I helped my best friend bury the body

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I slammed my locker door and headed off to the study hall, where they have after school detention. I took the long way so I could go to Alice's locker and waste some time. "Hey!" I called from down the hall

"Hey!" She called back. We walked down the hLl and I made small talk.

"So did anyone ask you out besides that annoying stoner?" I asked her casually.

"Yeah! Like almost all the freshmen and half th juniors!" she said sounding really tired.

I laughed "About half of that asked me out!" I said still laughing my a$$ off. She bumbed me with her hip and I staggered to the side. When I regained my balance I linked arms with her and we trotted off down the hall. Before we went in she stopped me. "I gotta go use the bathroom." she said

"Okay!" I said happily. I was walked in the room and took a seat by the window. My mind wandered and I finally focused my attention on the football tryouts there were 6 boys that were really impressive and my gaze focused on the one who was a little clumsy. He wasn't the cutest boy there, but all the same still cute. He was running to catch a ball and tripped. I giggled to myself.

It had been half an hour where was Alice? She should have been back ages ago! Suddenly the door burst open and Alice ran in. "quick, quick, someone help two bys are in a fight just down the hall." she yelled looking worried.

The supervisor jumped up and ran down the hall yelling his head off like a lunatic.

"Come on!" said Alice "I'm breakin' you outta here!" she didn't haveto tell me twice I was gone. We ran down the hall as fast as we could and burst out through the emergency door into the warm sunny air.

We raced to my car and as we were running I said "I can't believe you did that!"

"oops!" she said with a giggle. I loved that girl! Btu we were going to get in soooooo much trouble it wasn't even funny!

I drove off down to her house which was an exact replica of mine besides the color. Her's was red brick and mine was grayish-white. Her room was done in purple and mine was done in green. She plopped her books down on the desk and curled up in her popasan chair.

I sat in her fuzzy bean bag chair while pulling out a pack of sweet and sour filled twizzlers. The first day these went in stores me nd Alice had to try them! Ever since we fell in love! I tossed one at her and she caught the end in her mouth. She was good at that. She could practically catch anything. Sometimes i'd through stuff att her just to see if she could catch it.

"So are you ready for volleyball tryouts?" she asked sucking the insides out of the twizzler.

"Uhh, duh you and have been practicing all summer and we joined that 'improve your skills course' too!" I said laughing

She laughed to "Just checking."

"So you got any hot dates tonight?" I asked whaggling my eyebrow. She threw a pillow at me.

"No! Not unless it was a double date and you got to come." she said giggling

"Why? Your great with guys!" I said my eyes widening.

"Yeah, right!" She siad with sarcasm " Remember that time I went to the movies with that boy and I accidentally broke his nose when he put his arm around me!"

"Okay yeah your right don't go anywhere with a boy without me!" I said luaghing. Just then my phone buzzed and I looked at the text.

Hey beautiful how you doin?

I looked at the caller ID and there was no name. I texted back.

Who is this?!?!?

A second later.

The boy who ran into you this morning trying to catch that ball.

What do you want?!?!

Alice was now standing behind me reading over my shoulder.

I wanted to apologise


I'm sorry for tackling u how bout I make it up to u. Wanna go out 2nite?


Why not?

I'm hangin out with Alice.

Just then Alice hit me upside the head "Ow!" I yelled "Why did you do that?"

"Cause your stupid!" she shouted. "That boy is smokin hot and he wants to go out with you and you won't even give him the time of day!" beep, beep. My phone buzzed and I looked at it while Alice was so close I could feel her breathing down my neck.

Pleeeaaassseee :)

Just then Alice stole my phone. I lunged for it but she held me back with her feet. After a while she tossed it to me. I read what it said

Okay fine pick me up at 7.


"I can't believe you did that!" I yelled at her. She only sat smirking at me from her spot in the chair. " I already like someone!" I shouted.

Her smirk disapeared and now she was nervous and her eyes got wide "You didn't tell me that!" she yelled looking really nervous now " and you know we don't keep secrets!!!!!"

" I know I was gonna tell you later!" I said in a defeated tone. We both sat there before Alice spoke up.

" So what are you gonna wear?" I laughed she was such a goofball! "I'm serious! If your going to go out then your going to need to wear something cute!" she exclaimed.

We got up and walked over to her/my closet. I skimmed through the clothes before I came apon a blouse that we had bought when our family went to Italy. It was black and was buttoned up half-way at the top. It was also long sleeved which was good because tonight was sopposed to be chilly. Alice found a pair of stylishly ripped dark blue skinny jeans she gave me her flats and I was set.

"Will you let me curl your hair?" she asked excitedly. I rolled my eyes and nodded my head "yay!" she yelled and dragged me to her bathroom. She curled my hair and did a really good job. Then she did my make up putting on a darker-than-usual-blue, and instead of clear lip gloss she gave me light pink. I looked amazing and I had to hand it to her she should this for a living! We sat and talked about football to get me warmed up.

Then 20 minutes later the door bell rang. Alice raced down to get it before me. She opened the door and turned on her flirty face. "Hi, there!" she giggled "Are you here to take me out tonight?" Oh my god I love that girl she is so freakin' hillarious!

"Uhm... No... Uhh" it was adorable how much he was screwing up. " I'm actually here to pick up Erika." He said coughing. She couldn't hold it any longer and burst out giggling.

"I know! Erika! He's here!" she shouted and I walked down the stairs controlling my laughter the best I could, but that didn't stop me from grinning like a goofball.

"Hi!" I siad and his eyes got wide.

I helped my best friend hide the bodyWhere stories live. Discover now