The rest of our short lives

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hey so I'm REALLY sorry for not updating sooner!!!!! Pppplllleeeeaaaasssseeee don't hate me!!!!!! I promise to give you two new chapters in one day!!!!!!!!!!!

Chpater whatever(I lost count!)

"Case 413 The Alice, Erika murder." said the judge. He was a big black man with giant muscles. His voice was deep and frankly he scarred the crap out of me! Me and Alice stepped forward to the front and sat down.

I was trembling with fear and Alice held my hand to calm me down. Lately she has been the protective reassuring one which was usually my job.

The other person to step forward was an angry women in her late 40's with puffy red eyes and a tissue. She looked over and glared at us with an icy stare that froze me on the spot. Her eterny walked professionally next to her. I swallowed a giant lump in my throat and took on a mask of blank features. I would not break down crying, I would not break down crying. I repeated this in my head and stayed leveled.

"Alright." said the judge "Speak your case." my eterny stepped forward and spoke directly to the judge.

"Your honor," he said reciting the common greeting to a judge. " I am representing my clients with the recomendation that they are not guilty. Alice," he gestured to Alice and she stood "Was taking a jog through the park when she saw Mr. Henry with a girl. She claims that the girl was struggling to get away from Mr. Henry and Alice went to her aid. She found a base ball bat that was laid aside from a game the day before. Only meaning to knock Mr. Henry out so that the woman could escape she hit him in the head. She had never intended to kill him." with that he sat down with a sincere look he was good!

Mr. Henry's mom, Mrs. Henry,'s stormy stood. "Your honor I abject! Alice is in the 9th grade! She is intelligent enough to know that hitting Mr. Henry in the head would do more then hurt him!-"

"I abject!" shouts back our etorny. " In a moment of fear the body is over ridden with adrenaline making them do the instinctual thing! Alice would not have had time to think out her actions!-"

"She could have easily called the police instead of-"

"Maybe she-"

"We don't find evidence in maybe-"

Suddenly the judge jumps up "Order!" he shouts "Order in the court or I will suspend your hearing and kick you out of my court room till further notice!" they fell silent. "You may now take your whitnesses." with that the other etorny stood up and walked to the front.

"I would like to call Erika to the front." my Heart jumped into my throat, and my body went cold. Calm down you can do this. I said to myself. I stood, swallowed, and proceeded to the front. A police officer lead me to a box next to the judge and place my hand on a bible.

"Do you swear the truth and nothing but the truth?" he asked me in a deep voice.

"I do." I said loud enough for the whole court room to hear. He nodded and I stepped up to the box and sat down. The woman looked me dead in the eye and never let my gaze go.

"The day Allison called you and asked you to help her conceal the body what had happened?" she asks.

I didn't hesitate to answer "I woke one morning and she wasn't there. The next thing I know she calls my phone. She told me

She had done something bad." I stop remembering when my heart stopped at that statement so long ago. " she said she hadn't triedto kill him. Only gain time. But she hit him too hard. I didn't hesitate to ask her where she was and where we were hiding the body." with that I fall silent.

"Why didn't you immediately call the police?"

"Cause you wouldn't have given a second thought to locking Alice up in jail."

"But why didn't you just let it go, forget about her you wouldn't be charged with anything! A free escape!"

Anger rose in me and I spoke with confidence and depth "Because I couldn't get away freely. Alice is undoubtedly, certainly the whole reason of my existence. If she wasn't there I couldn't live m life would be a mess. I would be ruined... She is my other half and I would never, not once, stop to ask why I went to help her that day! She would have done that and more for me so I knew I had to too! You can say what you want and acuse me all you like, but Alice killed someone and me helping her is an act of complete love, not vigilance. I love Alice and nothing you say will change my mind." I was then dismissed and the etorny glared at me. I smiled sweetly and walked back to my chair. The continued to question people and we waited patiently.

Halfway through an argument between a judge and a bystander Alice whispered in my ear " I love you too. And thank you for what you said I know I've never said it before but I would never be friends with anyone else all I will ever need for the rest of my life will always be you! Don't ever forget that!" I squeezed her hand as a soft tear rolled down my cheek and Alice kissed it away. She then put her head on my shoulder and I put my head on her's.

Forever, Alice. Forever.

Then the judge stood and announced lunch break and we proceeded out of the court room. The eterny took us out to eat and talked with us.

"That move you made was risky Erika!" he chided me "But it might just win this case!" I smiled ruefully at him.

"Now stay confident and there shouldn't be any problems. I will handle everything!"

So he says!


The judge took half an hour to decide our fate and when he stepped back out of the back room I prepared myself for what would happen. I was convinced that we had won and I was ready to go home! The judge stepped forward.

A solem look on his face. He stood, cleared his throat and looked directly at Alice "The defendants are proven guilty."

I helped my best friend hide the bodyWhere stories live. Discover now