope you guys aren't giving up on me!!!!!!!!!!!!I mean seriously this is crazy only 9 people red my last chapter why is it that my book is not entertaining to you people?!?!?!? Can I get some critiques about how it's going cause I could you some help!!!!!!!!!! I mean when I started out I had 65 reades...

Chapter 9

We finally stopped at our last town before we left the country. We really needed to figure everything out! Alice was getting sleepy, I could tell by the way her eyelids acationally drooped and her hands would slide a fraction of the way down the steering wheel. "Alice you look really tired!" I exclaimed.

She snapped out of her daze, sitting up and yawning. "Hmmm." she said "Yea a little."

"Pull over I'm driving." I said and Alice practically slammed on the brakes in relief and swapped me seats. "So..." I start. "What are we gonna do when we get the money we needed?" I asked we obviously hadn't thought this through.

"Well we have to take quite a few steps and earn a lot more money for the extra... Essentials." She said caitiously.

"Like what?" I asked preparing myself for what was going to burn a hole in our finiances.

"Well we need all new make overs agian, and in a place the would be very low in mantianance, and we would need fake I.D.'s, passports, and that's going to be very expensive if we want to get it in secrecy." She said, equally anioded with this as I was.

"Yeah, that sounds fair. Which is why I'm taking us to Vegas. It will be easier there!" she nodded in agreement

"So where will we go?" she asked with a worried look.

"Well they'll be expecting Mexico, so I'm thinking Italy. A lot of people speak english there and we'll be able to completely start over." I say with total confidence. She seems realived and I think this is going better than she thought.

We weren't very far from Vegas in the first place so it seemed like it was no time before we were there, and let me tell you, it was exactly like they say in the movies. The lights practically blinded you, but they were so captivaiting that you just couldn't resist starring. Every other building has a casino and people were so drunk, most were half naked. This was no place for two 15 year old girls... 15... What a horible age for your life to be ruined...

We weren't sure where to start so we went to a very unexpencive looking motel 8. We got a room and brought up our money bag. We counted it all. There was 7,056 dollars in the bag after we counted 4 times. The 56 was for the room and we waisted no time here the first thing we did that night was go straight to a hair parlor. I got my hair a little crazy since we couldn't swap colors or something it was too conspicious. I got my hair black with hot pink streaks and Alice followed my lead getting blonde hiar and bright blue streaks. Even though these choices were outragious we didn't stick out at all, not in Las Vegas.

So after that we went for the I.D.'s next we found a part of town that was barely lit up. It was what we would have called the projects back in California. We looked until god shined his light on us. There was a little office with the word documents on the front. Plain and simple. But we had a feeling it would not be this easy. I parked the car locking it twice. We walked in and there was a little desk with plastic chairs by it. Next to the chairs was a small 6x6 cubical. There was a bell on the cou ter and I rang it quietly, not sure if I wanted someone to come to our aid or not. A small lottle man walked out and looked us over.

"What do you want?" He asked in a Jersey accent.

I was scared to death, but I knew how this worked. "Documents and we need them now." I siad in a fierce voice with serious eyes.

He seemed to understand that I wasn't messing around. He waved me over the the little office. I followed reluctantly. "Alright this is how it works." he siad "you give me the names, pictures and the things you need I'll have done in two days. They'll pass any security machine they throw at you, doll face."

I smiled very pleased with this short little man. "Okay, we need two I.D.'s, two passports, and anything else that might be needed." I said not sure what else was needed but went with it confidently.

He nodded his head then siad " Pictures?" I pulled out my wallet and handed him a picture I took at the hair parlor, sure that I would need it later. I handed him Alice's picture as well. He smiled, took the papers, then shooed us away saying we could pay for them when we came back.

So that was taken care of, but now it was time for us to go back under cover. We searched for jobs and found them easily. Turns out with all the tourists they need 50 people just to run a McDonalds! Alice took a job at a cafe, and I took one at a bussiness firm. I decided that if we wanted to start making big money then we would need to get better paying jobs.

The next day I sat at the little desk I was given and moped around while organizing some papers. I wanted to do something about all of this, because somewhere deep down I still held on to that last shread of hope. That we might actually find a way to go back to normal. This soon faltered after I went through every scenario in my head as to how we could ocomplish that. All ended in jail. I finally decided that I needed a reminder of home. One last thing so I could move on.

I walked down the street towards a little tatoo parlor. Alice was going to kill me!

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